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American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America


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Who is advocating killing any Christians? A Pullitzer-prize winning, seminary-trained Christian is arguing that the Christian right is a threat to the well-being of American society. And your response is "kill all Christians.":doh:

The Nazis didn't begin by calling for the killing of Jews, did they?

All dehumanization begins with those first few steps. It proceeds apace until it leads to killing and that's almost always the case (when has dehumanization NOT lead to violence at some point.)

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It is. This thread will be over run with people claiming liberals hate Christians, or other knee jerk reactions but frankly Christians should have a problem with this so called "Christian Right" movement. They sell nationalism and call it religion. They sell greed and call it God's reward.

And we have a winner.

Wait, is it the Project for a New American Century, oil or God that led us into Iraq? You people can't get your theories straight

All of the above Ghost ( though I think the oil argument is vastly overstated).

I strongly recommend War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning. It's good stuff.

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Really interesting read--and I've only read about a few pages of first chapter. I believe the fanatical mind is dangerous, whether they be christian or jew or muslim or any other thing. What makes the fanatical christian right so dangerous is their power. It reaches into the very top levels of our government. The head of state and all his people believe that the end times are nigh, and they will do all in their power to help realize this.

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The Nazis didn't begin by calling for the killing of Jews, did they?

All dehumanization begins with those first few steps. It proceeds apace until it leads to killing and that's almost always the case (when has dehumanization NOT lead to violence at some point.)

I agree with you but I think you have it completely backwards. The groups being talked about here (a specific group of Christians) is the group doing the "dehumanizing". They've twisted God's word and use it as a political tool. It's happened before Ghost, Christian history is filled with times when the faith has been used for personal gain.

Also if more people had dared to call out the fascist Nazi's out for what they were before they gained power perhaps they wouldn't have. Either way calling a fascist out for what he is, is not a bad thing IMO.

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I agree with you but I think you have it completely backwards. The groups being talked about here (a specific group of Christians) is the group doing the "dehumanizing". They've twisted God's word and use it as a political tool. It's happened before Ghost, Christian history is filled with times when the faith has been used for personal gain.

Also if more people had dared to call out the fascist Nazi's out for what they were before they gained power perhaps they wouldn't have. Either way calling a fascist out for what he is, is not a bad thing IMO.

Excellent post, Destino.

For insight into the political and societal aims of evangelicals, HBO's recent documentary, Friends of God, is an interesting piece.

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The Christian Right is a disease that is destroying America. Look how the Bush administration has put the United States in an unfavorable place by sending us to war and claiming that "god" told him to :rolleyes:. 3,000+ dead American soldiers for what?

Fortunately, the Christian Right is also a dying breed. Real conservatives are tired of this ****. But you still have a few brainwashed pansies that will listen to anything a president with a Texas accent and a claim to faith will say.

you mean christians in general.

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It's "god" according to your president, but who really knows? :whoknows:
Quoted for emphasis.

This is what is wrong with America! The left claims Bush is your President. The right claimed Clinton was your President. Further and further and further from center is where both sides are going. The President (a D or an R)represents America, whether you like it or not.

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It is. This thread will be over run with people claiming liberals hate Christians, or other knee jerk reactions but frankly Christians should have a problem with this so called "Christian Right" movement. They sell nationalism and call it religion. They sell greed and call it God's reward.

Very well said. I agree.

The Christian Right is a disease that is destroying America. Look how the Bush administration has put the United States in an unfavorable place by sending us to war and claiming that "god" told him to :rolleyes:. 3,000+ dead American soldiers for what?

Fortunately, the Christian Right is also a dying breed. Real conservatives are tired of this ****. But you still have a few brainwashed pansies that will listen to anything a president with a Texas accent and a claim to faith will say.

I hope you're right. It's still amazing to me how many people don't see straight through that crap.

Wait, is it the Project for a New American Century, oil or God that led us into Iraq? You people can't get your theories straight.

Um, sorry but it's BUSH who says God sent him to Iraq.

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Quoted for emphasis.

This is what is wrong with America! The left claims Bush is your President. The right claimed Clinton was your President. Further and further and further from center is where both sides are going. The President (a D or an R)represents America, whether you like it or not.

