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Sheffield calls out Torre, Jeter, Bonds in HBO interview


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Well this should be interesting....:munchout:

Full story: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/print?id=2935737&type=story

Sheffield calls out Torre, Jeter, Bonds in HBO interview

ESPN.com news services

Gary Sheffield has strong words about New York Yankees manager Joe Torre, former Yankees teammate Derek Jeter, San Francisco slugger Barry Bonds and steroids in an interview with HBO's "Real Sports" that will air next Tuesday.

Sheffield says Torre treats black players differently from white players and says Jeter, who is from a mixed-race marriage, "ain't all the way black," during the interview with Andrea Kremer, as reported by Newsday.

As for Bonds, Sheffield says "if I took what Barry Bonds took, why don't I look like him?" He also says that he never took steroids because "the bottom line is steroids is something you stick in your butt -- period."

He added that he would be willing to talk to baseball's steroids investigator, former Senator George Mitchell. "I don't feel like it's all that much of a threat to me," he said.

A copy of the interview was made available to Newsday, the newspaper reported. The show airs for the first time on Tuesday at 10 p.m. ET.

Sheffield, who left the Yankees after last season to sign a free-agent deal with the Detroit Tigers, claimed that a "couple of blacks that were there" had an issue with Torre.

"They weren't treated like everybody else. I got called out in a couple of meetings that I thought were unfair," Sheffield told Kremer.

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Sheffield, who left the Yankees after last season to sign a free-agent deal with the Detroit Tigers, claimed that a "couple of blacks that were there" had an issue with Torre.

That's the thing about Sheffield, he can't keep his mouth shut.

But, he was traded, he didn't leave as a free agent. He wanted to stay in NY. I wish the Yanks kept him instead of Abreu.......

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Guest sith lord

Why is Sheffield an idiot? None of you have never been in a Yankee clubhouse. He just might be telling the truth. Who knows? Say what you will about Sheff, but know one has ever called him a liar.

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Why is Sheffield an idiot? None of you have never been in a Yankee clubhouse. He just might be telling the truth. Who knows? Say what you will about Sheff, but know one has ever called him a liar.

You obviously don't know much about Gary Sheffield. He has a habit of making himself the victim. He left Milwaukee in a huff, after he admitted to not running out ground balls in an attempt to get traded. He left the Dodgers, all upset because they wouldn't give him a long term extension and he trashed the organization as soon as he left. Gary Sheffield is a great player, but it's never his fault so I would have to believe this is just another example of where Gary didn't get his way and decided to use the race card.

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He left Milwaukee in a huff, after he admitted to not running out ground balls in an attempt to get traded.

And also purposefully making throwing errors when he still played third. But I will let him slide a little on that, because he was really young and stupid. Now he is old...and stupid.

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Funny how folks are quick to pull the race card out when someone points out racial imbalance in a situation.Historically the Yankees have been lukewarm at best to Black ball players in the recent past,Reggie Jackson notwithstanding.

Sure Sheffield has a book to plug.But seems to me that the new indifference is calling him out and not addressing what he has to say.

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Funny how folks are quick to pull the race card out when someone points out racial imbalance in a situation.Historically the Yankees have been lukewarm at best to Black ball players in the recent past,Reggie Jackson notwithstanding.

Sure Sheffield has a book to plug.But seems to me that the new indifference is calling him out and not addressing what he has to say.

You make a really good point, Thanos. Especially in your first sentence. My only thing is that, while it wouldn't surprise me if this is indeed taking place in Torre's clubhouse, because it comes out of Sheffield's mouth, it automatically makes you question the validity, which leads to people screaming, "Race card!" This situation is really a Catch-22. It would carry more weight if it came out of Derek Jeter's mouth.

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Guest sith lord
You obviously don't know much about Gary Sheffield. He has a habit of making himself the victim. He left Milwaukee in a huff, after he admitted to not running out ground balls in an attempt to get traded. He left the Dodgers, all upset because they wouldn't give him a long term extension and he trashed the organization as soon as he left. Gary Sheffield is a great player, but it's never his fault so I would have to believe this is just another example of where Gary didn't get his way and decided to use the race card.

