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Recent study shows alchohol, tobacco more dangerous than Marijuana, Ecstasy


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Research recently published in the medical journal The Lancet rates the most dangerous drugs (starting with the worst) as follows:

1. Heroin

2. Cocaine

3. Barbiturates

4. Street methadone

5. Alcohol

6. Ketamine

7. Benzodiazepines

8. Amphetamine

9. Tobacco

10. Buprenorphine

11. Cannabis

12. Solvents

13. 4-MTA

14. LSD

15. Methylphenidate

16. Anabolic steroids

17. GHB

18. Ecstasy

19. Alkyl nitrates

20. Khat

thoughts? I personally was surprised to see something like E rated 18 when if done enough it literally puts holes in your brain causing memory loss.

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I would say that it would be, simply because it's something that's so socially acceptable wherever you go (as long as you're 21). Smoking ciggs in New York is something that's becoming illegal in restaurants and bars, so I would say it's becoming less socially acceptable. Also, smoking ciggs has not only effects on the user but the people around them via second hand smoke. I'm not going to say one is worse than the other but the study based it upon three factors; the physical harm to the user, the drug's potential for addiction and the impact on society of drug use.


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What you forget to mention is: Marijuana can damage your brain even with very small use. It can also cause a psychosis in some people which can lead to suicide (and you don't know if you're the one until you try it). Some Canabis is laced with heroine (which is at the top of your list)

Ecstasy can kill you in an instant if you have a bad reaction. You don't know the crap they put in it...some ecstasy tablets have been found laced with washing maching powder, rat poison etc.

Alcohol is good for you if drunk in moderation. Has no long term ill-effects, again in moderation. Drinking a glass of red wine every day makes you live longer.

Cigarettes are crap...I agree.

But saying tobacco and alcohol is more dangerous than those drugs is a moronic statement. :rolleyes:

By the way...this is a British study...Brits use these "scientific findings" for political reasons (i.e. read the part where somking and drinking problems consume a large part of the national health budget). So take with a pinch of salt. Also, it was made by a prefessor Nutt of Bristol University (a crappy one). :applause:

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Blighty I would say I agree with you about the fact that if used in moderation alchohol is good for you. However, for the amount of people that drink in moderation I would say there are double or triple the amount of people that drink excessively (i.e. drink to get drunk). Not to mention the fact that it's very easy to go out and get a pack of beer and a pack of ciggs but you have to know the right people to get illegal drugs which I think also is taken into account in this study.

Affects of Marijuana depends upon the user, I know many stereotypical stoners who are burned out from smoking pot all through high school and all through college, however I myself smoked weed on a pretty normal basis for the past couple years and recently quit due to graduating college and I have always gotten good grades, and i'm graduating from one of the best engineering schools in the North East of the United States. So I'd say I would disagree with the fact that Marijuana has ever damaged my brain.

Also, I believe the common lacing ingredient in Marijuana is PCP not heroin, heroin would be nearly impossible to lace into the drug considering it looks nothing like a bud of marijuana. So if anybody has smoked pot laced with heroin they obviously have no clue what they're doing.

I'm a firm believer that with the right individual and used in moderation most drugs probably wouldn't cause a problem in their lives, however you get individuals who are completely obsessed with the drug useage, that's when it becomes a serious problem.

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Blighty I would say I agree with you about the fact that if used in moderation alchohol is good for you. However, for the amount of people that drink in moderation I would say there are double or triple the amount of people that drink excessively (i.e. drink to get drunk). Not to mention the fact that it's very easy to go out and get a pack of beer and a pack of ciggs but you have to know the right people to get illegal drugs which I think also is taken into account in this study.

Affects of Marijuana depends upon the user, I know many stereotypical stoners who are burned out from smoking pot all through high school and all through college, however I myself smoked weed on a pretty normal basis for the past couple years and recently quit due to graduating college and I have always gotten good grades, and i'm graduating from one of the best engineering schools in the North East of the United States. So I'd say I would disagree with the fact that Marijuana has ever damaged my brain.

