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2 teens cook puppy alive in oven


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What the hell...the Tailgate has had some really bad stories the past 3 or 4 days. People throwing kids off bridges, eating their girlfriends (not in the good way), and now baking puppies. WTF is going on in this world. :doh:

"It's a sick world that we live in these days.."


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this is extremely disturbing and i understand they threatened some kids but......

how do these teens get 10 years and Mike Vick only gets 2. Are you kidding me?!?

Vick's plea deal didn't include dog fighting or cruelty to animals.

But to the original topic, I can't imagine how ****ed up you would have to be to put a living thing in an oven and burn it alive. I hope these kids get rammed for the next 10 years, but it's still too good for them.

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I grew up with some kids who tortured animals. They would throw frogs against tree trunk so hard they burst. One time they caught a live rabbit in a trap and sawed its legs off while it was alive to make lucky rabbit's feet. Sick. :puke:

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