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"Hello, Matt? This is Vinny."


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Well then we will have to do what allot of others do and that is to Agree to dissagree

That is correct. It's nice to see that there are a few people around who understand that debate and arguement are not necessarily useful concepts and that when it's obvious two people are not going to agree that most often simply letting it go is the best course of action.

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It is very clearly much more about your ego than your philosophy. And when it comes to these draft questions it's really more opinion than philosophy anyway.

I won't deny that part of it is ego, but most of it is philosophy. Though I will disagree with you that the draft issue isn't about philosophy. If WIDE RECEIVER was the team's biggest need, I'd be all for drafting CJ; but Wide Receiver IS NOT anywhere near the top of the team's list of needs.

But in any case, you'd rather root against CJ and the team as a whole doing well than learn that you were wrong and the FO was right.

I would root against CJ, not the team. In that you are incorrect. As I mentioned in the Patten comment, I would root for the team to win and the player to play poorly. I also root for something else in regards to those players, but I won't comment on it specifically at the prior request of the staff here at ES.

If the defense is top 5 as is, you would celebrate less because our front office made a great personnel decision for once. You'd hold it against the player instead of being proud of your organization for making the correct moves.

If this is a Top 5 Defense as it is, then my name is William Jefferson Clinton III. Though you are correct that I would still hold it against CJ because he still wouldn't have been the correct choice at #6.

To paraphrase White Men Can't Jump, you would rather be right and lose than be wrong and win.

EXACTLY. I've made that exact comment any number of times around here.

That is 100% ego. You think you know football and talent evaluation better than the front office, and would rather be right than have your team win. The only "philosophy" I see is: What I say is right. I will hold grudges and never admit I was wrong. If I am wrong, I will pout and cry but the one thing I won't do is credit and celebrate the professionals for doing their job well.

Personally, In a perfect world I'd like to see the Redskins start making the right decisions and winning because of it. Unfortunately in the last couple of years the team seems to be moving further AWAY FROM, rather than TOWARDS the right decisions.

You are correct though that I hold grudges and I do not admit I'm wrong. I also do not root for people who I believe shouldn't be on the roster. No matter which of the sports teams I root for you're talking about.

I think I'll pass on the debate about the others you root against :)

Good idea, for both of our sake.

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i think we should do the opposite of what the majority of the posters on this board think, seeing as how most of the time something they think is good/will be good, bites. (not to say that im not usually in the majority, because i am 65% of the time.)

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I can almost hear that conversation:

Vinny: Well, Matt. You know 6 is bigger than 2.

Matt: That's true.

Vinny: So, if I'm going to give you a six, you need to give me four more.

Matt: That makes sence.

Vinny: Good. I'll start with your 2010 7th rounder.

Matt: I thought you were smarter than that.

Vinny: You did?

Sorry for using your sig but this funny :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

On the other side, we get that big body on the D-line and get Fletch going side line-to- side line, and woooah Nelly! I can here Larry Michaels now, and the Redskins win! the Redskins win! And will be taking that long awaited trip to Super Bowl XLII; and FEDEX is absolutely pandemonium, this place is absolutely rocking! Some think I'm dreaming? Well, Houston wasn't dreaming when their MLB lead the league in tackles last year with 112. Why because they had that big body up front that was their #1 pick last year. That's what a big body on the DL can do for you. But Houston don't have the skill positions on offense to push the next level. We do! Does Chicago's skill positions out weigh ours? No and not even close because we also have depth. Defense wins championships, but the offense can sure help get you there. I'm going to start calling my posts the Big Body. " Got Dat Body, Whatcha Big Booody".

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