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Ricky Williams tested + for the Ganja...again

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What a shame...Ricky will not be returning the Dolphins as soon as he would like to....and I am starting to doubt he will ever return for anything above the league minimum salary. He tested positive for Marijuana again.

For all the young people who may have the wrong idea or right about RW, let me just say he left the game behind at the top of the game. He was a complete back when he put his social disorders allegedly behind him and settled into Miami. With his speed, ability to block, catch the ball out of the backfield and make plays happen afterward he was living up to his potential of being an awesome back in the NFL who supposed to have shook off the rookie displacement of being famous,millionaire, and a target for groupies/media to feast/chase him by.

Its sad to not give a guy another chance in the league but he has had numerous chances. I don't know if team psychologist were involved, family, or what have you but this is the saddest story of having a man who was the like having the winning lottery ticket and throwing it away for a scratch off ticket. In the real world that is a crackhead motive/result.

He single handedly set the Dolphins which were on the verge of going over the top and dominating the AFC, certainly their division and being Super Bowl Champions shipwrecked and their team stalled. Instead a club called the Patriots got to earn that title a small bit easier although, their success and chances were from a Kicker, but I will make the claim Miami could just have easily been that team too. I guess we will never get to know, and probably never see them reach the result of the '72 team.

I think its time they ban him. I wouldnt want any player to sabotage our team, surely Goodell and his NFL goons will come up with some Gangster suspension. This to me is more serious than Pac Man and Tank Johnson put together. Breach of contract, applying for re-instatement, failing entry. Alot of hope and resources are wasted by the team/fans. What a jackoff.......

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How many chances does a guy get before you start making everyone around you look like a total schmuk (the Dolphins, the Miami community / fans, the organization, the NFL, his teammates, his coaches, etc.)

The guy is totally selfish and should just tell everyone he's hanging up the cleats instead of trying to string everyone along under false hopes only to have them slapped in the face time and again.

You wanna spend your time hitting the pipe? Feel free to do so. Just don't drag everyone else into your world.

Get rid of this jerk.

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and the answer to the question above is simple.

Ricky just doesn't give a damn about anything but the moment.

I would hope the Commisioner just issues a blanket and permanent ban for him so he can get on with his life, and the Miami Dolphins organization can get on with theirs.

It's sad, but I think Ricky has demonstrated his inability to move beyond his off the field problems. Perhaps a life without the possibilty of football will help him get focused, since life with the possibility of football has not helped him.


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why the hell doesnt he just go to a head shop and get some of that stuff that gaurantees you will pass a drug test. i work with so many guys that use that stuff and never fail a drug test.

I was thinking the same exact thing. The NFL must have some really good tests. He could, however, quit smoking 3 months before the test. Its not hard to do. Marijuana is not addicting.

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What's sad is that he was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, so that pretty much means he's imperfect just like the rest of us. Ricky's probably more at peace with himself than I am and he seems like a genuine kind soul. Good luck to him.

Am I in the right forum? :rolleyes:

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who cares - he's not a skin.

he's stupid and messed up

While I agree that he isn't making a lot of sense to me, and is also messed up, he is a human being, that's why other people should care. It's not like he kills and eats grandma's or is a pedaphile. Have a wee bit of compassion, it will do wonders for you.

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why the hell doesnt he just go to a head shop and get some of that stuff that gaurantees you will pass a drug test. i work with so many guys that use that stuff and never fail a drug test.

Bigger corporate companies or any facility which has invested money into the testing process screens for the chemical compounds of the substances which make up those detox solutions. So there is no way to sneak past cheating in that regard. Its not like that movie the program where he can smuggle pee in there they test for tempature too.

Also, even dilluting the day of the test with 2 gallons of h20 will return with a vitamin difficiency. So they know what to look for. Trust me after Michael Irvin, and the Dallas Cowboys the science of drug testing is well prepared.

But for the average joe, yeah...detox is the way to go. Allegedly...so I've been told...in a fiction novel....When Ricky Williams blazed me out.