You're right, but Clinton was way closer to center than Bush Jr. is.

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Why are we wasting our time talking about a group of people that talk and vote instead of the group of people that have declared war on us and have actually killed people?

Oh come on. There's no argument that Al Qaeda members deserve 1000lb laser guided bombs to land on their dinner table.

Are you suggesting we ignore the fundamentalists in our own countrybecause there's a worse enemy out there. Do you think the Christian fundamentalists should get a free ride until Al Qaeda has been eliminated?

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Oh come on. There's no argument that Al Qaeda members deserve 1000lb laser guided bombs to land on their dinner table.

Are you suggesting we ignore the fundamentalists in our own countrybecause there's a worse enemy out there. Do you think the Christian fundamentalists should get a free ride until Al Qaeda has been eliminated?

These are the points that need to be driven home whenever someone is scared of hearing criticism of their own country and diverts the argument to terrorists abroad.

It's a no-brainer that Al Qaeda members need to be hunted down and killed where they are found. But does that mean that we cannot try and fix the gaping flaws here at home? Some people are too patriotic for their own good and for their country's own good because they refuse to hear any criticism about their homeland.

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It means being a Christian.


I'm sure they're are a lot of Christians on this board who will LOVE this comment. Oh wait, nevermind, I forgot, they're NOT chrisitian because they don't believe exactly the same crap you do. Sweetness. Everybody listen up, contact Johnny Punani for your Christian Right registration cards......your salvation and identification as a Christian is depending on it. :thumbsup:

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These are the points that need to be driven home whenever someone is scared of hearing criticism of their own country and diverts the argument to terrorists abroad.

It's a no-brainer that Al Qaeda members need to be hunted down and killed where they are found. But does that mean that we cannot try and fix the gaping flaws here at home? Some people are too patriotic for their own good and for their country's own good because they refuse to hear any criticism about their homeland.

That's where patriotism becomes nationalism. That feeling that your nation is always right no matter what and any one that disagrees with it in any way is a traitor. Also nationalist tend to claim to "love their country" but never fail to hate their political opponents. Also they strangely seem to want to change pretty much everything about the country they love so much.
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These are the points that need to be driven home whenever someone is scared of hearing criticism of their own country and diverts the argument to terrorists abroad.

It's a no-brainer that Al Qaeda members need to be hunted down and killed where they are found. But does that mean that we cannot try and fix the gaping flaws here at home? Some people are too patriotic for their own good and for their country's own good because they refuse to hear any criticism about their homeland.

That's where patriotism becomes nationalism. That feeling that your nation is always right no matter what and any one that disagrees with it in any way is a traitor. Also nationalist tend to claim to "love their country" but never fail to hate their political opponents. Also they strangely seem to want to change pretty much everything about the country they love so much.

Quoted for truth. We do have a disturbing trend towards uber-nationalism in this country, lately.

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That's where patriotism becomes nationalism. That feeling that your nation is always right no matter what and any one that disagrees with it in any way is a traitor. Also nationalist tend to claim to "love their country" but never fail to hate their political opponents. Also they strangely seem to want to change pretty much everything about the country they love so much.

I wholeheartedly agree. There's nothing wrong with patriotism (except when it means your a patriots fan :D ) but nationalism is dangerous and ignorant and in reality it does little to help your country.

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Oh come on. There's no argument that Al Qaeda members deserve 1000lb laser guided bombs to land on their dinner table.
When the Christian right actually poses a threat to the American way of life, we should address them. But if you haven't noticed, this country is becoming more liberal. That would demonstrate to me that the mainstream is not listening to the far right. Al-Qaeda poses a threat to Americans. They need to be dealt with first and foremost.
Are you suggesting we ignore the fundamentalists in our own country because there's a worse enemy out there. Do you think the Christian fundamentalists should get a free ride until Al Qaeda has been eliminated?
Please show me where I have ever advocated ignoring fundamentalists (a word that has been ****ized to represent evil; it used to be a good thing to be a fundamentalist) in our own country? But the % of fundamentalists within is far less than what we face on the outside. Yes, abortion clinic bombers are bad. No, demonstartions on the mall are not bad. The First Ammendment works both ways.
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