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Rating threads.


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I like these ideas. Here's another one:

Just below the Avatar is a "Merged/Moved Threads" number, keeping track of the number of threads a member created that were merged with existing threads, combined with the number of threads a member created that were placed in the wrong forum. This number would be known among the regulars as "The Idiot Factor." I suspect this would greatly reduce bad threads.

Of course, when the member quits the site and comes back under another name, he would be tracked by his IP, and his "Idiot Factor" total would remain intact. :)

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We'll do this for now. Maybe we'll implement a reputation system where members themselves have ratings :). For now, we'll see how this looks and how this goes and go from there.

I really like the thread rating idea, and I'd be interested in seeing how it would go if we could actually rate members. I think that could cut back on a lot of the spam posts where the people just want to get in and say "this is a terrible thread" before the thread is closed.

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Haven't much use for the ratings system myself. Like anything else, that's subjective. In this case, 5 out 7 people can rate a thread with 2 stars yet the same thread could be getting hundreds of views and a couple of dozen replies,(or vice versa). Of course, there is personal bias, (working both ways), that can come into play as well. In other words, I don't pay attention to the ratings myself. Same goes for the rating posters idea as well.

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Haven't much use for the ratings system myself. Like anything else, that's subjective. In this case, 5 out 7 people can rate a thread with 2 stars yet the same thread could be getting hundreds of views and a couple of dozen replies,(or vice versa). Of course, there is personal bias, (working both ways), that can come into play as well. In other words, I don't pay attention to the ratings myself. Same goes for the rating posters idea as well.

But I think that with the ability to rate threads, and the ability to sort threads by rating, all the posters who post comments like "this thread is stupid" can be told (via PM), "well if you believe that then give this a rating of 1 star, and don't bother posting because posting just keeps it at the top of the MB".

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One thing I've noticed about the rating threads is that when I sort threads by rating, I'm not sure if the date is taken into account, but I'm not sure if I want to see a 5 star post that was put out in January before I see a 4 star post that was put out 10 minutes ago.

But I'm definately not here to criticize. I enjoy the thread rating system as it allows me to see which threads are filled with fluff and little content.

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But I think that with the ability to rate threads, and the ability to sort threads by rating, all the posters who post comments like "this thread is stupid" can be told (via PM), "well if you believe that then give this a rating of 1 star, and don't bother posting because posting just keeps it at the top of the MB".

Maybe that is part of the system in place, but that still doesn't address what I said. What I said, (and I believe this), is part and parcel of the whole idea. The rating of threads can be and is subject to the particular interest of the individuals reading and rating the threads. Put it this way. As I've stated many times in the past, it's like looking at art work in a gallery. Some people will look at a painting and call it "brilliant." Some will look at it and say "Who spilled the paint?"

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I guess the next question should really be should each person's vote count for the same value?

As a longtime member who doesn't post too often, I wonder if the length of time you've been a member of extremeskins should be used instead of the number of posts you have. Because what I see is people trying to change their avator, and thus doing direct violations of the rules where they post spam messages just to increase their post count. Maybe we should use a combination of the time you've been a member at Extremeskins and the number of posts you have, but I know there are many people who have been here since the beginning of extremeskins who don't have 10,000 posts to their name, but who are very concerned with the direction that these new members are taking this message board.

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Maybe that is part of the system in place, but that still doesn't address what I said. What I said, (and I believe this), is part and parcel of the whole idea. The rating of threads can be and is subject to the particular interest of the individuals reading and rating the threads. Put it this way. As I've stated many times in the past, it's like looking at art work in a gallery. Some people will look at a painting and call it "brilliant." Some will look at it and say "Who spilled the paint?"

haha, I definately understand your point. I guess the hope is that the rating will just give a sample space of what the people here at extremeskins think about the thread. Just like EVERYBODY is not going to say that M.C. Escher's works are great, but they can still be rated, and tell you what a subset of the entire set of people think of Escher's work. I guess the hope is that it will balance itself out, as far as the subjectivity on the different extremes.

But I guess a good thing about the rating system right now is that it hasn't taken away the conventional ways of analyzing a thread, like number of posts, or the quality of the first few posts.

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But I guess a good thing about the rating system right now is that it hasn't taken away the conventional ways of analyzing a thread, like number of posts, or the quality of the first few posts.

