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I have no idea what this poll really means


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"While 83 percent said Congress was doing a fair or poor job, just 14 percent rated it excellent or good. Last October, in its final days, the Republican-led Congress earned ratings of excellent or good from 23 percent of voters."

14 percent approval rating??????

I think it could easily be read to mean that the claims by Dems that the public voted against the GOP in 06 is wrong. What the public did was vote against all politicans.

I think we could be in for a very big suprise in 08.

I also think the guy who benefits most from this poll is Bloomberg.

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Yes, 100% of poll respondents agree...politicians suck.

Bingo. Politicians are getting worse and worse. They are so obligated to their campaign contributers that they forget why they are in office. 95% of them are useless to 99% of the population. They are all sellouts and it is finally being noticed. Man does this country need a legit 3rd party.

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I'd like to see a poll where people are asked about their specific representatives in Congress.

I think I remember that people overwhelmingly support their own Congressional people, but think Congress as a whole blows. What that really says to Politicians is that a) voters love Pork, and B) voters don't know what their Representatives are voting for.

the better poll might be do people actually KNOW who their representatives are!;) :logo:

lol, I think this has been done many, many times, but it sounds like the basis for a new reality gameshow "Are you smarter than a politician?"


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the better poll might be do people actually KNOW who their representatives are!;) :logo:

Touche. Its easy to all agree congress sucks, when we all vote in different races (mostly). However, when it comes down to a national election for Prez. Its a different situation. No?

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It could also mean that the public is disgusted by the obstructionism on the part of the Republicans. You know, the ones that still hold many, many seats in Congress.

Right, and that's why Bush has a 34% rating. If they were just upset at Republicans why would his rating be more than twice as high?:doh:

EDIT: What I mean is different people are upset with different politicians. It cuts both ways. It is impossible to say that this poll means people are upset with Rs or Ds. They seem to be upset with all of them.

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Right, and that's why Bush has a 34% rating. If they were just upset at Republicans why would his rating be more than twice as high?:doh:

because he's 1 man who's base is hanging on. Polls for a name vs. a nameless bunch are just dumb.

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It could also mean that the public is disgusted by the obstructionism on the part of the Republicans. You know, the ones that still hold many, many seats in Congress.
I don't know, I saw many liberals berating Pelosi the other day. That was a little surprising.
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I don't know, I saw many liberals berating Pelosi the other day. That was a little surprising.

I'm not saying that's what it is for certain. I'm just throwing that out there as a possibility it seems many people are ignoring. It's not like the Dems have some type of huge majority where they can just do whatever they want.

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I think it shows that the American people aren't as stupid as those in power think. The dems were given the power and didn't have a plan. Just as I suspected, they were all negative and Bush sucks, but no plan B. Than they acually got the power and couldn't do anything with it.

We have a problem. Democrats don't really have a direction, they kinda move to where ever the polls say and republicans have forgotten who wins elections, and what it means to be conservative.

I'm acually looking forward to the 08 elections. It should be exciting. each side has a bunch of losers that no one really wants to vote for, but each side feels responsible since they really don't want the opposing side to win. So my question is? Which LOSER will be our next president??

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Bingo. Politicians are getting worse and worse. They are so obligated to their campaign contributers that they forget why they are in office. 95% of them are useless to 99% of the population. They are all sellouts and it is finally being noticed. Man does this country need a legit 3rd party.

On the contrary, what the country needs is Ronald Reagan. Or, someone else who holds to a true limited government/libertarian ideology (not Ron Paul, who is a wing nut). Politicians will always be corrupt and untrustworthy. The only way to keep them from screwing things up too badly is to take away their power, by reducing the size and reach of the government. This is precisely what the founders intended, and it has to be constantly reclaimed by the people in order to preserve it.

What that means though, is that the LAST thing people fed up with government should do is to vote for DEMOCRATS, whose sole reason for existence is to empower politicians and bureaucrats. As such, the election last November was utterly irrational. Anyone who voted for Bush in 2004 and then voted for a Democrat in 2006 ought to be ashamed of themselves, and ought to go get their IQ checked to make sure they're even qualified to vote.

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The poll is relatively plain. Most people think Congress is doing a fair job. That is that they seem to be yacking and proposing on issues that the people want them to be yacking about. Simultaneoulsy, most people feel they've done a poor job on executing. For example, most Americans want us out of Iraq or a drastic change in the nature of our presence in Iraq (according to other polls based on other polls still) People are pleased Congress is putting Bush's feet to the fire and trying to amp up the pressure, but they are displeased that nothing has been no real substansive change.

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