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Tom Brady, the Shawn Kemp of the NFL


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It would seem that the Golden Boy forgot that it's a WEDDING RING, not a Super Bowl ring you're supposed to have before you go and knock up the woman in your life.

Unfortunately, I'm sure that this will slide off the Teflon Quarterback just like his phone number being in the cell phone of Barry Bonds' steroid dealer did.

I'm absolutely certain that he won't do the RIGHT thing, either. He'll support the child, but he won't marry her and make the child legitimate. But that doesn't surprise me any.

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And anyone that does care is obviously a complete douchebag.


So we no longer hold the role models our children look up to, to any sort of moral or ethical standards?

Do you have any idea how many kids I see walking around wearing #12 Tom Brady jerseys? How many kids in this area of the country look up to the bum and name him as their favorite athlete?

Yet THIS is how he treats that responsibility? He and Manny Ramirez (who failed to show up at Red Sox training camp on Sunday) are really setting a WONDERFUL example for the kids in New England.

You know, after thinking about it for a couple minutes, I just realized that Tom Brady has given the Patriots another wonderful merchandising opportunity over the next several years.... Imagine showing up at Gillette Stadium in September with your newborn wearing a "#12 1/2 Brady Jr." onesey in blue, red and silver. The marketing opportunities are nearly endless. Of course the unofficial ones are big as well, but they're not quite as polite, so I'll refrain from going through them here.

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As somebody else said, it sounds like a case where she sensed the relationship was coming to a close and "pulled the goalie" without telling him. Maybe it's for money or maybe it's a desperate attempt to keep him in her life. Or maybe she just wanted a child. She's 35. Biological clock's ticking.

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For those of you who think this is so humorous or who want to make it out to be no big deal. Maybe we'd be better off as a society if people remembered the 3 Laws of Penis Safety....

#1. Your penis is ALWAYS loaded. Treat it that way at all times. It may go off when you least expect it, causing all sorts of problems.

#2. Always be sure that you know what is around and in front of your penis. Know whether your target is capable of dealing with it if/when your penis goes off. Make sure all safety devices are in good operational order before every use of your penis.

#3. Never point your penis at anyone you're not willing to impregnate, marry, and live with for the rest of your life.

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For those of you who think this is so humorous or who want to make it out to be no big deal. Maybe we'd be better off as a society if people remembered the 3 Laws of Penis Safety....

#1. Your penis is ALWAYS loaded. Treat it that way at all times. It may go off when you least expect it, causing all sorts of problems.

#2. Always be sure that you know what is around and in front of your penis. Know whether your target is capable of dealing with it if/when your penis goes off. Make sure all safety devices are in good operational order before every use of your penis.

#3. Never point your penis at anyone you're not willing to impregnate, marry, and live with for the rest of your life.

:laugh: :applause: That's pretty funny, even for you Mass. Pretty Good.

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#1. Your penis is ALWAYS loaded. Treat it that way at all times. It may go off when you least expect it, causing all sorts of problems.

Thats not true. It rarely goes off after 15 beers and half a dozen shots.

#2. Always be sure that you know what is around and in front of your penis. Know whether your target is capable of dealing with it if/when your penis goes off. Make sure all safety devices are in good operational order before every use of your penis.

This is true.

#3. Never point your penis at anyone you're not willing to impregnate, marry, and live with for the rest of your life.

:rotflmao: At the time i was willing. The next morning it's :movefast:.


PSA: PB does NOT have kids, in or out of wedlock. :)

/knocks on wood.

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The problem is that it was intended to have a much more serious point than you appeared to take out of it. It was supposed to be 15% humor and 85% serious. Apparently it didn't come across that way.

No, really, I took about 50-50 out of it. I know you were serious, but it does have a humorous side to it.

It sounds like one of those old 1960's instuctional videos.

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She probably sensed he was going to dump her and stopped taking the pill. Now she doesn't have to worry about booking another acting gig for the rest of her life.

BINGO! Yeah, she just HAPPENED to get knocked up the very month they broke up. Yah.

If you rich man, you need to REALLY wrap your Dodger Dog, because now he's in hock for MILLIONS. It may be a child that he will love and raise and all that good stuff but you can do that in a situation you have more control of and not feel like you're just supporting someone else to raise your kid. Hell, I'd take custody if I could and then just hire a nanny for when I'm at work.

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Do you have any idea how many kids I see walking around wearing #12 Tom Brady jerseys? How many kids in this area of the country look up to the bum and name him as their favorite athlete?

We need more role models like Ty Cobb. Racist women-beaters who throw games and beat up cripples.

Okay. Bad example. How about Joe D? That was an icon you could hang your hat on. Of course, multiple marriages, enstrangement from his son, and general bitterness at the world aren't the best path to follow. But he was a man's man.

Okay. Maybe not.

I know. The Mick. Mickey Mantle. Billy Crystal loves him, and Billy is never wrong. Alcoholic womanizers are what we should all emulate.

Hmm....okay...let's try some Skins. Ah, the glorious Redskins. Dexter Manley. Illiterate cocaine addicts are great role models.

Hmmmm...maybe not...Riggo! I love Riggo. Anyone who gets drunk and pisses on themselves in public rocks.

Let's go modern! Sean Taylor. Multiple arrests. Surly disposition. Spits on people. Hmmm...ok...next!

Maybe the idea of having an athlete as role model is just a bad idea.

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Maybe the idea of having an athlete as role model is just a bad idea.

I'll agree that having an athlete as a role model isn't a good idea to begin with. Unfortunately these people ARE role models for kids, and I really think it's something they need to be aware of when they act and speak.

As for the older players... much of what we know about those people now was not public knowledge back then. The media cleaned up and/or failed to report a lot of things about those players and other celebrities back in the day. They weren't necessarily better people... but they generally had a better public image.

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Heard on the radio this morning on the gossip talk section that his current girl is not happy because Tom told her he was not having contact with his old girl friend. Come to find out that Tom has been talking to her about the pregnancy and it’s implications for the last month or two. The current girl friend was not happy and hinting at leaving. Tom, apparently, said that he really likes his current girl friend and that they are a perfect match and he will except responsibility for his child from his previous girlfriend.

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How dumb is it to hold a sinful human being up as an example-- Jesus was sinless and a much better example than any human-- you cant expect much from a human Mass Skins fans. You will be dissapointed each and every time

Raven, I no longer expect ANYTHING positive from humanity. I haven't in many, many years. We're little more than a virus on this planet at this point. Though I'll tell you my beliefs don't have anything to do with Christianity, since I am not a Christian anymore.

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