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GOP debate tonight on Fox


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Let me save you the time and give you the transcript beforehand.


9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11


:laugh: :applause: :laugh: :applause:

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Let me save you the time and give you the transcript beforehand.


9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11


That about sums it up :laugh:

Interesting how Reagan passes away a nation mourns and proclaims him as one of the best presidents ever...and now every Republican would like to be him. I think it may something about how politicians are more concerned about their own legacy first and foremost, but I'm not exactly sure.

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Why do they list the religions of the candidates while they're introducing them? I mean I understand age, family, and career but does religion really matter?

Believe it or not, but that plays a part in how some will vote.

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Trying to keep an open mind here, but all they keep talking about is abortion and how conservative they are. I understand it's a big issue to a lot of people, but we have so much more to deal with as a country -- not to mention the majority of this country is pro choice. I have my problems with Rudy G, but I respect him for having his own opinion on a number of issues -- you shouldn't have to be 100 percent conservative to be the GOP candidate. Same goes for the dems.

Romney cracks me up -- smooth customer but man, I thought Kerry was a flip-flopper.

Politically, well things have never been worse on either side. I mean, when do the grown-ups show up?

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romney said he was a governor in a tough state, its a blue state and if you've ever bought a suit that was so blue it looked black thats how blue my state was.

now thats a very innocent statement, but in this time, where people will crucify you with anything you say that they can string together to be insulted by, I think he will get pegged to the cross for that one. He is gonna be labeled a racist for saying democrats = blacks blah blah blah. He wasnt saying that, but its close enough for the connection to be made, and he will get slammed hard for it.

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romney said he was a governor in a tough state, its a blue state and if you've ever bought a suit that was so blue it looked black thats how blue my state was.

now thats a very innocent statement, but in this time, where people will crucify you with anything you say that they can string together to be insulted by, I think he will get pegged to the cross for that one. He is gonna be labeled a racist for saying democrats = blacks blah blah blah. He wasnt saying that, but its close enough for the connection to be made, and he will get slammed hard for it.

Um ok.

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romney said he was a governor in a tough state, its a blue state and if you've ever bought a suit that was so blue it looked black thats how blue my state was.

now thats a very innocent statement, but in this time, where people will crucify you with anything you say that they can string together to be insulted by, I think he will get pegged to the cross for that one. He is gonna be labeled a racist for saying democrats = blacks blah blah blah. He wasnt saying that, but its close enough for the connection to be made, and he will get slammed hard for it.

Yeah, isnt that a shame, anyone with any sense could see that wasnt a racist comment but the media will put its twist on it.

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Nah, I didn't take that at all -- I got what he was saying.

Then again, he is Mormon and until 1965, they hated blacks.


I kid, I kid.

Im not saying that viewers at the moment of viewing it will take that like that, Im saying that the handlers will key on it and it will become that take on it.

and BTW Ron Paul just self destructed with his 9/11 dumbness.

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