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25 pounds? I hope you don't get sand kicked in your face at the beach this summer.

Ha ha. That 25 LBS was all in the waist. like I said, I'm gaining lean muscle, losing that disgusting gut and getting stronger every week.

BTW Rick. Big Vanilla is so much nicer than Gold's and the free weight room isn't right outside the men's locker room, therefore we don't have to smell everybody's morning glory. :doh:

Today's workout consisted of 40 minutes of HIIT, 4 sets of incline crunches - 25 reps using a 10 lb weight, hanging leg raises - 3 sets of 25, side bends with a 60 lb dumbell - 3 sets of 25 per side, bicep curls- 4 sets 60 lbs 15 reps, 70 lbs 12 reps, 80 lbs 10 reps and 90 lbs 8 reps.

Also, those of you that don't do pullups I suggest starting them. They have become one of my favorite exercises and it is a very effective compound exercise.

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Ha ha. That 25 LBS was all in the waist. like I said, I'm gaining lean muscle, losing that disgusting gut and getting stronger every week.

BTW Rick. Big Vanilla is so much nicer than Gold's and the free weight room isn't right outside the men's locker room, therefore we don't have to smell everybody's morning glory. :doh:

Today's workout consisted of 40 minutes of HIIT, 4 sets of incline crunches - 25 reps using a 10 lb weight, hanging leg raises - 3 sets of 25, side bends with a 60 lb dumbell - 3 sets of 25 per side, bicep curls- 4 sets 60 lbs 15 reps, 70 lbs 12 reps, 80 lbs 10 reps and 90 lbs 8 reps.

Also, those of you that don't do pullups I suggest starting them. They have become one of my favorite exercises and it is a very effective compound exercise.

Why were you doing side-bends just wondering? Cuz most people want to define their abs so adding muscle by doing side bends causes the area to grow ala wider hips/sides. Plus they have to be the silliest looking exercise I have ever seen.

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Why were you doing side-bends just wondering? Cuz most people want to define their abs so adding muscle by doing side bends causes the area to grow ala wider hips/sides. Plus they have to be the silliest looking exercise I have ever seen.

Ha. Here's the thing young'un. Your 24 and still succumbing to peer pressure. I'm 41 now and don't give a ****. If it looks silly so be it. :laugh:

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Why were you doing side-bends just wondering? Cuz most people want to define their abs so adding muscle by doing side bends causes the area to grow ala wider hips/sides. Plus they have to be the silliest looking exercise I have ever seen.

There's widespread misconceptions about the abs. To begin with, the 6 or 8 pack that you see beneath the skin aren't muscles; they're ligaments. The abdominal muscle is a single "sheet" of muscle that attachés at the top to the rib cage and at the bottom to the pelvic bones and it is situated behind the ligaments that give the 6-pack look. There are two more muscle groups that make up the abdominal area: the Transverse Abdominus (which run from the back to the front), and the External and Internal Obliques (which run along both sides).

Working upper and lower abs is a misnomer. You cannot isolate a single muscle into two or more sections. And while the muscles that make up the abdominal area can be made stronger through exercise, they aren't going to "grow" like the other muscles in the body. Think of these muscles like rubber bands. Strengthening these muscles make them tauter (less elastic) and firmer but they're not going to grow in size. The appearance that they're growing is simply them appearing under a layer of fat after weight loss.

One thing to remember while exercising the abs: always pull in during the exercise (try to make your navel touch your spine). Otherwise you'll wind up with stronger ab muscles but ones that push out (I think we've all seen muscular guys whose stomach sticks out even though their 6-pack is visible).

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Why were you doing side-bends just wondering? Cuz most people want to define their abs so adding muscle by doing side bends causes the area to grow ala wider hips/sides. Plus they have to be the silliest looking exercise I have ever seen.

Side bends keep the area toned and helps keep fat off, they don't make the area gain mass. If you're concerned about it (which you shouldn't be) just do high-reps/low weight on side bends and that will ensure to keep your sides toned.

I didn't do them for the longest time and then incorporated them into my ab routine and noticed a solid difference in my waist.

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Side bends keep the area toned and helps keep fat off, they don't make the area gain mass. If you're concerned about it (which you shouldn't be) just do high-reps/low weight on side bends and that will ensure to keep your sides toned.

I didn't do them for the longest time and then incorporated them into my ab routine and noticed a solid difference in my waist.

Well seeing as in it is impossible to "Tone" an area that is my point.

You cannot spot reduce an area for fat or "toning".

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Side bends keep the area toned and helps keep fat off...

Side bends do not help to keep fat off. Not unless you were doing them rapidly enough to raise your heart rate to approximately 65% or greater of maximum heart rate for a period of 20 minutes or longer - and then you'd look pretty silly.

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Well seeing as in it is impossible to "Tone" an area that is my point.

You cannot spot reduce an area for fat or "toning".


Side bends do not help to keep fat off. Not unless you were doing them rapidly enough to raise your heart rate to approximately 65% or greater of maximum heart rate for a period of 20 minutes or longer - and then you'd look pretty silly.

Building muscle anywhere helps keep fat off (along with a good cardio plan). If you're doing an ab routine and neglecting your sides/obliques you're leaving that area weaker and therefore more susceptible to flabby deposit.

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Building muscle anywhere helps keep fat off (along with a good cardio plan). If you're doing an ab routine and neglecting your sides/obliques you're leaving that area weaker and therefore more susceptible to flabby deposit.

Having or not having muscle in a particular area of your body has absolutely nothing to do with where your body stores fat. Where a person accumulates fat is largely determined by genetics.

