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The Gatorade Conspiracy


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Gatorade is an Italian company....what do you expect from a nation which voted a porn star into parliament? It's probably the least PC place I know...they show tits in shower commercials at 10 in the morning...porn comes free in cereal packets and Berlusconi made a "love song" CD for his lover (he originally said it was for his wife)...which by the way she found out and went public saying he was a womanising scumbag and he apologised by buying a page in the national newspaper apologising to her. Completely barmy place...I love it. :applause:

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  • 4 weeks later...
What the hell are you talking about? Gatorade was invented at the University of Florida. They are now headquartered in Chicago (and are a subsidiary of Pepsi.) They are in no way Italian.



I always thought it was Italian because they have a HQ in Italy too (Gatroade Spa)...I think it may be the HQ of the European arm though. They also use it in Italy a lot, whereas in Britain we use Lucozade. Plus the name sounds like an Italian attempt at an English brand name.

Well, I was pretty sure about that...but you're right, it's very American. :confused:

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I'll give you another reason why I thought it was Italian...because the company sponsors plenty of Italian sporting teams:

Gatorade dà il proprio nome al maxi-yacht italiano di Giorgio Falck che partecipa alla Whitbread Round the World Race, la regata intorno al mondo.


Grandi campioni dello sport come Lendl, Prost e Baresi diventano testimonial delle campagne pubblicitarie Gatorade: ma il personaggio che contraddistingue più di ogni altro i successi di Gatorade nel mondo dello sport è Gianni Bugno, due volte campione del mondo a Stoccarda e a Benidorm.


Also, they have some exclusive products only available for the Italian market:

Realizzata in Italia l'integrazione tra le due aziende e PEPSICO BEVERAGES ITALIA inizia la nuova doppia sfida PEPSI più Gatorade.

...and the Gatorade logo is the same colour as the Italian flag. I suppose they just sell so much of it in Italy...

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