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While I agree that he isn't making a lot of sense to me, and is also messed up, he is a human being, that's why other people should care. It's not like he kills and eats grandma's or is a pedaphile. Have a wee bit of compassion, it will do wonders for you.

Wow dude, Im sure you will bring the DEA and Supreme Court to its knees with that viewpoint. Thousands of years of usage and a the past hundred/s years of narcotic jail terms have just been shattered with the arguement of not eating a grandma and a "Wee bit of compassion".

Can you run for U.S. Attorney and have that be your campaing slogan?

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What's sad is that he was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, so that pretty much means he's imperfect just like the rest of us. Ricky's probably more at peace with himself than I am and he seems like a genuine kind soul. Good luck to him.

Am I in the right forum? :rolleyes:

Imperfect= Peace within.

He may have found peace in himself, but there is nothing peaceful about being a poor hippy, and denied an invitation to return to being a millionaire. Looks like its back to patchouli oil/ yoga mats. He is noway happy or content with that result. Peace does not equate to having to have to work for the rest of his life opposed to being given millions for a game you have talent at and have only alternate medicine skills/trades and make and be middle class. Not to mention the butt end of jokes from the media/world for the rest of his life.

Peace just took a crap in his mouth and said "Hows that taste":laugh:

At least he isnt that dumb ass Quincy Carter who was reported to making only $200 a game and still test positive on his quest to return to the easy street of free money to play ball

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Bigger corporate companies or any facility which has invested money into the testing process screens for the chemical compounds of the substances which make up those detox solutions. So there is no way to sneak past cheating in that regard. Its not like that movie the program where he can smuggle pee in there they test for tempature too.

Also, even dilluting the day of the test with 2 gallons of h20 will return with a vitamin difficiency. So they know what to look for. Trust me after Michael Irvin, and the Dallas Cowboys the science of drug testing is well prepared.

But for the average joe, yeah...detox is the way to go. Allegedly...so I've been told...in a fiction novel....When Ricky Williams blazed me out.

In regards to the temperature testing, this is a common practice in "the real world" aswell. I've heard of people filling a container with urine and placing the container so close and under your boys that the urine rises to the correct temperature. Im pretty sure they kept an eye on him but there are ways to pass if you must.

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:psyche: Did anyone see the T. Davis/ Ricky Williams interview on Nfl Network? He sounded like he was straight, and T.D. had his back, stating that he could see Williams making a comeback. What a slap in the face. I'll bet T.D. is pissed off that Williams duped him.

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In regards to the temperature testing, this is a common practice in "the real world" aswell. I've heard of people filling a container with urine and placing the container so close and under your boys that the urine rises to the correct temperature. Im pretty sure they kept an eye on him but there are ways to pass if you must.

Apparently not in the NFL. If he doesn't smoke illegal stuff he will be fine, that's a way to pass.

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I was thinking the same exact thing. The NFL must have some really good tests. He could, however, quit smoking 3 months before the test. Its not hard to do. Marijuana is not addicting.

Perhaps not chemically, but, in other ways, you bet it is. That's why there are people like Williams who can't stop even though it costs them so much.

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Kind of sad really given the fact he could of been atleast a decent RB if he kept his crap straight.....The Dolphins should just cut all ties to Ricky and move on with their lives,the more he stays around the more of a circus it becomes......

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I think its time they ban him. I wouldnt want any player to sabotage our team, surely Goodell and his NFL goons will come up with some Gangster suspension. This to me is more serious than Pac Man and Tank Johnson put together. Breach of contract, applying for re-instatement, failing entry. Alot of hope and resources are wasted by the team/fans. What a jackoff.......

I agree he should be banned by the NFL now, and if that happens, NFL Europe will surely not accept him, and with the CFL NFL agreement/partnership/whater it is, I dont think they would allow him in.

But this is not worse than Tank and Pac Man put together. Tank well, I aint going to say anything about a large man named Tank who is that well armed,- so on to PacMan, I think at minimum any argument you can make for RW being a bad example for kids, or a bad person or whatever, you can apply to Pacman. Ricky sends a message to kids that you can do drugs and make millions -or thousands in the CFL? Pacman sends a message you can live your life like a caricature of an over the top rap video and make millions.