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Having or not having muscle in a particular area of your body has absolutely nothing to do with where your body stores fat. Where a person accumulates fat is largely determined by genetics.

I didn't say fat storage wasn't determined by genetics. But the more lean muscle mass you have/build, the higher your metabolism is, which works means your body burns more calories as long as you maintain it. If you're neglecting areas of your body you're cheating yourself.

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So King, are you curling 90 pound dumb bells or what. Most I've seen you curl was a 12 ouncer. :D

No Mike. I'm using the EZ curl bar. Hopefully when I grow up I can be just like you and curl 90 LB dumbells. :D

This morning I'll be doing squats, lunges, leg extensions, leg curls, calf raise for lower body all pyramid style. Then pull ups and cable rows.

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No Mike. I'm using the EZ curl bar. Hopefully when I grow up I can be just like you and curl 90 LB dumbells. :D

This morning I'll be doing squats, lunges, leg extensions, leg curls, calf raise for lower body all pyramid style. Then pull ups and cable rows.

Yes youngster, if you keep up with your Richard Simmons workouts, when you get to be my age just maybe you will be up to 90 pound dumbells. :laugh:

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surfing youtube for instructions on free weight form/exercises, came across this


Jeebus, he's as thick as he is tall. I wonder if he can touch his


Wow. Yes, that's a lot of weight to be moving, but how about a little functionality to strength? That is good for nothing except pressing 1000 lbs.

I did some kettlebell turkish getups, pullups, standing ab wheels, and ran 2 miles this morning. Glad I got it over with early, it's going to be miserably humid and hot later.

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surfing youtube for instructions on free weight form/exercises...

Do a search on youtube for "vicsnatural".

I really like this guy's approach and technique. I've been following it now for almost a month and I've been impressed with the results.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm starting an exercise program. Any suggestions? I've been hearing about creatine and whey protein and stuff and I'd like to get as much information as possible.

You don't need creatine. As for a workout program focus on that and eating healthy first.

Take supplements at the beginning of starting a workout program is not necessary. Now if you have been working out for awhile and have certain goals (i.e. gain 20lbs muscle ... whatever) then use certain supplements (i would only ever use protein).

Aka focus on form and good lifting techniques. Supplements are not a quick fix.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally reached the top of that mountain!

I've been working out for close to 18 years on and off. I've always wanted to break the 300lb mark but's it's always alluded me. Hit it a few years back but could never break it and finally I did just that today.

Typically I start my benchpress with a 185 warmup then go 205, 225 and stop with 245. About two months ago I started 205 warmup, 225, 245, 275. Recently the 275 started going up pretty easily and I started repping it a couple times so my confidence to try 300 was increasing. I tried for 300 a couple times in Iraq last summer but could never get it, I think it was in my head but for the life of me I just couldn't get it. Put 300 on there this morning after warming up and it actually felt light. I workout by myself so I'm asking random dudes in the gym to spot me, not a comfortable feeling but necessary. After doing 300 I went to 305 and struggled a little at the bottom but once I got it moving it flew up.

I stopped there because I didn't want to bother someone else for a spot but I've reached a milestone and my confidence is way up there. I won't max out for at least another month but I feel confident in pushing myself towards the 350 mark.

My nephew is joining the Navy in October so he's flying in Monday so I can help him get into shape before basic. I'll have someone in the gym with me everyday so hopefullly It'll help me to keep pressing forward.

Damn I feel good right now!

By the way I close friend of mine who passed away a couple years ago gave me some advice to increase my bench. I coupled that with something I read on BB.com and I think it really helped me.

My buddy Mark Ficara told me that increasing shoulder strength would help my bench. He suggested I use the adjustable incline bench to do shoulder presses at an incline higher than your typical incline for inclince benchpress but less than verticle. You can really feel it hitting your front delts. I also read on BB.com that doing your incline bench first, before doing flat would help increase your upper chest strength and size. I've never had a really big upper chest so it's something I've been working on the past 3 months. I used to max out on incline at about 185 after doing flat bench, now I'm repping 250 on incline before even moving on to flat bench. I really think that's helped my benchpress a lot.

Anyway, when I first started this I could barely do 225 when going from incline to flat. Now, I go from doing incline to decline and I'm doing about the exact same amount of reps and weight on both. I feel like my chest is a hell of a lot more balanced now. This has helped me see huge gains in the last couple months. If you want a good change for your chest workout I strongly encourage you to give it a try.

Sorry for rambling but I'm riding a workout "high" right now, that and the NO Explode is coursing through my body. Just wanted to share my story with you gym rats. If you're not a gym rat, get your ass in there!

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Way to go Zo!

I have a question for you workout gurus. I have decided to start lifting heavier the last few months. Prior to that I would lift lighter with more reps. To be honest, at 41 I'm not looking to get bigger, but to look toned, rip or whatever you want to call it.

I feel much more pumped when using less weights and more reps. I have noticed that I have put on more weight since lifting heavier. My goal is to get tone and win this never ending battle of the bulge.

Based on my goal, what method would you use when lifting?

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I just turned 43 and have never been on any steady workout since basic training 25 years ago...(Ive always dated gorgeous women and I am an expert shot never thought I needed muscles... lol ) but now Im starting to feel weak and my 15yo son is stronger than me. Im 6' 0" and 170 lbs with a gut. I always see articles for overweight people but I never see stuff written for us skinny guys. cant afford the gym fees at the moment but I do have a stairmaster and dumbells...where should I start

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