Also, I believe the common lacing ingredient in Marijuana is PCP not heroin, heroin would be nearly impossible to lace into the drug considering it looks nothing like a bud of marijuana. So if anybody has smoked pot laced with heroin they obviously have no clue what they're doing.

I'm a firm believer that with the right individual and used in moderation most drugs probably wouldn't cause a problem in their lives, however you get individuals who are completely obsessed with the drug useage, that's when it becomes a serious problem.

I've no idea how you can say "So I'd say I would disagree with the fact that Marijuana has ever damaged my brain." You're 21!!! You still have your whole life in front of you. How do you know in 10 years time you wont develop schizophrenia or depression? How about when you're 40 and you get Alzheimers or Parkinsons? I'm not saying it WILL happen...I'm just saying you increase your chances of something like that happening.

And I wasn't talking about Marijuana (the herb) being laced with heroine, I was talking about cannabis (you know, the block). And it is...many times cos the supplier hopes you'll move onto more addictive, harder and more expensive stuff. You get to be a heroine addict without knowing it by smoking cannabis.

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I've got a hard time believing that alcohol is worse for you than lsd.

That I know of there are no long term effects of LSD - and it can be used as a cure for alcoholism. Problem is while you're tripping, bad **** can happen.

I think Ecstasy is hard to rate because it all depends on how clean the hits are that you're taking.

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How would I be able to develop something as severe as schizophrenia 30 years down the road when the marijuana gradually is flushed out of your system within a month if you were to quit smoking. I've never heard of such a thing and would be open and willing to read any/all material you've researched stating such a theory.

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The study is screwy,heroin is not #1 in danger to yourself.

They weigh the associated factors too much imo.

and No I'm not a heroin user...solvents are my game ;)


Rincewind, doesn't LSD have recurring effects years later? or did they lie to me?

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Rincewind, doesn't LSD have recurring effects years later? or did they lie to me?

Well, its a nontoxin so physically there are little to no side effects. However, pyschologically there is a wide range of theories as to it's long term effects. Though there is no conclusive evidence that it has major negative reprocussions.

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What you forget to mention is: Marijuana can damage your brain even with very small use. It can also cause a psychosis in some people which can lead to suicide (and you don't know if you're the one until you try it). Some Canabis is laced with heroine (which is at the top of your list)

you are gonna have to show me a couple of links to get me to believe that.sounds like to much #14 for you.Nobody prelaces Canabis with anything and who is "they".Most heroin comes from places like Afganistan and most Cannibus comes from south america.I'm sorry,but that seems like kind of like a paranoid statement.In fact most pot smoked in this country comes from here and British Columbia as well.I'm not sure you know to much about it.Last I checked,there was one death ever blamed on Cannibus and it was a Govt employee that was burning it in a closed room and died of smoke inhaleation.

I also feel like cannibus has more possitive medical effects than alchohol.Suicide from smokin pot,I think you watch to many after school programs.

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Well, its a nontoxin so physically there are little to no side effects. However, pyschologically there is a wide range of theories as to it's long term effects. Though there is no conclusive evidence that it has major negative reprocussions.

Thanks, I have enough physical problems from the solvents and since I am already mental the psychological issues are irrelevant. :cool:

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ySuicide from smokin pot,I think you watch to many after school programs.


It's those afterschool DARE programs where they fill your head with crap saying that it rotts your brain, etc etc. I understand that it's good to get our children made aware of the effects on drugs, however those statement should be 100% true and undenyable before anybody goes out and says that it will cause paranoia or schizophrenia. Only thing that I was ever paranoid about was if somebody was going to steal my bag of doritos :laugh:

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Thanks, I have enough physical problems from the solvents and since I am already mental the psychological issues are irrelevant. :cool:

Then go enjoy yourself some fine Lucy in the Sky. Just make sure it's clean - that dirty **** always ****ed up my back. :mad:

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Rince, i've tried LSD about twice and Shrooms several times and found that I had a better trip using shrooms but the LSD was more pleasureable just because it wasn't so intense. I was curious what your thoughts were on it and have you heard about extensive use of LSD removes some sort of fluid from your spinal cord?

