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American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America


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I don't use the phrase so how can I give a definition? Like I said before, go ask someone who uses it all the time and ask them.

I would have thought it's pretty clear. :)

The Christian Right are the leaders and members of organizations established to use lobbying and political influence to change society in accordance with their interpretation of their religion. The key thing is the 'organization' and their political goals.

We're not talking about an individual who uses his faith when considering which candidate shares his values. And we're not talking about a church focused just on their own members.

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So the tolerant left does not wish to have dissenting voices?

Or is it just that the dissent is guided by the groups religious faith?

The famous wall of seperation works two ways,whether ya'll approve or not

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I would have thought it's pretty clear. :)

The Christian Right are the leaders and members of organizations established to use lobbying and political influence to change society in accordance with their interpretation of their religion. The key thing is the 'organization' and their political goals.

We're not talking about an individual who uses his faith when considering which candidate shares his values. And we're not talking about a church focused just on their own members.

Doesn't individuals who use their political influence (votes, lobbying, members of organizations) to try and change government according to personal views based on their faith the samething?

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So the tolerant left does not wish to have dissenting voices?

Or is it just that the dissent is guided by the groups religious faith?

The famous wall of seperation works two ways,whether ya'll approve or not

Or maybe people just don't like fascists that openly admit they want to control the government and turn the US into a Christian nation. Their own version of Christianity of course. One that is extremely aggressive towards any that disagree witht their own interpretations of God's word. I wonder just how much freedom these people would provide us with if they ever found themselves holding any real power.

And that's the purely political side. I also take issue with what these nationalist have done to faith in America.

You a big fan of Pat "Gold Mine" Robertson TWA?

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Chris Hedges is a loon and I can't believe anyone would actually take that nut seriously.

Dont personally know him and I've never heard of him before, but if you say he is a loon, he must be a loon then right?

Everyone is a fascist and religious fanatic...EXCEPT the religious fanatics that have us taking our shoes off before getting in airplanes and that cut off people's heads from the Philippines to the Sudan.

Utter BS and you know it. . .there IS a lot of truth to what he laid in the article, maybe if you could remove your "libertarian" glasses to see what is wrong with the Christian Right, you would be more informed. . .but don't worry, it is always the lefts fault there ghost.

The Left loves to talk about Christians but other than mavericks like Hitchens are nowhere to be found when it's any other group (well, maybe the Jews in Israel.) Odd that.

Simply pointing out something that is wrong with the power in this country is "the left beating Christianity" in your eyes. . .yet the right does it to whom ever they want and you don't say boo. Stop playing the martyr, it isn't very becoming of you.

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Or maybe people just don't like fascists that openly admit they want to control the government and turn the US into a Christian nation. Their own version of Christianity of course. One that is extremely aggressive towards any that disagree witht their own interpretations of God's word. I wonder just how much freedom these people would provide us with if they ever found themselves holding any real power.

And that's the purely political side. I also take issue with what these nationalist have done to faith in America.

Wasn't America founded on a Christian base? Why does everyone want to run away from that? It is what made this country great, and why the country is on a decline right now.

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It is. This thread will be over run with people claiming liberals hate Christians, or other knee jerk reactions but frankly Christians should have a problem with this so called "Christian Right" movement. They sell nationalism and call it religion. They sell greed and call it God's reward.

Great post Destino, spot on. . .

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If you're asking what the christian right is--chances are you're a member. And since you probably conflate your views with what "true" christianity is, it stands to reason that criticism of the christian right would mean criticism of christianity.

If you're not satisfied that you can go to any church you choose any day of the week 24/7 and enjoy fellowship and spiritual edification with other members of your professed faith without fear of repression, without fear of the gulag, and when members of your religion hold power in every branch of government and have tried to codify every pet belief you have (and have often succeeded) and when you can go anywhere in this country and you have several choices on the radio or the television where you can listen to and view programming geared specifically for you and you still swear up and down you're being persecuted--well, you're probably a member of the christian right.

I don't go looking for enemies, but if I should have any I'm right here. The reason I'm more concerned about the christian right than I am al qaeda is that I can understand why foreigners might hate me. But I'll be damned if I can figure out what I did to religious right, fellow american citizens, that makes them want me to be locked in prison for speaking my mind, or makes them want to look in my bedroom to see if there's any sodomy going on, or makes them want censor the music I listen to or the movies I watch or the art galleries I like to frequent. If you want to ban something for obscenity, why don't you ban the effing bible? There's enough sex and violence in that to satisfy even the most blood-thirsty and perverted among us.

Great post. . .and spot on.

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Wasn't America founded on a Christian base? Why does everyone want to run away from that? It is what made this country great, and why the country is on a decline right now.

