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The Dream Thread

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It's called lucid dreaming. youre aware youre in the dream, and sometimes you can control things in the dream. its happened to me twice.

Yeah that's happened before with me. It's great

When I was a kid I had a funny/scary dream. I wish I can remember all of it, but it involved a Walrus invasion of our neighborhood :laugh:

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About 8 years after my Dad died I had a dream he showed up to a party I was attending while stationed in Korea. I couldn't believe he was there because he was a Baptist preacher, why would he be at a party. I approached him amazed that he was even there and asked if he wanted to leave and he asked why, you don't want me here. I said no, that's not it I just know all this drinking isn't your thing. He then told me that it didn't matter to him all that mattered was being with me. So I went to the bar, got the ol man a coke and we walked around introducing him to all my friends. The dream was so real I woke up around 4 AM and called my mom in a panic. I told her over and over again he wasn't dead we just hung out for several hours. When I finally woke up and realized that it had been a dream I was so let down. I miss my Dad so much I wanted it to be real.

Later I realized how awesome that dream was simply because I was able to feel so close to him.

Another time my father came to me in a dream and we went on a long walk through the woods. We loved hunting and fishing so this was so much more special. I can't remember what the conversation was about but the topic seemed to be light at times because we laughed a few times. The feeling I had was as if he'd never left, like we were just having a normal conversation. After walking for a while the woods started to clear a bit and we started up a slight incline. I could see an orangish glow coming from the top of the hill. I could tell my Dad had become more serious in is tone and the expression on his face. When we stopped walking we were standing on the edge of this cliff and all I could see ahead of me was the same orange glow and thin dark clouds. I noticed my father looking down so I followed his gaze and saw two intities. I can't say that they looked like anything but it was obvious to me one was dark and one was light and the two seemed to be locked in a battle of some sort. For some reason I just knew that what I saw was Jesus and Satan. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I looked at my father and asked what was happening. Why are they fighting? He said they're always locked in battle and Jesus for now is winning but he gets his strength from believers, from the born again. He then told me that lateley satan has been gaining strength because there were less and less believers and I needed to tell everyone before it was too late.

I was saved when I was a kid but really haven't been leading the Christian lifestyle. I called my mom and told her about it and of course being a devout Christian I got an hour of how I needed to get my heart right with God and listen to what I'm being told. I interpreted it more personally and saw it as a sign of the inner struggle I was having with myself and my divorce. I've since divorced the satan like woman I was married to before and have been blessed with a saint of a woman and two beautiful children. I guess I should have looked at it as a sign but I don't think my heart and soul is quite in the right spot to act upon such things. One of these days, hopefully it won't be too late.

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About 8 years after my Dad died I had a dream he showed up to a party I was attending while stationed in Korea. I couldn't believe he was there because he was a Baptist preacher, why would he be at a party. I approached him amazed that he was even there and asked if he wanted to leave and he asked why, you don't want me here. I said no, that's not it I just know all this drinking isn't your thing. He then told me that it didn't matter to him all that mattered was being with me. So I went to the bar, got the ol man a coke and we walked around introducing him to all my friends. The dream was so real I woke up around 4 AM and called my mom in a panic. I told her over and over again he wasn't dead we just hung out for several hours. When I finally woke up and realized that it had been a dream I was so let down. I miss my Dad so much I wanted it to be real.

Later I realized how awesome that dream was simply because I was able to feel so close to him.

Another time my father came to me in a dream and we went on a long walk through the woods. We loved hunting and fishing so this was so much more special. I can't remember what the conversation was about but the topic seemed to be light at times because we laughed a few times. The feeling I had was as if he'd never left, like we were just having a normal conversation. After walking for a while the woods started to clear a bit and we started up a slight incline. I could see an orangish glow coming from the top of the hill. I could tell my Dad had become more serious in is tone and the expression on his face. When we stopped walking we were standing on the edge of this cliff and all I could see ahead of me was the same orange glow and thin dark clouds. I noticed my father looking down so I followed his gaze and saw two intities. I can't say that they looked like anything but it was obvious to me one was dark and one was light and the two seemed to be locked in a battle of some sort. For some reason I just knew that what I saw was Jesus and Satan. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I looked at my father and asked what was happening. Why are they fighting? He said they're always locked in battle and Jesus for now is winning but he gets his strength from believers, from the born again. He then told me that lateley satan has been gaining strength because there were less and less believers and I needed to tell everyone before it was too late.

I was saved when I was a kid but really haven't been leading the Christian lifestyle. I called my mom and told her about it and of course being a devout Christian I got an hour of how I needed to get my heart right with God and listen to what I'm being told. I interpreted it more personally and saw it as a sign of the inner struggle I was having with myself and my divorce. I've since divorced the satan like woman I was married to before and have been blessed with a saint of a woman and two beautiful children. I guess I should have looked at it as a sign but I don't think my heart and soul is quite in the right spot to act upon such things. One of these days, hopefully it won't be too late.

Amazing. Simply amazing. :applause:

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I was saved when I was a kid but really haven't been leading the Christian lifestyle. I called my mom and told her about it and of course being a devout Christian I got an hour of how I needed to get my heart right with God and listen to what I'm being told. I interpreted it more personally and saw it as a sign of the inner struggle I was having with myself and my divorce. I've since divorced the satan like woman I was married to before and have been blessed with a saint of a woman and two beautiful children. I guess I should have looked at it as a sign but I don't think my heart and soul is quite in the right spot to act upon such things. One of these days, hopefully it won't be too late.

