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Should Skins try to get Patrick Kerney?


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I think if the Skins go after one more major signing then it should be Patrick Kerney. I wouldn't break the bank for him but at a reasonable price he could be a great addition since at this current time they still need DL help with a pass rusher. I think getting Kerney and then drafting Alan Branch or Amboi Okeye would make this defense once again formidible. Branch or Okeye would probably command a double team which in turn would make both Carter and Kerney tough to control not to mention if your bringing LB's. You just wouldnt be able to block everyone if you double team guys. This would even help out Griffin with Branch or Akeye next to him. With a pass rush guys like Smoot, Rogers and Spings if he is still a Skin would make these guys just as good as most teams corners.

Kerney will be 30 at the start of the season and he probably has at least 3 good years left. He is a true pass rusher and is also very good against the run. I would like seeing him in a Skins uniform next year.

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I've been hoping for this to happen as well. I would be all for signing Kerney to a short-term deal and not breaking the bank. We do need to draft a good DT at #6 but Philip Daniels is aging and starting to regress and Kerney would be a short term solution.

If we did sign Kerney we would even have the option of drafting a CB in the draft if for some reason Springs doesn't return (which I really hope doesn't happen).

My only stipulation is NOT TO BREAK THE BANK with this guy.

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I don't think Kerney has signed anywhere because his asking price appears to be astronomical. The truth is the Redskins with the #6 overall pick don't need to pay $15 million for a veteran DE. That pick, or a trade down using that pick, should net us the infusion of talent on the DL we need........or at least it should if the FO is awake and doing even an average job.

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........or at least it should if the FO is awake and doing even an average job.

:laugh: But seriously, if he can be talked down to a smaller deal, I say sign him and pursue a DT in the draft....my main concern though is the FO sleeping on the job and letting Springs leave, which would **** us, because we would likely have to trade down and draft a DE/DT and a lower round CB.

If we could grab Kerney at a reasonable price, then we would have a little more room to either draft Branch or another solid DT @ #6, or if for some reason Springs leaves, we could snatch Leon Hall. :2cents:

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why would Kerney come to us at a reasonable price when NO ONE has gone anywhere it seems so far for a reasonable price? :)

well, except for Smoot that is. I think because of the special nature of the relationship there we were able to get a below market deal for him.

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Absolutely we should try to get him. He still has several years left in him and is great at rushing the passer.

Although we could wait until the draft to address the D-Line, I think we should sign him because it will allow us to use the draft to address our other glaring hole - Strong Safety.

Yes, I hope AA or whoever we'll be playing at strong safety is able to play better next year, but why take the gamble? Why not sign Kerney to be a playmaker for the next 3-4 years, then trade down a few spots and pick up Laron Landry? Just imagine a secondary with him and ST playing deep.

This is entirely possible, because its almost guaranteed that one of the most coveted players will fall to us on draft day. Rather than passing him over to address a player we could get a few spots later, let's trade down, get a couple other picks and get this playmaker who would help solidify our secondary for years to come.

If we sign Anderson or Branch or Adams on draft day, our secondary is still going to have a gaping hole that we haven't addressed - regardless of whether AA stays with the team, PP is healthy, Springs makes the switch or Fox is starting - neither one of those guys is a force at Strong Safety.

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Kerney isn't going to be leaving the west coast I don't think. The Broncos are very very interested and have already brought him in for a visit. Seattle was supposed to bring him in for a visit over the weekend as well. I don't know how either of these situations turned out, but these 2 teams look like the only teams that have rang so far.

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Absolutely we should try to get him. He still has several years left in him and is great at rushing the passer.

No he doesnt and he is not a great rusher.

Although we could wait until the draft to address the D-Line, I think we should sign him because it will allow us to use the draft to address our other glaring hole - Strong Safety.

DT is a much begger hole that saftey

Yes, I hope AA or whoever we'll be playing at strong safety is able to play better next year, but why take the gamble? Why not sign Kerney to be a playmaker for the next 3-4 years, then trade down a few spots and pick up Laron Landry? Just imagine a secondary with him and ST playing deep.

I Kerney is a gamble in my opinion. He will also be very expensive. Landry wont do anything if we can stop the run or rush the passer up front.

