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Tomorrow I am getting a 360...try to talk me out of it.


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I am aware that this topic has been exhausted, but I seriously need some help. I am a sports gamer and I play an occasional shooter like Ghost Recon or THE GODFATHER. I am planning to purchase the 360 along with a brand new copy of MLB 2k7 tomorrow afternoon.

I have read reviews and all the multiplatform games look and operate better on a the 360 than the PS3. Also, the Xbox 360 controller is alot more comfortable than the PS3 to me.

However, graphics are very important to me and I am also aware of the hype that the graphical ability of the Ps3 gets despite having not utilized it yet. I am also concerned that Microsoft is going to release an X-box model with HDMI capability and totally make my purchase obsolete. So...I really want it now because I love baseball games and this one is supposed to one of the greatest ever. However, do you think I should wait for the remote possibility that they will release HDMI, should I wait till I have another 200 bucks and buy a PS3, or just go all out and blow 460 bucks tomorrow on MLB 2K7 and a 360. Also, are they reliable enough now to take a risk on not buying the Two Year thing and is Circuit City warranty plan no hassle. ...BTW...I could care less about a high-def player...all I care about is sheer game playing.

I hope I don't make anyone angry by bringing this up, but I think this approaches the console debate in a different context. I totally understand if Coach and the mods want to lock it...if so...I apologize.

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No... stop.... don't do it..... (in monotone voice)

That's all I got...

I have a 360 and a Wii.... love them both, especially since I have recently tried xbox live for the first time.. The Wii is great for when you have friends over, and want to eat drink and have a good time... :cheers:

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go for it man, get that 360, its sweet. And using the normal HD connection, the graphics are pretty sweet. I dont think you'd notice a huge difference if using HDMI connection.

I have the 360 and Wii too, I love the wii, especially for the little ones, and its almost like exercise when you play it

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I'm leaning toward getting a Wi just because some of the games look so damn fun.

Dude..Wii is the way to go! I absolutely LOVE mine!

But to the original poster...go for it if you want it...I dont suggest the PS3...way to expensive for games and the system, if i were to get a second nexgen system it would be the 360.

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The 360 is the real deal. I just got the Godfather today and it is an awesome game. Can't wait to play it to death this weekend. MLB 2k7 is completely badass as well.

I got the Wii for my nephew and I love the system but its not the same. Its fun, but as an adult, the 360 is a lot better for my enjoyment.

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i'm kinda thinking of getting one, but i don't like the idea of paying for online services. what's this i hear about silver membership?

Silver is worth what you pay for it. Squat.

Full Xbox Live membership is where it's at. In addition to the multi-player gaming funwhich really expands the value of the console and game, most new games have playable demos available for download for free.

You can very quickly get a sense of which games are worth a rental and which ones are not ... without ever leaving your couch and finding that Blockbuster didn't have it anyway, or waiting for Gamefly to ship it. :D

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Get it...just for the baseball game. I don't have one...and I still play MVP Baseball 2005 and it's getting pretty silly now with all the changes that have happened...though as far as I'm aware...there are no decent baseball games for the PC. :mad:

I truly think that if MLB 2K7 were out for the PC, I would not even want a 360. It is ashame that 2ksports does not realize the tremendous following that baseball sims has among PC users. MVP though, is one of the best baseball games ever and it is rare to find. I remember when it was like $10 for a copy at Wal-Mart. Now...you won't find a decent used copy for less than 50 or 60 bucks on ebay and an amazon.com seller the other day sold a brand new copy of it for $130 dollars!!!! Crazy:rolleyes:

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I truly think that if MLB 2K7 were out for the PC, I would not even want a 360. It is ashame that 2ksports does not realize the tremendous following that baseball sims has among PC users. MVP though, is one of the best baseball games ever and it is rare to find. I remember when it was like $10 for a copy at Wal-Mart. Now...you won't find a decent used copy for less than 50 or 60 bucks on ebay and an amazon.com seller the other day sold a brand new copy of it for $130 dollars!!!! Crazy:rolleyes:

Reminds me of what I had to do to get a copy of MVP. It's not available here in Britain, I had to order it in Hong Kong...then when the copy arrived it says "Not to be sold in Europe or Canada". So I have a bootleg copy. I'll never sell it cos it's the only baseball game I have and I love beaning Jeter...he never reacts...what a gentleman. :D

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Get a 360 if all you care about is sports and FPS games. Personally, I hate FPSers. Actually, I really liked Golden Eye and a couple others. It gets old, though, when every killer app the 360 gets is another FPS. Gears of War is basically a FPS at its core, too. I enjoy a good football, RPG, or action game like Madden (or the visual concepts game that EA f'ed over), Final Fantasy XII and Metal Gear Solid. You would think that would put me in the PS3 camp, but no game is worth the initial $600 fee to play it. I guess I'm still playing my PS2 and Dreamcast, although between my brother and myself, we have every major system dating back to atari (excluding the PS3).

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Many great games will be coming out for the 360 that are not just fps but haters are gonna hate. Now with that out of the way....i haven't even touched gears of war ever since Rainbow Six:Vegas came out. Best multiplayer game on 360 right now.

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