It may or may not be true, we don't know. I suppose if Lofton and the other player back up Sheffields comments, I suppose they're playing the race card also. I do have a feeloing that Torre treats players that aren't core Yankees differently. I think A-Rod would agree with that out of public.

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Funny how folks are quick to pull the race card out when someone points out racial imbalance in a situation.Historically the Yankees have been lukewarm at best to Black ball players in the recent past,Reggie Jackson notwithstanding.

Sure Sheffield has a book to plug.But seems to me that the new indifference is calling him out and not addressing what he has to say.

Where have the Yankees been lukewarm towards black ballplayers in the recent past?

My memory may be wrong, but I think they were the last team to integrate. Other than that, I'd love to see your proof.


















Just sayin.

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It may or may not be true, we don't know. I suppose if Lofton and the other player back up Sheffields comments, I suppose they're playing the race card also. I do have a feeloing that Torre treats players that aren't core Yankees differently. I think A-Rod would agree with that out of public.

If Lofton backed a fellow player, I wouldn't think it was anything other than that - A PLAYER BACKING ANOTHER PLAYER. Lofton and Sheffield both have a history of rubbing people the wrong way so it wouldn't surprise me. NO NOT BECAUSE THEIR BLACK, BUT BECAUSE THEY ALWAYS WHINE ABOUT HOW THEY'RE THE VICTIM! And they're not the only ones, Jeff Kent is an insufferable bastage who does the same thing. Another obscure guy would be Shea Hillderbrand, same thing.

And I wouldn't doubt if Torre is showing favoritism in the clubhouse. That doesn't mean it's based one some racial bias. I didn't hear anybody cry racism in the Giants Clubhouse when Dusty Baker let Bonds warden off half the clubhouse for his recliner and big screen tv. Most managers handle their star players differently than the average players of the world.

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Guest sith lord
If Lofton backed a fellow player, I wouldn't think it was anything other than that - A PLAYER BACKING ANOTHER PLAYER. Lofton and Sheffield both have a history of rubbing people the wrong way so it wouldn't surprise me. NO NOT BECAUSE THEIR BLACK, BUT BECAUSE THEY ALWAYS WHINE ABOUT HOW THEY'RE THE VICTIM! And they're not the only ones, Jeff Kent is an insufferable bastage who does the same thing. Another obscure guy would be Shea Hillderbrand, same thing.

And I wouldn't doubt if Torre is showing favoritism in the clubhouse. That doesn't mean it's based one some racial bias. I didn't hear anybody cry racism in the Giants Clubhouse when Dusty Baker let Bonds warden off half the clubhouse for his recliner and big screen tv. Most managers handle their star players differently than the average players of the world.

Do you really think Lofton or any other black player would back Sheffield on the subject of racism just because he's a fellow player?

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Guest sith lord

Just reported on ESPN. Lofton was asked about Sheffields's comments and he said "Sheffield knows what he's talking about and that's all I'm gonna say."

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Just reported on ESPN. Lofton was asked about Sheffields's comments and he said "Sheffield knows what he's talking about and that's all I'm gonna say."

K, two Yankees out of all the ones that have played for Torre over 12 years.

One, a noted malcontent. The other, a hired gun who only spent a year with the team and publicly stated he didn't get as much playing time as he thought he would.

Anyway, the dugout nails it again: http://dugout.progressiveboink.com/archive/b98.html

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Why is Sheffield an idiot?

A couple of quotes, for starters:

-"if I took what Barry Bonds took, why don't I look like him?"

-He says that he never took steroids because "the bottom line is steroids is something you stick in your butt -- period."

-Sheffield says . . . Jeter, who is from a mixed-race marriage, "ain't all the way black."

Sheffield may be a good baseball player, but from these and other quotes, he sounds borderline retarded to me.

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Guest sith lord
Why do racists exist?

Because people can not shut the **** up about it. The same people that constantly bicker about it are the same ones that complain that it is still around. :doh:

If you don't think racism exist, then you're the one with the problem. You NEVER get rid of a problem if you just pretend like it doesn't exist.

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