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How is there not a thread on this already? I am deeply ashamed of all of us


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Is the link NSFW?

The one I clicked on and I only looked at DC all the pics were PG


I'm not a barhound and I agree. I have seen some who look better, although I always wonder if it's the girl or the photograph. Some need to hire better photographers... and the lighting.

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Anna who works at Love went to Virginia Tech

The DC list is useless without the girl who works on the 2nd floor at Rhinos in Gtown

My friend worked at Rhinos and still plays poker with the manager(that hot bartenders boyfriend). Whenenver we go there I can do only two things. Stare at her. Pretend not to stare at her.

She really is the hottest bartender in DC with no close second.

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Anna who works at Love went to Virginia Tech

The DC list is useless without the girl who works on the 2nd floor at Rhinos in Gtown

YES, thank god someone has a clue. That girl drives me nuts whenever im up there..although its been a good while...does she still work there?

Also the blonde at McFaddens on lower level main bar is ridiculous as well. Those 2 are better than any of these nominees.

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Okay, I have never gone to this club. I am now officially tempted. Is it the kind of club where I would be blackballed while other cooler and more exciting people get to enter?

Rhinos? Na it is a real chill place on M street if you don't mind the douchebaggery that exists there

You won't have trouble getting in

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