You think adopting the corrupted teaching of the Christian Right will make us a better nation? I'm sure we can all improve by ignoring the bibles teaching on greed, pride, wrath, loving thy neighbor, and looking inward for faults before looking for faults in others. We would be much better off adopting the Christian Rights approach of open hatred, celebrated greed, nationalism confused with religion, and the never ending focus on the sins of others they feel they are in no danger of commiting themselves. Far be it from these "Christians" to focus on the sins they commit every day.

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You think adopting the corrupted teaching of the Christian Right will make us a better nation? I'm sure we can all improve by ignoring the bibles teaching on greed, pride, wrath, loving thy neighbor, and looking inward for faults before looking for faults in others. We would be much better off adopting the Christian Rights approach of open hatred, celebrated greed, nationalism confused with religion, and the never ending focus on the sins of others they feel they are in no danger of commiting themselves. Far be it from these "Christians" to focus on the sins they commit every day.

No, no, no, you got it wrong. I can't stand Pat Robertson and the others. I have a problem with people trying to turn their back on the Christian beginning of America and wanting to go away from that. I don't like these guys because they can't see their own sins, only others.

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This is what's wrong with this country. And I mean that from both sides. You take people's views and pigeonhole them into a stereotypical group in an effort to get your side of the aisle to rise up in arms. Its much easier to do that than to debate the actual issue.

If you are conservative and a Christian in this country, you are told by the media you are part of the Christian right if don't believe in gay marriage, are against abortion, against federally funded stem cell research, don't see the separation of Church and State the way others do, etc.

The fact of the matter is even if you are a conservative Christian and hold these views, doesn't mean you are fanatical about it. At least that's what I think about when I think of defining the Christian Right. Its those that shout so loud they can't listen to the other side speak. But that happens on both sides.

With my definition of the Christian Right, I don't see them taking over the country. There are some issues where you might get a majority of conservative Christians to agree, but does that make them part of the Christian Right?

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Sorry, couldn't let this slide un-questioned:

Um, not even slightly.

Yes, the Democrats won the House and Senate, but that was more as a result of Iraq than a shift from conservatism to liberalism.

When evolution is suddenly being called into question 60 years after a court case settled that it could be taught in schools and the ENTIRE scientific community agrees on its principles, and when "moral issues" like abortion, stem cell research, gay marriage, etc. dominate the headlines because the religious right wants to ban ALL of them (with support from the President and members of Congress), liberality isn't exactly on the march.

I wish it was and the Christian Right would stay home and mind their own damn business, but that's not the case.

Not to pick on a WV boy but this simply is not accurate. There has been a steady shift left not only here but world wide over the last several hundred years. Dramatically in the last 40 years. The US is no different. Conservatives of today are outright communists compared with conservatives just 60-70 years ago. The gains are non-stop in favor of liberalism in this country. The headlines you mention above are headlines because they have already come to be and people who oppose them(generally conservatives and Christians) are resisting as best they can. But don't worry, the conservatives never really win. They win elections, get in power quite a bit, but if you will notice, never actually make the changes the liberals irrationally fear. The vast majority of conservatives, even the Christian ones, on principle, don't believe in legislating their values on people. That is the liberal's forte.

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I'm just curious on who you guys think IS the religious right?I mean name some names.

Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, Robert G. Grant, etc. Organizations like The Family Research Council, Concerned Women for America, Discovery Institute, Media Research Center, Christian Coalition of America, etc. I could take this even deeper. I am just mentioning mainstream names and organizations.

By the way Johnny, Chuck Baldwin (the 2004 vp candidate for the Constitution party) has spoken out against the religious right as well. Damn crazy liberal.

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There can be, and the oath of office makes an elected official swear to protect against both. But simply because a group holds sway and is against your POV does not make them an enemy. If so, the I guess the unions are considered an "enemy" by the right.:2cents:

Ok, you did exactly what the very next sentence in my post was supposed to prevent you from doing. :doh: i.e. you focused on the term enemy and off you went, my point was that simply because someone may be an American does not mean that they are friendlies. Am I saying that this is the Christian Right? I don't know, but if the shoe fits............

See, this illustrates the polarization issue. Opposing views are good for America. This is what helped the founding fathers in their creation of the Constitution. Today, both sides scream that the other side is trampling the Constitution and are tearing this country apart. And BOTH sides are correct, but only in as much as they are both doing it.

Dude, the Commander in Chief meets regularly with Muslim leaders also. And leaders of the Dem Party. That is what the job calls for. Clinton met with the leaders of the Christian Right all the time. Thats what you do.

Again you just tee'd off on that word enemy, and missed completely what I said in my post.

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