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"How does it make one feel..."


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When you hear of how much the Cowboys are raved?

I was listening to the Doc Walker show this morning (whom personally is a great radio personality especially when he speaks of the Burgundy and Gold) and he had a session discussing the NFC East. He was emphatic about the upcoming season and went on to elaborate on the NFC East which he had people to call in and discuss their opinions.

There were a majority of Cowboy fans to call in and gloat about their "Supposingly New" team; a new stadium, a new coach and also a new philosophy. What exactly is not "new" about this team is it's "10 soon-to-be 11 years" without a playoff win!

Doc Walker was very kind to bring to the attention of one fan that needed his "stars realigned" hence the expression!

Can anyone to say how they will feel when this "New team" with a "New Philosophy" lose their first game in their "New" Stadium!

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Quite honestly, I hope the Cowboys ARE great this year....that'll only make the rivalry better. I honestly believe that the Redskins are being greatly underestimated and that as a result it'll make our wins, particularly against the Cowboys, that much sweeter.

While it's always nice to get a win, it's not nearly as much fun beating up on a 1-15 team than it is to dash the hopes of a strong contender. What made many of the games against the Cowboys so fun over the years was that BOTH clubs were in the hunt.

That being said....

.....F*CK 'em.


Oh, and TK.....I absolutely LOVE your sig....takes me back. LSF

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I never met a Cowboys fan that just wasn't a **** right off the bat when we spoke about football... before I even get a chance to say what team I am a fan of, he already is talking about how much that team sucks... "no other team.." blah blah... god forbid I was a puke fan myself and then we both we of killed each other not knowing we were rooting for the same team... puke fans=morons

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I never met a Cowboys fan that just wasn't a **** right off the bat when we spoke about football... before I even get a chance to say what team I am a fan of, he already is talking about how much that team sucks... "no other team.." blah blah... god forbid I was a puke fan myself and then we both we of killed each other not knowing we were rooting for the same team... puke fans=morons

I can't completely agree with you regarding the boys fans. Down here in FL, I have competitive banter with people in the stores all the time. It is usually friendly.

The other day I was in Target and a little girl looked at my Smoot jersey and said "Hey daddy look it's the Redskins, we like the Redskins don't we?" The dad quickly said "No we like the Cowboys" and then smiled at me. I thought it was friggin hilarious!!!!

Now if you said Eagles fans, I would agree with you. I never met one Eagles fan that I got along with! The ones I have met are a bunch of A******! It probably all depends on where you live and who you run into.

I hate the Cowboys team more than the Eagles, but I hate the Eagles fans more than the Cowboys fans!

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The reason they boast so much is because they live in the past glory years of Tom Landry and Jimmy Johnson. All the Other coaches they have had never did anything to amount to a hill of beans. Switzer won the Super Bowl with Jimmy Johnsons team and not his own. Now that is going on 12 years of no playoff wins they still think that they are the best team in the NFC East and in the NFC. Well reality is not as it seems. Year in and year out the NFL analysts pick the Cowboys to be in the playoffs and in the Super Bowl and every year they disappoint. To even go further than that, each new coach is better than the one before and it makes them an instant contender. Every new addition to the team is the piece they are missing to get them there. TO comes in and supposedly Bill Parcells signed off on it, To is there and Bill is gone. Jerry Jones is the reason for that. Jerry and TO are the two biggest team killers in the NFL and they belong together.

The NFL Analysts that are the experts are guys who played the game but weren't exactly very successful. Look at Mike Golic, Sean Salisbury, Dan Marino, Boomer Easions, Tom Jackson and Ron Jaworski. What do they all have in common? No Super Bowl rings. Take Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin, Mike Ditka, and now Bill Parcells, they all won Super Bowls as players or coaches or both. But all of them have one thing in common. They don't know **** about who is going to win the Super Bowl. They base their picks based on what happened last year and copy each other. Gil Brandt is another idiot that always picks the Cowboys. Why? Because he is a former Cowboy employee.

An NFL Analysts is like the weatherman. They get lucky every now and then. I can see the writing on the wall and in the Analysis of the NFL. The NFL is kissing Jerry Jones ass for some reason like they owe Jerry and the Cowboys some kind of debt and then make the Redskins Dan Snyder pay a price for buying a rival team and do the same things as Jerry Jones has done. Plus there are so many of the ex-players of the Redskins rivals, or teams that always lost to the Redskins when they played, that it is hard to get a unbiased analyst of them.

Mike Golic (Eagles), Troy Aikman (Cowboys), Ron Jaworski (Eagles),Gil Brandt (Cowboys exec), Sean Salisbury (Vikings) and Tom Jackson (Denver) to name a few. Another reason why is due to those writers who never played the game and wrote for rival teams. They might be able to cover the games but that doesn't make them an expert. They are only expressing their opinion as fact and then getting paid for it. Anyone can do that. It also sounds like someone that is bitter and envious.

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The reason they boast so much is because they live in the past glory years of Tom Landry and Jimmy Johnson. All the Other coaches they have had never did anything to amount to a hill of beans. Switzer won the Super Bowl with Jimmy Johnsons team and not his own. Now that is going on 12 years of no playoff wins they still think that they are the best team in the NFC East and in the NFC. Well reality is not as it seems. Year in and year out the NFL analysts pick the Cowboys to be in the playoffs and in the Super Bowl and every year they disappoint. To even go further than that, each new coach is better than the one before and it makes them an instant contender. Every new addition to the team is the piece they are missing to get them there. TO comes in and supposedly Bill Parcells signed off on it, To is there and Bill is gone. Jerry Jones is the reason for that. Jerry and TO are the two biggest team killers in the NFL and they belong together.