Like everything else in this world, nothings perfect. The rating system has its flaws,(imho), but that's part of the deal. No solution is going to be the perfect answer. We live in an imperfect world and we're imperfect people,( I just know what's coming on that one), living in it. Of course, it's not fair to sit here as a member of this community and offer criticism of something without really offering some help in the solution department. That said, I've always been a fan of the "conventional" ways of analyzing a thread. I think that combined with the NNT policy has done a decent job of helping keep the clutter down some. What we can do as well,(aside from not being lazy and using the Search feature), is make some time for going back a page or 2 and finding some threads we may think are good topics of discussion and participating in them. We've all seen examples of some decent threads, (keeping in mind that whole subjective thing), getting buried fairly fast.

What we can also do is,( especially in certain obvious cases), not respond to threads we deem "stupid" or "dumb" or repetive. Instead of giving it a bump and keeping it at the top of the page by saying those kind of things or "in before the close", just don't say anything,(threads by trolls are of course exempt from this ;) ). Keeping in mind I've been as guilty of that as others in the past myself. Find another thread that we do like and post a response in it. In other words, let's use some common sense,restraint and patience. And then use the same in helping those who seem to be lacking in those areas along.

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What we can do as well,(aside from not being lazy and using the Search feature), is make some time for going back a page or 2 and finding some threads we may think are good topics of discussion and participating in them. We've all seen examples of some decent threads, (keeping in mind that whole subjective thing), getting buried fairly fast.

In regards to this, I remember Jumbo getting mad at me about a year ago because I was restoring threads that were too old. So I even hesitated in replying to this thread. I need to know what's considered "too old" for a thread so that I don't get into this position again.

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if it has relevance, then i dont think its too old. if you have something good to say about that specific topic. dont bump it tho just to bump it

Yeah I agree with you. Also its always good to have the older posts reviewed like say people who down a certain draft pick or acquistion and you bring that thread back in say, week 12 when CJ is doing great/poorly or G Adams/A Branch are/arent turning out to be what they were supposed to be or Springs is on another team tearing it up etc etc

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Also its always good to have the older posts reviewed like say people who down a certain draft pick or acquistion and you bring that thread back in say, week 12 when CJ is doing great/poorly or G Adams/A Branch are/arent turning out to be what they were supposed to be or Springs is on another team tearing it up etc etc

The "I told you so bumps" as they're sometimes called. Someone's 50% chance of being right turns out good for them and next thing you know several other's 50% chance of being wrong comes back to haunt them. Those have been around on the board since I can remember.

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As I mentioned earlier ... be an educated consumer on this stuff.

When looking at a "rating," be sure to hover your mouse pointer over it to see how many people have voted . Given that thread starters can rate their own threads, a 5-star rating may mean nothing more than the OP wasn't shy about pimping his own work. :)

Same with a 1-star rating obviously. Poster X posts a thread. Poster Y, who happens to think Poster X is a serial moron, automatically rates the thread 1 star just to stick a finger in Poster X's cybereye.

We are not a fully evolved species yet.

As a general rule, the more ratings "votes" a given thread gets, the more meaningful (subjectively, of course) the rating becomes.

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In regards to this, I remember Jumbo getting mad at me about a year ago because I was restoring threads that were too old. So I even hesitated in replying to this thread. I need to know what's considered "too old" for a thread so that I don't get into this position again.

I remember that---I like the "getting mad" thing :laugh: ---but I didn't do anything to you except make a comment, right? :D

I still have that issue, too :laugh:

But you are a great ES'er TS :cool:

There is no official "too old". But we are all free to make editorial comments as members, and there are possible board behaviors that can't be expected to be accounted for in the rules. Even the law books don't cover everything and require judgement and interpretation sometimes :) . Say you bumped a dozen old threads over a few hours, I'd ask "wtf are you doing?" and maybe freeze you 'till I know :laugh:

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We should have a rating system for users. On one of the forums im on you can give reputation to people. Pretty cool idea, unless you are hated big time.

I disagree. ES history has shown we have many users here who would wear a low "user rating" like a badge of honor, claiming they're being singled out and persecuted for "speaking the truth."

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I disagree. ES history has shown we have many users here who would wear a low "user rating" like a badge of honor, claiming they're being singled out and persecuted for "speaking the truth."

Yeah, I agree with this too. I can only think that a poster like MrMadd would have an extremely low rating because of some of the arguments he gets into in his threads, even though he does normally post very logical arguments.

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