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Teens facing sex charges for butt slaps


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MCMINNVILLE, Ore., July 22 (UPI) -- Two 13-year-old Oregon boys are facing serious sex charges for allegedly slapping female classmates' bottoms as a form of horseplay.

Police arrested Cory Mashburn and Ryan Cornelison of McMinnville and if convicted could be permanently marked as sex offenders, The Portland Oregonian said Sunday. The teens also could spend as long as 10 years in juvenile detention if found guilty.

While the boys' parents have opposed such a harsh penalty, McMinnville District Aattorney Bradley Berry said such youthful acts could have longstanding consequences for the alleged victims.

"These cases are devastating to children," he said. "They are life-altering cases."

Interviews with the boys' fellow students found other teens were engaging in similar behavior at the time and two of the female victims have since recanted their statements.

The Oregonian said the boys are due in court on Aug. 20 to answer to all charges stemming from the February event.


Just another example of DA's can't be trusted and the Sex Offender list is complete crap.

good day.

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At most they should of got a 2 day suspension from school for sexual harassment. And then of course the parents can add on at home what they feel necessary. As in a beating or being grounded. But 10 years in Juvi Hall for hitting a girls butt? Thats ridiculous! I mean and it also depends the girls role in this two. In school punishment it wouldn't matter, but to take it to the courts, if the girl didn't care, wanted, or liked it, why are they attempting to punish the kids. Even if the girl hated it, felt harassed, and it made her go home and cry at night, its still not warrant of 10 years in Juvi and your name of the sex offenders list. Just ridiculous, let the damn kids go through puberty first before you start trying to throw them in jail for touching a girls butt.

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At most they should of got a 2 day suspension from school for sexual harassment. And then of course the parents can add on at home what they feel necessary. As in a beating or being grounded. But 10 years in Juvi Hall for hitting a girls butt? Thats ridiculous! I mean and it also depends the girls role in this two. In school punishment it wouldn't matter, but to take it to the courts, if the girl didn't care, wanted, or liked it, why are they attempting to punish the kids. Even if the girl hated it, felt harassed, and it made her go home and cry at night, its still not warrant of 10 years in Juvi and your name of the sex offenders list. Just ridiculous, let the damn kids go through puberty first before you start trying to throw them in jail for touching a girls butt.

This post makes me rethink my position and wonder if it is a more serious matter. "If she didn't care/enjoys it/liked it?" Those are scary phrases on this subject. It used to be the chief defense against rape.

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Bradley C Berry

Bar Number: 800153

*Status: Active Member

Company: Yamhill County District Attorney's Office

Mailing Address: Bradley C Berry

Yamhill County DA's Office

Yamhill County Courthouse

535 E 5th St

McMinnville OR 97128

County: Yamhill

Phone: 503 434-7539

Fax: 503 434-5760

Email: da@co.yamhill.or.us

Go ahead and call or e-mail this idiot for prosecuting these kids as sex offenders.

Tough on crime in Oregon, I guess. What a joke this guy is.

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This is ridiculous. I mean comeon. If my boy did that, I would make him go and publically apologize to the girls at school. But jail? :doh:

When I was in Middle School, we even had an informal club to see who could grab the most female butts. I think I had around 8, one even chased me through the school afterwards.

I was still friends with those girls after graduation from HS.

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this court has some major problems these days...

first it was a teenager getting 25 years for oral sex, now two 13 year olds might get 10 years in juvi for a slap on the ass? WOW

also, two things stuck out to me... if both kids are already 13, how would they spend 10 years in juvi? wouldn't they be transfered to a regular prison at age 18?

also, if they are minors, why were there names given to the public?

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It's a good idea to make fun of the DA here, but let's point out that I wouldn't be amazed if he isn't required by law to proceed this way. (This could be a case of a stupib law.)

I'll also point out: If the DA choses not to charge them with the maximum possible offense, than anybody really think that, next election, he won't be facing an opponent who's running TV spots claiming that the incumbent "chose not to prosecute cases of sexual abuse of 13-year-old girls."?

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Guest sith lord
Agreed. The punishment here sounds extremely harsh. Maybe a little community service and a good smackin' would do the trick?

And maybe a course on sexual harrasment.

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It's a good idea to make fun of the DA here, but let's point out that I wouldn't be amazed if he isn't required by law to proceed this way. (This could be a case of a stupib law.)

I'll also point out: If the DA choses not to charge them with the maximum possible offense, than anybody really think that, next election, he won't be facing an opponent who's running TV spots claiming that the incumbent "chose not to prosecute cases of sexual abuse of 13-year-old girls."?

Bradley Berry, the McMinnville district attorney, said his office "aggressively" pursues sex crimes that involve children. "These cases are devastating to children," he said. "They are life-altering cases."

Last year, in a previously undisclosed prosecution, he charged two other Patton Middle School boys with felony sex abuse for repeatedly slapping the bottom of a female student. Both pleaded guilty to harassment, which is a misdemeanor. Berry declined to discuss his cases against Mashburn and Cornelison.

The boys and their parents say Berry has gone far beyond what is necessary, criminalizing actions that they acknowledge were inappropriate. School district officials said Friday they had addressed the incident by suspending the students for five days.

The outlines of the case have been known. But confidential police reports and juvenile court records shed new light on the context of the boys' actions. The records show that other students, boys and girls, were slapping one another's bottoms. Two of the girls identified as victims have recanted, saying they felt pressured and gave false statements to interrogators.

The documents also show that the boys face 10 misdemeanor charges -- five sex abuse counts, five harassment counts -- reduced from initial charges of felony sex abuse. The boys are scheduled to go on trial Aug. 20.

A leading expert called the case a "travesty of justice" that is part of a growing trend in which children as young as 8 are being labeled sexual predators in juvenile court, where documents and proceedings are often secret.

Fool me once shame on you...

Fool me twice...

He's done this crap before, and he's attempting to make a name for himself.

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This post makes me rethink my position and wonder if it is a more serious matter. "If she didn't care/enjoys it/liked it?" Those are scary phrases on this subject. It used to be the chief defense against rape.

Your thinking that too much. The girls could be part of the game, to them it could be like a high five. I mean theres kids in my school and see it all the time to their friends who are girls and grab their chest or butt, and its a thing they do for some reason, and if one were to get in trouble, the other would stick up for them. Its just like when your messing around with a friend and you punch em and the arm, and security yells at you, you say its alright we were messing around. But if the girl didnt think that way, it is a whole different story, but still shouldn't be brought to court, just something the school and parents should handle.

And if it didnt bother the girls, the school and parents should still handle it as its not a good way to treat them.

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