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Recent study shows alchohol, tobacco more dangerous than Marijuana, Ecstasy


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you are gonna have to show me a couple of links to get me to believe that.sounds like to much #14 for you.Nobody prelaces Canabis with anything and who is "they".Most heroin comes from places like Afganistan and most Cannibus comes from south america.I'm sorry,but that seems like kind of like a paranoid statement.In fact most pot smoked in this country comes from here and British Columbia as well.I'm not sure you know to much about it.Last I checked,there was one death ever blamed on Cannibus and it was a Govt employee that was burning it in a closed room and died of smoke inhaleation.

I also feel like cannibus has more possitive medical effects than alchohol.Suicide from smokin pot,I think you watch to many after school programs.

  • There’s also increasing evidence of a link between cannabis and mental health problems such as schizophrenia. If you’ve a history of mental health problems, depression or are experiencing paranoia, then taking this drug is not a good idea.
  • Frequent use of cannabis can cut a man's sperm count and suppress ovulation in women. If you’re pregnant, smoking cannabis may harm the baby.

Admittedly, I couldn't find what you wanted as a link, but I read it in a newspaper in an article by the government health spokesman. It might've been just scaremongering...not sure. But I was just saying what I read.

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  • There’s also increasing evidence of a link between cannabis and mental health problems such as schizophrenia. If you’ve a history of mental health problems, depression or are experiencing paranoia, then taking this drug is not a good idea.
  • Frequent use of cannabis can cut a man's sperm count and suppress ovulation in women. If you’re pregnant, smoking cannabis may harm the baby.

Admittedly, I couldn't find what you wanted as a link, but I read it in a newspaper in an article by the government health spokesman. It might've been just scaremongering...not sure. But I was just saying what I read.

There is also a link of bleached floor used for white bread and pasta that leads to Alzhimers(sp.) .If you have mental problems,agreed,don't smoke pot.Although I trust it more then all these new approved drugs they say will help.If you are pregnant,you should probobally not even take asprine. And I am fine with a low sperm count.Thats more of a possitive for me.

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you are gonna have to show me a couple of links to get me to believe that.sounds like to much #14 for you.Nobody prelaces Canabis with anything and who is "they".

You do realize you're attempting to have a rational discussion of science with somebody who believes that American highways would be safer if we immediately eliminated all speed limits.


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As to the study:

My problem with using the study to influence public policy is:

If the study takes into account the avilibility, "social acceptability", or just plain number of users into it's calcualtions, then any public policy changes you make, based on the study, invalidate the study.

If Alcohol is more dangerous than weed because alcohol is legal and socially acceptable, is widely used, and is often used for decades, then making weed legal instantly causes it to move up in the rankings.

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That I know of there are no long term effects of LSD

Maybe not proven, but if you've ever known someone who's done a lot of acid, there's no doubt as to the long term effects. Those folks just ain't quite right, even if they haven't dropped in years.

LSD changes you. Permanantly.

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Speaking from experience - when i visited Amsterdam, Holland where Marijuana as well as mushrooms are legal I really don't see what the big problem would be with making Marijuana legal here in the states.

Over there, there arn't people out of control abusing the drugs it's something thats comparable to the alchohol useage in the states, something that in the right place at the right time it is appropriate but abused too much or in the wrong place could lead to problems. Not to mention with the exception of the red light district the crime rate is one of the lowest I believe in the world.

I firmly believe that it's only a matter of time before it becomes legalized. I'm going to cop out and use the old excuse of you never see somebody get too stoned and beat their wife, or commit murder or want to kill themself. You can't say the same for alchohol. The U.S. gov't should be focusing their efforts and money into drugs like crystal meth that are ruining and wrecking not only lives but families as well as the environement. You can make crystal meth a hell of alot easier then you can grow weed, and the effects on the person are way more extreme.

I wanted to add also that any studies are going to be skewed for a number of reasons and you have to take what they say with a grain of salt, i just thought it was a good topic for discussion.

I wanted to agree with the above poster as well about the useage of LSD. A friend of mine whom I went to college with did LSD every day for a month and the kid is straight weird - he modifies and collects flashlights to give you a clue and he has an involuntary twitch he gained from using it so much.

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methamphetamine is actually what hitler was addicted to and also what they used to give to the kamakize japanese bombers in WWII. After WWII 2% of the entire Japanese population was addicted to methamphetamine. I believe crystal meth was actually derived from it directly, so essentially they're the same thing, but physically they look different - crystal meth is comparable to shards of glass whereas methamphetamine can be found in a completely liquid form.

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methamphetamine is actually what hitler was addicted to and also what they used to give to the kamakize japanese bombers in WWII. After WWII 2% of the entire Japanese population was addicted to methamphetamine. I believe crystal meth was actually derived from it directly, so essentially they're the same thing, but physically they look different - crystal meth is comparable to shards of glass whereas methamphetamine can be found in a completely liquid form.

Wow. Things about meth I didn't know.

I'm not doubting you, but do you have some links to back that up?

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that provides the Japanese %, you can google hitler and meth and it will come up with tons of websites. I actually had to give a presentation in my public speaking class this past semester on the history of methamphetamine and would be more then willing to provide all the proper links in my paper however i'm on spring break and on my computer at my house - all of my sources for my paper are on my computer back at school.

It was something I had no clue about myself, scary enough though not only was it something that was given to German and Japanese soldiers but American soldiers as well in order to combat fatigue. Many of the sites if you do enough research will say that it was used all the way up to Vietnam by U.S. forces, I'm sure nowadays though that some of the drugs they give soldiers now don't have the same name as Meth but probably have the same effects.

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Maybe not proven, but if you've ever known someone who's done a lot of acid, there's no doubt as to the long term effects. Those folks just ain't quite right, even if they haven't dropped in years.

LSD changes you. Permanantly.

Know someone? I am someone. :)

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