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need help, baseball fan telliong me that football isnt close to baseball

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I think the average football player is a better athlete than the average baseball player, but the hand-eye coordination required in baseball is unlike that in any other sport as far as I'm concerned. Kind of like Mr. S said, they're both challenging sports for entirely different reasons.

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I'm assuming "they" mean the most technical skill?

I think that old adage came to be because even the very best hitters are only successful about 1/3 of the time. Anybody who's seen the video of Alex Ovechkin's falling, spinning, sliding on the ice wrister-flip shot knows that you definitely argue that point.

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I think baseball players practice and prepare just as much as football players, but during games they have it much easier. The only people that should be sweating after a baseball game are the refs, the pitcher, and the catcher because everyone else just stands around most of the time.

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Everyone has their own personal preferences and they are developed by ones environment (family and friends).

Why I prefer football to baseball -

For baseball, a lot of teams find themselves some 15-20 games behind half way through the season the second half of the season equates to a long time of dispair and hopelessness (I have given up on the Orioles or Nationals and there is 70 or 80 games left). Football, with only 16 games in a season does not suffer so long a time of hopelessness.

For baseball on every pitch the pitcher or batter fiddles around, steps off the mound to scratch an itch, wipe a brow, or just to make the batter get tired of waiting. The batter does the same, steps back to check the sign, scratch an itch, wipe a brow, get the dirt out of his cleats, or just get the pitcher tired of waiting for him to get set. After all those delays the pitch is finally made and usually there is no action (a ball or strike is called). With football every play there is some action.

So for me baseball is just plain boring. Football has much more action and excitement.

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Here's my addition, in baseball the players aren't working as often. If the average hitter gets on base 1/3rd of the time then that means the other 7 players on defense are simply waiting for something to happen, and when a ball is hit it is normally less than half of the defense that is acting on the ball. And on offense only 1 person is working, 2 if you count the batter on deck, the rest of the players are in the dug out eating sunflower seeds. What's more is that pitchers rarely pitch a full game anymore, instead it is very common to see 2 and 3 pitchers during a game.

Now compare that to football where the 11 players on the field are each actively participating on every play, do they all touch the ball? No, but most of them are fighting against another player creating hole or trying to get to the ball carrier, and the plays in football last just about as long as the plays in baseball.

However, this should not take away from the difficulty of hitting and pitching a baseball at the professional level. But, that's only two players on the whole team.

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I played baseball and i love watching football. I definitely believe Football is the more enjoyable sport to watch and the players are better athletes. The skill of hitting a baseball is only one element of the game, but definitely very difficult.

I can see why baseball is boring to watch for a lot of you, but i can assure that if you take the time to learn the game and watch how every player makes minor adjustments during each pitch.

The statement that only a few guys react on every play is simply false. When the ball is in play all 9 players have to react and move to a specific part of the field --- Do they always? No, but you will find the teams that dont....arent in the hunt long.

I also think baseball needs to contract teams and reduce the schedule.

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The statement that only a few guys react on every play is simply false. When the ball is in play all 9 players have to react and move to a specific part of the field --- Do they always? No, but you will find the teams that dont....arent in the hunt long.

Running to a different spot on the field every few pitches is not quite the same as fighting against some of the biggest men in professional sports on every play. Surely you aren't trying to compare the two.

Surely Bonds not jogging a few yards on an in-field grounder, does not have as great an impact as a football player staying in place during a play.

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I played baseball and i love watching football. I definitely believe Football is the more enjoyable sport to watch and the players are better athletes. The skill of hitting a baseball is only one element of the game, but definitely very difficult.

I can see why baseball is boring to watch for a lot of you, but i can assure that if you take the time to learn the game and watch how every player makes minor adjustments during each pitch.

The statement that only a few guys react on every play is simply false. When the ball is in play all 9 players have to react and move to a specific part of the field --- Do they always? No, but you will find the teams that dont....arent in the hunt long.

I also think baseball needs to contract teams and reduce the schedule.

You make some strong points, rokbolt, and I largely agree with you. I'll respectfully disagree with the last line though.

As you well know, baseball is a numbers game. Always has been. All I have to do is say "61" or "714" or "755," and you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you cut the season to, say, 120 games, single season records become meaningless. (I know they used to only play 140, or something like that, but I digress.)

Also, I don't think it's the fact that there are too many teams that's hurting baseball right now. I think it comes down to a lack of true revenue sharing. This leaves teams like the Pirates knowing that they'll be out of the hunt by mid-June usually. Whereas in the NFL, the smallest market team (Green Bay) has a rich and storied history, and true hope for the future.

I'm a little too young to really remember the Buccos '79 team, and I'm pretty certain the Pirates will never win the Series again in my lifetime. I doubt Packer fans feel the same way about another Lombardi.

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i need help with arguments againts a baseball fan telling me that base ball is harder than foot ball

Ah, yes. You don't know the answer or any rebuttals so you figure you'll make a thread on a message board. :rolleyes: Just admit defeat and tell him you don't know why football is more difficult than baseball. You just think so.

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Ah, yes. You don't know the answer or any rebuttals so you figure you'll make a thread on a message board. :rolleyes: Just admit defeat and tell him you don't know why football is more difficult than baseball. You just think so.

You know what, cjc? You're an ***hole. However, in this case, that doesn't make you any less right. :laugh:


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