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New Panic LB's


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For months we have all known that the D-line is our top concern.We have poorly sized and medium style DT's who are ineffective for our defense.

Now the issue is we take Landry, we take an ILB, and an OLB. What does this say about M.Washington, Rocky, and worst yet Lamar Marshall.

My assumption is Marcus is far from being ready. Rocky the guy who they blindly wasted such an investment for is now unclear where he ranks in our system. And my main concern, is Marshall going to be with us, b/c if he is shouldnt he split time between Rocky? Why haven't we heard anything about him? This is not good at all. I hope to god there is more to story that we are not hearing about that doesnt involve my converns.

This team is not going to find any DT's of benefit or even DE's after June 1st.

So coming into/ going out of the draft we still have the same F'N worries. The front 7 guys will be ineffective b/c we are riddled with no line what so ever.

Unbelievable, if I was Tiki Barber I would come out of retirement just for our games so he can try for 500 yards total.

Yeah Skins, we remain ineffective and look destined to suck. Mediocre is a title we undisputely hold.

I would like to see the FO prioritize and relieve the fans issues b/c while they gross $ regardless of winning, I can't be in public w/o recieving the jokes of their failures.

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Our DL was very good against the run 2 years ago. We just had one bad season. The coaching staff knows what they are doing. With a healthy DL and having guys like Golston and Montgomery rotating in, we are set. Which is why we got one of the biggest steals in the draft in Blades.

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You are worng about the Marcus Washington statement.None of the Line Backers that we have picked up in the 5TH and the 6Th are starters this year.It gives us depth and some more body's for special teams.It doesn't mean they are worried about our starters.It means they are worried about our depth.

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Our DL was very good against the run 2 years ago. We just had one bad season. The coaching staff knows what they are doing. With a healthy DL and having guys like Golston and Montgomery rotating in, we are set. Which is why we got one of the biggest steals in the draft in Blades.

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

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Forgive me if I'm in error, but isn't this topic and all your points the very same ones being repeated numerous times, and responded to, in several other exisiting threads? I know I've seen them many times today so far. :)

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Stupid fans who lack an understanding of how we play and the media, who largely don't know football thought we were light on the defensive line. Adding a good, young tackle or end would not have been a horrible move, obviously, but, the team has been obvious for MONTHS what the actual weakness was and no one here has really been confused by the answer.

While I understand you, INCORRECTLY, think our weakness is defensive line, the real weakness was coverage and linebacking, which is why we're doing so very much to improve the ACTUAL problem with last year's team. In many cities this attention to fixing problems would be lauded. Here, it's condemned by people who have NO IDEA what's happening on the field as the people who do know, not being smart enough to figure it out.

I'm not giving a nod to the personnel evaluation skills of anyone we have. I'm merely pointing out that the Redskins have, by ALL accounts, a smart, knowledgeable coaching staff. Those coaches know every play they call and they know every job everyone has. They are NEVER wrong when looking at a play and concluding the problem on it was X, or Y, or Z.

It's time YOU open your eyes to the reality of the offseason that our problems are those we're addressing, meaning, our problems aren't those you think we have.

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For months we have all known that the D-line is our top concern.We have poorly sized and medium style DT's who are ineffective for our defense.

Now the issue is we take Landry, we take an ILB, and an OLB. What does this say about M.Washington, Rocky, and worst yet Lamar Marshall.

Weird how you say that the D-line is our top concern, yet the coaches who get paid millions of dollars and do this for a living seem to disagree with you.

My assumption is Marcus is far from being ready. Rocky the guy who they blindly wasted such an investment for is now unclear where he ranks in our system. And my main concern, is Marshall going to be with us, b/c if he is shouldnt he split time between Rocky? Why haven't we heard anything about him? This is not good at all. I hope to god there is more to story that we are not hearing about that doesnt involve my converns.

My assumption is that you're a moron who likes attention. Look at our roster. LB is our biggest need in terms of depth. We have very good starters, and absolutely nobody after them. Nowhere else on our roster do we have that dangerously low level of depth, not even on your scapegoat, the defensive line.

Unbelievable, if I was Tiki Barber I would come out of retirement just for our games so he can try for 500 yards total.

Yeah Skins, we remain ineffective and look destined to suck. Mediocre is a title we undisputely hold.

I would like to see the FO prioritize and relieve the fans issues b/c while they gross $ regardless of winning, I can't be in public w/o recieving the jokes of their failures.

Well you clearly live up to your name. Get off your high horse and think for a second, and you'll see why you sound so ridiculouls.

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You are worng about the Marcus Washington statement.None of the Line Backers that we have picked up in the 5TH and the 6Th are starters this year.It gives us depth and some more body's for special teams.It doesn't mean they are worried about our starters.It means they are worried about our depth.

Thank you for interjecting some reason into this topic. :applause:

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You're another one of these guys, ay? Okay, let me spell it out for you. '05 Marshall was a pro bowler, period. He had that type of year. '06, Washington is banged up, Holdman comes back sucking (rhymes with Rick), and Marshall trys to fill gaps that don't belong to him. Why? Because he couldn't trust the people around him, and quite frankly Marshall is an outside (weakside) linebacker, period. This year, he will start at the weakside, barring a miracle brain implant for Rocky (not the sharpest tool in the box IMO), and Fletcher will solidify the interior. As far as Washington is concerned, he's coming off hip surgery which I believe was fairly minor. Correct me if I'm wrong chicken littles, but I believe this would be considered "minor" surgery, right? http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2758734

Health is our biggest concern as was depth last year. I believe we've addressed those issues in all areas. Picking up LB's in the 5th and 6th are most likely about depth, teamers, and a crack at a "diamond in the rough" than it is an indication of panic on the FO's part. Are we so jaded people? :2cents:


P.S. Mark May (on NFL Live), stick to analyzing your position and less on commenting on the defensive side of the ball. Jee, maybe there weren't any DT's available in the 5 and 6th rounds worthy of the pick? Maybe there weren't any DT's worthy of the #6 pick? Maybe Golston and Montgomery along with our two vets will suffice for '07? Maybe we can address depth at DT in FA or next year's draft? Get a clue people.

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Wasn't Mark May a former SKIN? Daammmm! I mean he just pretty much called buffoons! Oh well! I'll write him a letter after we are in the playoffs.:D

And this thread starter needs to chill and take a deep breath. People knocked this team for not drafting D and developing talent. So the get Bennie Blade's son (a Fletcher clone) to learn from a vet with a similar stature and Sartz who will be a decent player or a great special teamer at the very least. I like these picks especially the H.B. Blades. I think he was a steal in the 6th.:applause:

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