And Ricky, even though violating the LEAGUE'S substance abuse POLICY, he has never been arrested or charged with any criminal offense like Tank & Pacman. Or is smoking pot with no other related incidents, worse than driving drunk and killing another person like Leonard Little? Or beating your wife or girlfriend like some other NFL palyers get charged with?

I guess the fair compairison is, is it worse than a player going home and getting drunk everynight, developing an alcohol addiction? Well yes pot is illegal, in the USA, but Ricky has never been charged, and for all we know he could have smoked weed in Amsterdam or somewhere else where it is legal.

His last positive test was not for marijuana and was probably linked to his involment in holistic medicine, which makes me believe it was accidental. And when he says his spirituality has allowed him to live a dependance free life, I tend to believe him as i know many an older pot headed hippie, who has quit toking for one reason or another, who have become very spiritual people.

I think the class thing to do for both Ricky and the NFL is to have a press conference together, where they ban Ricky, and he is their to accept it and answer any questions. Ricky, may have some personal issue that affect his Dolphin team mates, but has otherwise been described by others as a nice kind human being and i think he would be do something like that if only to send a positive message to those who might have looked up to him.

I really dont think Ricky is a bad guy or really intended to hurt anyone, but his addiction clouded his judgement when he left the Dolphins. But after hearing him speak on the issue before, I really think he is a good person who did something he wish he could take back, if not for himself, but for the people he let down. He still might have some personal issues, but I believe the Christians have a few sayings about judgeing some one else and think that of the recent NFL players with "issues", Ricky is the least to worrisome of them all.

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Perhaps not chemically, but, in other ways, you bet it is. That's why there are people like Williams who can't stop even though it costs them so much.

Or perhaps the man isn't motivated by money. Ya think?

Tiki Barber left at the top of his game. So did Barry Sanders. The all-star running back from the Vikings a few years ago.

Not everyone is motivated by making millions of dollars... and stress (coaches, fans, media) and physical beating you take every day to do it. A lot of these guys do it for a long time.... then decide to move on.

And most of them that do it may have never smoked a joint.

So quit pretending because 1 guys does.... that this is all about drugs.

The fact of the matter is.... I wouldn't be surprised if 1/2 the NFL smokes marijuana. If you don't believe that... then you haven't been in a football lockerroom.

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We could write an entire book to discuss the social issues & topics in this thread...including, but not limited to:

1) is marijuana addicting or not (Art I think you nailed that one)

2) should marijuana be illegal in the United States, even for someone who has "Social anxiety" or whatever Ricky has?

3) Should top draft picks like Ricky Williams be put into the limelight and glorified so much...paid so much more than teachers, policeman and other public servants?

4) the list could go on all night, so many things are really involved

We will never all be able to agree on these

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oh yea....I forgot to say that Diehard you make some good points...I agree that maybe 1/2 of the NFL has smoked weed...I have been in high school locker rooms, football locker rooms, and even college D1 locker rooms (not football for that tho)...

I also think that he may not care about money, and may be turned off by the beating his body takes, the stress etc.

Maybe the test is rigged too...

The fact is that none of us will ever know what is going on in Ricky Williams life, and he is not the only one who has done wrong here

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the dude has a social anxiety disorder. that right there is the key to the whole equation, i believe. regardless of how you feel about marijuana usage, this guy is obviously having trouble coping with being in the NFL, dealing with the rules and the expectations put on him.

i don't have a problem with him personally, but i don't think the NFL should continue to worry about him. don't ban him; all the teams know what kind of risk they have when they sign him, just like marcus vick let's say.

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Really is a shame. From what I understand, Ricky Williams is a really nice guy and not a complete douche like say, Adam Jones or Marcus Vick. I wouldn't say he deserves a lifetime ban, just keep denying him reentry back into the league. Eventually, he's going to just give up on either playing football or smoking weed. Most likely it's not going to be the later ... :rolleyes:

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