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Question/Answer Session with Todd Collins

Todd Collins 15

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Hey there beautiful strangers,

I know you're thinking twice in one day is a lot of TC, but I was consulting with my consulting advisor, and we decided a great promotional idea for the upcoming season would be a questions/answers session with yours truly.

So, in the next few days, TC will be taking time out of his busy schedule, recline at the cheescake factory and answer Skinhead questions from all four corners of the globe. No one is too young or too old, too smart or too dumb, too bold or too beautiful to ask TC a question.

So shoot away at toddcoll15@yahoo.com - and i'll post answer/replies on my blog

Todd Collins



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"Who is Todd Collins?"

Who am I is a question for the ages. That’s one we are all searching for, to find out who I am, who’s in there, who wants to come out and say, hey, I'm hungry. Who I am is too deep and prof-, almost, you gotta go in deep and pull out the thing like with the movie with the thing came out of the stomach and up the people on the ****ing spaceship, may they rest in peace. My name is Todd Collins... lione. I'm also known as Benny the Groins, Sammy the Snoz, Elmer the Fudd, Tubby the Tuba, and once as Miss Fillis Lavine, but that was at a party, it was years ago, I smoked a te-te-bet and I had a quc-ca-lude and suddenly, I'm in fishnets and singing show tunes. These things happen, but it has nothing to do with what I'm here answering questions from you fine gentlemen today.

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"Who is Todd Collins?"

Who am I is a question for the ages. That’s one we are all searching for, to find out who I am, who’s in there, who wants to come out and say, hey, I'm hungry. Who I am is too deep and prof-, almost, you gotta go in deep and pull out the thing like with the movie with the thing came out of the stomach and up the people on the ****ing spaceship, may they rest in peace. My name is Todd Collins... lione. I'm also known as Benny the Groins, Sammy the Snoz, Elmer the Fudd, Tubby the Tuba, and once as Miss Fillis Lavine, but that was at a party, it was years ago, I smoked a te-te-bet and I had a quc-ca-lude and suddenly, I'm in fishnets and singing show tunes. These things happen, but it has nothing to do with what I'm here answering questions from you fine gentlemen today.

:phone: Pittman4Two is calling. He wants his schtick back.

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Todd Collins, I would like for you to fully enjoy your final days on the team. You have outlived your usefulness to the skins and pretty soon ur ass is grass.

I have never understood the saying: "your ass is grass."

Can you explain that saying "Todd"

God I am bored.

This proves it.

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Obviously this guy is mod-supported or he would have been NNT'd.

It's a shame there's such a double standard in the application of forum rules.

Whats with you guys these days? All I read is 'ban this guy!', 'NNT that guy!'.....

Guess what? He's not mod-supported, we just have better things to stress about.

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