This is entirely possible, because its almost guaranteed that one of the most coveted players will fall to us on draft day. Rather than passing him over to address a player we could get a few spots later, let's trade down, get a couple other picks and get this playmaker who would help solidify our secondary for years to come.

Trading down is good if we get both a DT and DE. Only

If we sign Anderson or Branch or Adams on draft day, our secondary is still going to have a gaping hole that we haven't addressed - regardless of whether AA stays with the team, PP is healthy, Springs makes the switch or Fox is starting - neither one of those guys is a force at Strong Safety.

If we had a better D-line our secondary would look worlds better. And if we only get a DT or DE, it will still have a more gaping hole than what you perceive to be in our secondary. AA is a good SS when he doesnt have to cover alot. It is by no means a glaring hole.

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ok, spend the money on Kerney who has injury problems, he is a good DE

or spend the money on Jamaal Anderson who could has the frame of Peppers, who led the SEC in sacks/tackles for loss, after only 2 years of playing defensive end, who we can still get if we trade down to 8 with houston, grab a 2nd, and grab a big 2 gap DT like Demarcus "Tank" Tyler who came from the dline that featured 3!!! first round picks last year. we would have a fearsome pass rush.

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I personally like Mccrary the DE from Jax. I know he is a RFA, but I dont know what he was tendered at. I know I am going to catch hell for this one being new and all, but here goes. Sign McCrary, trade Portis and Springs to Denver for Bly and there 1st round pick(#21), and draft LaRon Landry(SS) at #6, and draft Chris Houston(CB) at #21. Then the foundation for our secondary would be set for the next 10 years with Taylor, Landry, and Houston:D

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I think if the Skins go after one more major signing then it should be Patrick Kerney. I wouldn't break the bank for him but at a reasonable price he could be a great addition since at this current time they still need DL help with a pass rusher. I think getting Kerney and then drafting Alan Branch or Amboi Okeye would make this defense once again formidible. Branch or Okeye would probably command a double team which in turn would make both Carter and Kerney tough to control not to mention if your bringing LB's. You just wouldnt be able to block everyone if you double team guys. This would even help out Griffin with Branch or Akeye next to him. With a pass rush guys like Smoot, Rogers and Spings if he is still a Skin would make these guys just as good as most teams corners.

Kerney will be 30 at the start of the season and he probably has at least 3 good years left. He is a true pass rusher and is also very good against the run. I would like seeing him in a Skins uniform next year.

If would be nice to get him at a decent price. Great player, his "motor" is always running, very aggressive.

But, the last I read, he was interested in going to Denver to play for one of his former coaches.

:notworthy to the :helmet:

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Kerney is supposed to decide by tomorrow morning on either Denver or Seattle. He claims the money was right in Denver, but he was going to visit Seattle regardless of what the Broncos were willing to pay. Of course the money can be right, and then become inadequate once Paul Allen gets involved and starts adding $1M in guaranteed money everytime you try to walk away.

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AA is a good SS when he doesnt have to cover alot. It is by no means a glaring hole.

The last time I checked, AA wasn't playing D-Line. Having a SAFETY who has problems in coverage IS a gaping hole. If he can't fulfill the primary duties of his position, we need someone who can.

My whole point was that bringing in Kerney can allow us to address the SS position in the draft, which would put us in a better position than drafting a d-lineman and not bringing in anyone who can actually play SS.

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The last time I checked, AA wasn't playing D-Line. Having a SAFETY who has problems in coverage IS a gaping hole. If he can't fulfill the primary duties of his position, we need someone who can.

My whole point was that bringing in Kerney can allow us to address the SS position in the draft, which would put us in a better position than drafting a d-lineman and not bringing in anyone who can actually play SS.

With Smoot, Springs and Rogers, AA won't be exposed to pass coverage as much and can do what he does best, which is attack the LoS.

Having large DT to open holes for him and Fletcher will only make the secondary better. AA and Fox at SS is something we can deal with IF we get DT help.

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If one more person says we need a DT with the #6 pick, Im gonna email them a kick in the teeth!!!! LOL

Golston will be alot better in year 2. Griffin is still a top DT. Big Joe can also start for us and be very good against the run. Montgomery will become a fairly decent spot starter/depth DT.

Wake up people, we should either draft Anderson, Okoye(later with a trade down for more picks), or take the offense over the edge with Calvin Freakin Johnson!!!!

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