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Ugh Clinton just made me sick in her NH debate


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click the link for the article...I only wanted to focus on the blurb from the bi....nvrmind ;)


OK...I will vote for whomever I feel is right but what Hillary said in this debate makes me sick.

For all who critisize Guiliani for trying to ride the 9/11 wave..Hillary just did the same thing. But the part that made me sick is her calling herself a New Yorker. Sorry....she has NO CLUE what it means to be a New Yorker. I really hope she just gets humiliated.

Heres the quote from the article...I seriousl almost had to vomit after reading it...

"As a New Yorker, “I have seen first hand the terrible damage that can be inflicted on our country by a small band of terrorists,” Clinton said."

edit...ok I didn't post this to be a republican vs democrat debate....just so ya know... ;)

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I'm on the fence with this one. She was representing NY already and probably has flown down to ground zero many times and spoken with lots of survivors and their families, so she has seen it. If she has said, as a Senator from New York, I have seen first hand what kind of horror.... it would have been cool, but I can see where her claim of being a New Yorker is over the top.

Then again, I have read the New Yorker for years and as a subscriber I feel that I too...

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I'm on the fence with this one. She was representing NY already and probably has flown down to ground zero many times and spoken with lots of survivors and their families, so she has seen it. If she has said, as a Senator from New York, I have seen first hand what kind of horror.... it would have been cool, but I can see where her claim of being a New Yorker is over the top.

Then again, I have read the New Yorker for years and as a subscriber I feel that I too...

yeah but the point is...I hear all the time (from both sides) on how Guiliani tries to use 9/11. But from what I have seen he only talks about it when someone brings it up. But she just blurts it out...sorry...she has no right to call herself a New Yorker..all she is is a carpet bagger ;) (ooo the reverse irony :laugh: ).

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I hear you... I think the reason people focus more on Rudy's New York connection is because it's more of a threat to his competitors. It should not be the same for Hillary because A) you're right she's a carpet bagger B) her first hand experience is sideways and somewhat after the fact and C) No one really associates her with NY or especially 9/11. Her identity is already elsewhere defined.

Rudy became a national figure and a contender in large part because of how he handled the aftermath of 9/11.

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yeah but the point is...I hear all the time (from both sides) on how Guiliani tries to use 9/11. But from what I have seen he only talks about it when someone brings it up. But she just blurts it out...sorry...she has no right to call herself a New Yorker..all she is is a carpet bagger ;) (ooo the reverse irony :laugh: ).

Remember a few weeks back when Giuliani suggested that if a Democrat were elected President another terrorist attack would be more likely to happen?

See the irony here? I'll give you a hint. Guess who was mayor of NY on 09/11? Great track record Rudy.

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Remember a few weeks back when Giuliani suggested that if a Democrat were elected President another terrorist attack would be more likely to happen?

See the irony here? I'll give you a hint. Guess who was mayor of NY on 09/11? Great track record Rudy.

yeah but he's not directly trying to ride a wave is what I am saying. He's not trying to cry on someones shoulder and say "look what I have been through as a New Yorker" she just did...and shes not a New Yorker. It disgusts me to even know she called herself that...

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She's not a New Yooooorka, She's a socialist

Sarge, I think that would make her a New Yorker, at least from the City.

My problem with Hillery is my problem with McCain. McCain had the independents and was the most admired politician early on in the Bush administration. Then he tried to make himself more acceptable to the Bush Republicans. The end result is Bush Republicans still hate him, and now independents don't like him either.

Hillary is acting like she's already won the Democratic primary. She's driving to the right in order to appeal to Bush core voters. Problem is Bush's core voters will never vote for Hillery. They hate and fear the Clinton's. Especially Hillery. When Hillary said in the last debate that the country is safer now than before 9/11; just not as safe as we could be. She's just alienating her own base. Bill was the master of alienating the extremists on the left and driving to the middle in order to take voters away from the Republicans... Leaving his own extremists nowhere to go. "The era of big government is over!!". I think that strategy will backfire in 2008 however because the electorates are so polarized; the extremists are more in control of each of their parties. Clearly on the Right, but also on the left.

Bills advantage when using this strategy was he really didn't have any political beliefs of his own; this allowed him to go with the prevailing wind, and take credit for any progress. Hillery I'm not so sure off. First I don't think she's nearly as polished as Bill. Second I think she comes to the plate with her own ideas; we just don't know what they are.

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yeah but he's not directly trying to ride a wave is what I am saying. He's not trying to cry on someones shoulder and say "look what I have been through as a New Yorker" she just did...and shes not a New Yorker. It disgusts me to even know she called herself that...

Yes he is. Are you friggin kidding me? "America's Mayor" isn't using 9/11 for political gain.... the guy answers questions constantly pointing out that he was mayor of NY when it got hit like it makes him more worthy of something.

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Yes he is. Are you friggin kidding me? "America's Mayor" isn't using 9/11 for political gain.... the guy answers questions constantly pointing out that he was mayor of NY when it got hit like it makes him more worthy of something.

difference is the question is asked first...she blurted it out Dest.

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Hillary will claim she is ANYTHING to get elected.

so far over the years she has claimed she is:

from Chicago

a Cubs fan

a Yankees fan

from Arkansas

from New York

a humiliated wife

not just someone to bake cookies

a co-president

part Jewish

devout Christian

tried to join the Marines

led the Peace movement on campus

the list of her lies goes on ad infinitum. just read Bernstein's book that is coming out in the next few weeks to see all of her lies.

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Yes he is. Are you friggin kidding me? "America's Mayor" isn't using 9/11 for political gain.... the guy answers questions constantly pointing out that he was mayor of NY when it got hit like it makes him more worthy of something.

Yeah no ****. I don't think can have his mouth open for 5 minutes without mentioning 9/11. And true he might be answering a question but it doesn't matter what the question is. He will ALWAYS steer it to 9/11.

One more thing...

Obama '08

I'm out.

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Obviously someone is buying her schitck judging from the polls.

I will give her credit for admitting we are safer now than before 9/11 though.

Go ahead and give her credit for that statement. Because that statement was designed for you. It is the epitomy of the Clintons. Tell your oponents supporters what they want to hear, in order to court favor with them. Doesn't matter if you believe it or not. Let's not let reality stand in the way of a good press opprotunity.

No non faith based reasoner believes the country or the world is safer since 911. Not with terrorism up like 1000% globally. But Hillery says it..:doh: .. Puke in a bucket time.. It's the old washington two step.

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