The NFL Analysts that are the experts are guys who played the game but weren't exactly very successful. Look at Mike Golic, Sean Salisbury, Dan Marino, Boomer Easions, Tom Jackson and Ron Jaworski. What do they all have in common? No Super Bowl rings. Take Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin, Mike Ditka, and now Bill Parcells, they all won Super Bowls as players or coaches or both. But all of them have one thing in common. They don't know **** about who is going to win the Super Bowl. They base their picks based on what happened last year and copy each other. Gil Brandt is another idiot that always picks the Cowboys. Why? Because he is a former Cowboy employee.

An NFL Analysts is like the weatherman. They get lucky every now and then. I can see the writing on the wall and in the Analysis of the NFL. The NFL is kissing Jerry Jones ass for some reason like they owe Jerry and the Cowboys some kind of debt and then make the Redskins Dan Snyder pay a price for buying a rival team and do the same things as Jerry Jones has done. Plus there are so many of the ex-players of the Redskins rivals, or teams that always lost to the Redskins when they played, that it is hard to get a unbiased analyst of them.

Mike Golic (Eagles), Troy Aikman (Cowboys), Ron Jaworski (Eagles),Gil Brandt (Cowboys exec), Sean Salisbury (Vikings) and Tom Jackson (Denver) to name a few. Another reason why is due to those writers who never played the game and wrote for rival teams. They might be able to cover the games but that doesn't make them an expert. They are only expressing their opinion as fact and then getting paid for it. Anyone can do that. It also sounds like someone that is bitter and envious.

Wow! Great analysis!!

Just watch PTI! Those guys hate the Cowboys!!

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Quite honestly, I hope the Cowboys ARE great this year....that'll only make the rivalry better. I honestly believe that the Redskins are being greatly underestimated and that as a result it'll make our wins, particularly against the Cowboys, that much sweeter.

While it's always nice to get a win, it's not nearly as much fun beating up on a 1-15 team than it is to dash the hopes of a strong contender. What made many of the games against the Cowboys so fun over the years was that BOTH clubs were in the hunt.

That being said....

.....F*CK 'em.


Oh, and TK.....I absolutely LOVE your sig....takes me back. LSF

**** the cowboys i hope they suck for the rest of my life, and then even after im dead i want them to suck. I will never wish the cowpisses good,never.

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I'm kinda on the fence about the Cowboys this year....too many questions to solidify them as an NFC Powerhouse just yet...I dont think they will be as good as some say, nor will they be as bad as some say...

Talent-wise? Yeah, its there...

But, with a new coach and new system, we'll see....plus, what kind of Tony Romo sits to pee do we see? What kind of T.O. do we see? Who will be the main RB?? Jones or Barber?? Will the defense play like it is supposed to....or will they be the defense that gave up 30+ pts to the Lions with the Division on the line??

I think the only thing certain is ESPN will give them lots of attention...and T.O. will be T.O. eventually.

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Now if you said Eagles fans, I would agree with you. I never met one Eagles fan that I got along with! The ones I have met are a bunch of A******! It probably all depends on where you live and who you run into.

I hate the Cowboys team more than the Eagles, but I hate the Eagles fans more than the Cowboys fans!

I feel the same way about the Cowboys and Giants.

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I don't mind the cowboys getting talked up. I don't mind any East team getting talked up. I just wish we would have earned more respect over the last 15 years or so. The way it used to be, back when the East had better teams than the rest of the league. Our division being great, makes our team better.

What I can't stand is the fans of the Skins who say "i'm glad we aren't getting talked up this year". That sucks. That esentially meen your happy last year and over a decade before, we have not performed at the level we should. We should invite competion. So what if every radio show is over run with hardly know anything cowboy fans.

Yes it drives me nuts that no matter where you are, you'll find people who decided to become cowboy fans, but whatever. Our team should be inviting competion. I want to play the best teams at thier highest level all year long, so when we hit the playoffs, we will be playing at the highest level. If our division won every game outside of the East, I would be happy as hell. Yes, I hate the cowboys, but I want the competion. It only makes us better.

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The NFL Analysts that are the experts are guys who played the game but weren't exactly very successful. Look at Mike Golic, Sean Salisbury, Dan Marino, Boomer Easions, Tom Jackson and Ron Jaworski. What do they all have in common? No Super Bowl rings. Take Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin, Mike Ditka, and now Bill Parcells, they all won Super Bowls as players or coaches or both. But all of them have one thing in common. They don't know **** about who is going to win the Super Bowl. They base their picks based on what happened last year and copy each other. Gil Brandt is another idiot that always picks the Cowboys. Why? Because he is a former Cowboy employee.

An NFL Analysts is like the weatherman. They get lucky every now and then. I can see the writing on the wall and in the Analysis of the NFL. The NFL is kissing Jerry Jones ass for some reason like they owe Jerry and the Cowboys some kind of debt and then make the Redskins Dan Snyder pay a price for buying a rival team and do the same things as Jerry Jones has done. Plus there are so many of the ex-players of the Redskins rivals, or teams that always lost to the Redskins when they played, that it is hard to get a unbiased analyst of them.

Mike Golic (Eagles), Troy Aikman (Cowboys), Ron Jaworski (Eagles),Gil Brandt (Cowboys exec), Sean Salisbury (Vikings) and Tom Jackson (Denver) to name a few. Another reason why is due to those writers who never played the game and wrote for rival teams. They might be able to cover the games but that doesn't make them an expert. They are only expressing their opinion as fact and then getting paid for it. Anyone can do that. It also sounds like someone that is bitter and envious.

That's why the networks should hire Darrell Green as an analyst! :D

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