Just curious... were you also the dude that said you did some unspeakable lustful things to your wife that you later came to regret?

Was this the wife you divorced? Or your current wife?

I just get a kick out of the sinful lives born again (drug addictions, etc) converts led :) Makes my atheistic lifestyle seem so bland.

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Amazing. Simply amazing. :applause:

I know they may seemed far fetched but I'm not exaggerating when I say my dreams are extremely graphic, not to mention I dream and remember them almost every night. My mom thinks I have a gift but to me they're just dreams.

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Funny this thread popped up. Last night I dreamed I was at a party, a big outside party, and I met Tom Cruise. That was basically uneventul. Then, later in the evening I met Brett Favre. And we hit it off big time. I was his buddy. We were talking and **** all night. I mean, he was right there sitting next to me, his face with the normal two to three days growth of beard it always has. He was in a happy mood. He was blowing off his other friends and sitting next to me and hanging out. It was weird.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

j/k :)

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I dream very strange dreams.

I dream about my dad........who passed in 1994. In it I tell him.......YOU ARE DEAD.....HOW CAN YOU BE TALKING TO ME?

I dream about my bf cheating on me. And of course.......he was.

I dream of being shot.

I dream very strange dreams.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My dream last night was that I jumped out of my room window standing on my guitar. I basically rode it to a lake, where I saw my best friend sitting on the tree. It was a starry night, and the moon reflected across the water. He asked me if I wanted to go for a swim. I remember being weirded out by the whole situation, then i saw that it wasnt my best friend but some man. Thats when it cut to me being on a plane, and I woke up.

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I had a dream I was on that ship that sank off the coast of Greece. I was throwing life rafts out of the ship but it was about 1000 feet up in the air and windy as hell so it was a very dangerous thing to be doing. I ended up getting in a fist fight with the other guy throwing out life rafts because he wouldn't throw the last one out before ditching.

150 sadly died in this tragic event due to the last life raft not being trown into the water :(

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One time in the summer of '03 I was visiting my uncle's lake house. My future in-law was staying there as well, meeting my uncle and his wife. He and I slept in the bunk house on the dock. I a horrible dream that a monster crawled into bed with me during the night. When I woke up my posterior was sore and my in-law was smoking a cigarette.

That was a really scary monster. Thank god my in-law was there to protect me.

(this is a joke, you can laugh now):laugh:

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Guest sk1nzHEAD
I had a dream I was on that ship that sank off the coast of Greece. I was throwing life rafts out of the ship but it was about 1000 feet up in the air and windy as hell so it was a very dangerous thing to be doing. I ended up getting in a fist fight with the other guy throwing out life rafts because he wouldn't throw the last one out before ditching.

150 sadly died in this tragic event due to the last life raft not being trown into the water :(

uhhhh weird..you hear about that cruise liner sinking today?

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yea it's awesome, do you remember what the dream was about?

well this is like 2 weeks later, but the first time it happened to me i dreamt that my house burned down, and i told somebody, and then they said that was impossible and i must have been dreaming. thats how i became "aware"(weird i know). anyway, id read about it before, and youre supposed to have an activity planned out thats relatively easy to do so you have something to concentrate on. otherwise a lot of people get so excited they wake up. i started flying around (which was freakin hard) but only lasted like 5 minutes before i woke up. it was awesome though.

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Wednesday night: I dreamt that a friend of mine and I were roaming through a neighborhood that seemed to be in a tropical place, Florida I think. There were waterfront houses and it was warm and sunny. We got to this cul de sac that had a mansion at the end. It's hard to describe the house, because at one point it seemed like a castle and at one point it seemed like a suburban mansion.

Whatever it was, we had broken into it. I remember roaming through the halls with my friend, looking out at the sea and messing around with the stuff in the house. We get to a room at one side of the house, it's like an office room with nice wooden furniture and some shelves. There are big windows that let in the sunlight, which filled the room. There was no darkness what so ever. After hanging out in that room for awhile, I see a car pull up into the driveway, which is at the same side of the house that we're on. I yell to my friend "get down!", and we hit the floor and both hide under some chairs. This part is weird, because all of a sudden that room is on the 1st floor, and this guy is looking into our window. How he knew we were in there, I don't know, but he was looking. Thankfully he didn't see us, so he continues to walk to the front door. That's when things get reeeally crazy.

My friend grabs a chair and chucks it right through the window, shattering it to pieces and revealing a way back outside. We busted out and started running away from the house like crazy. That's when I woke up.

Now that I think about it, the house reminded me of the Ringling Bro's house in Florida.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last night I had a dream that I went sky diving in Scotland. With me was a friend of mine who's about to graduate and a freshman. What's weird is that I didn't have the normal attire for sky diving, just regular clothes and a backpack which I guess was my parachute. Once I hit the ground, I would jump up and glide like I was in a hang-glider.

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I had a dream the other night where there were two people spending the night with my girlfriend and I, but I couldn't tell if they were male or female, they were just bodies. One of the people ended up on the bed beside erin and I was on the outside with one person lying beside me on the floor.

I awoke to find the person from the floor with their hand on my chest and I pushed it off and it was JERRY JONES :doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh:.

I started yelling at him to get the hell out of my room and all of these Dallas:doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh: Fans showed up and were getting his autograph, it was horrible.

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