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Well,not that I have ever tried any drugs of any sort,but.LSD always seemed way too intense,like you had to make sure you had the whole day free.Later in life i'm pretty sure that if I had done it,my mind would definitly work a little different than it used to.More open and able to examine different options at once rather then dwell on one thing,for better or worse.Shrooms are just more mellow,more controled.You could eat an eighth and trip your ****s off or just nibble on a steem while drinkin and enjoy it a little bit.

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It's those afterschool DARE programs where they fill your head with crap saying that it rotts your brain, etc etc. I understand that it's good to get our children made aware of the effects on drugs, however those statement should be 100% true and undenyable before anybody goes out and says that it will cause paranoia or schizophrenia. Only thing that I was ever paranoid about was if somebody was going to steal my bag of doritos :laugh:

:laugh: .Have you ever watched any of those old movies about the harm of smokin pot,pretty funny stuff.

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Rince, i've tried LSD about twice and Shrooms several times and found that I had a better trip using shrooms but the LSD was more pleasureable just because it wasn't so intense. I was curious what your thoughts were on it and have you heard about extensive use of LSD removes some sort of fluid from your spinal cord?

Well, I don't want to get too much into so as not to close down the thread. But, I much prefer the more natural stuff. It's much cleaner to me, since there are no nasty side effects from the **** they cut LSD with (upset stomach, sore back, no sleep, hangovers). But that's just me.

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Recently, my college newspaper printed an article via Campus Safety stating that prolonged Marijuana useage in females turned estrogen into testosterone as well as made male users sterile. I was laughing my balls off. It just upsets me that most people who come up with the effects of Marijuana or other drugs have probably never experimented with the drugs to begin with, which in an essence derails any/all credibility because I would imagine first hand experience would be a better way to determine the effects of the drug rather then reading it out of some medical journal.

It's disgusting that the government spends BILLIONS of dollars on the war on drugs, particularly on Marijuana when there are other drugs out there such as Crystal Meth which 98% of people who try it stay addicted to. Not only that but it completely ruins lives, and it's becoming an epidemic of mass proportions in the mid west and is slowly creeping up to the north east of the United States. I've never seen anybody rob or kill somebody to get money to buy weed, but a drug such as crystal meth causes people to become obsessed with the drug and do whatever they can to get it, which in my opinion is very scary.

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They say we have about 100million drug users in the US.95% of those are recrational pot smokers.If you were to legalize pot,it would render the 80billion dollar a year War on Drugs useless.Not that it is too useful in the first place,I thought we only called it a war if we win.I guess it's only if we want to win it.

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Recently, my college newspaper printed an article via Campus Safety stating that prolonged Marijuana useage in females turned estrogen into testosterone as well as made male users sterile. I was laughing my balls off. It just upsets me that most people who come up with the effects of Marijuana or other drugs have probably never experimented with the drugs to begin with, which in an essence derails any/all credibility because I would imagine first hand experience would be a better way to determine the effects of the drug rather then reading it out of some medical journal.

It's disgusting that the government spends BILLIONS of dollars on the war on drugs, particularly on Marijuana when there are other drugs out there such as Crystal Meth which 98% of people who try it stay addicted to. Not only that but it completely ruins lives, and it's becoming an epidemic of mass proportions in the mid west and is slowly creeping up to the north east of the United States. I've never seen anybody rob or kill somebody to get money to buy weed, but a drug such as crystal meth causes people to become obsessed with the drug and do whatever they can to get it, which in my opinion is very scary.

Well keep smoking a ton, dude. Let us know if you start growing tits.

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Well keep smoking a ton, dude. Let us know if you start growing tits.

rofl I've actually recently quit but not due to that false statement, but because at some point in your life you need to priotize yourself and I'm putting my full time job ahead of smoking weed (they do random drug tests, and making $$ is way more important than any drug).

But if something happens you'll b the first to know spaceman.:laugh:

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