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American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America


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Why are we wasting our time talking about a group of people that talk and vote instead of the group of people that have declared war on us and have actually killed people?

Well in order to answer your question I would have to concede that this is a waste of time addressing these issues; which I do not believe that it is. Now if I rephrase your question to something a little less polemical like; Why are we focusing on a group of Americans instead on terrorists? Well, if memory serves correctly there can be "enemies" both foreign and domestic. Now, before someone tears off on a rant because I used the word "enemy", take a deep breath and realize that what I am saying is that just because someone is an American does not mean that their goals for America are actually the best for America and Americans. Thus their influence on America, its people and politics can very well be a VERY central issue. Especially since the Commander and Chief meets regularly with that group of people.

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The point is, we've taken a step away from center since our last President.
Of course we have, if you are looking from the left. If you are on the right, we have taken a step towards center. I think both sides are just about insane (not the people, but the parties). Neither represent what Americans want them to.
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It means being a Christian.

Woah, woah, woah! That is just hillarious!!!

Because I am a Christian, and trust me I am NOT a member of the Christian RIGHT. The Christian Right is a movement of Conservative Christians that listen to people like Falwell, Dobson, D. James Kennedy etc who believe that Republican Christian Conservatism is the party *edit*ideaology*/edit* that should take power in America in order that America might be restored to being a "Christian" nation. That's pretty much a nut shell version.

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Of course we have, if you are looking from the left. If you are on the right, we have taken a step towards center. I think both sides are just about insane (not the people, but the parties). Neither represent what Americans want them to.

I agree with the bolded points, and I am neither a "conservative" or a "liberal." I'm personally sick of all of the partisan pillow-fighting in D.C. But to me, Bill Clinton was closer to a centrist than Bush Jr. Even if you are looking from the right, Bush has taken a step over center and into right field.

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I agree with the bolded points, and I am neither a "conservative" or a "liberal." I'm personally sick of all of the partisan pillow-fighting in D.C. But to me, Bill Clinton was closer to a centrist than Bush Jr. Even if you are looking from the right, Bush has taken a step over center and into right field.

Indeed, Clinton was very much a centrist. He also used that rogue, unfamiliar and evil concept........compromise.......a concept that isn't even in Bush's vocabulary.

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Sorry, couldn't let this slide un-questioned:

But if you haven't noticed, this country is becoming more liberal.

Um, not even slightly.

Yes, the Democrats won the House and Senate, but that was more as a result of Iraq than a shift from conservatism to liberalism.

When evolution is suddenly being called into question 60 years after a court case settled that it could be taught in schools and the ENTIRE scientific community agrees on its principles, and when "moral issues" like abortion, stem cell research, gay marriage, etc. dominate the headlines because the religious right wants to ban ALL of them (with support from the President and members of Congress), liberality isn't exactly on the march.

I wish it was and the Christian Right would stay home and mind their own damn business, but that's not the case.

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Well in order to answer your question I would have to concede that this is a waste of time addressing these issues; which I do not believe that it is. Now if I rephrase your question to something a little less polemical like; Why are we focusing on a group of Americans instead on terrorists? Well, if memory serves correctly there can be "enemies" both foreign and domestic.
There can be, and the oath of office makes an elected official swear to protect against both. But simply because a group holds sway and is against your POV does not make them an enemy. If so, the I guess the unions are considered an "enemy" by the right.:2cents:
Now, before someone tears off on a rant because I used the word "enemy", take a deep breath and realize that what I am saying is that just because someone is an American does not mean that their goals for America are actually the best for America and Americans. Thus their influence on America, its people and politics can very well be a VERY central issue.
See, this illustrates the polarization issue. Opposing views are good for America. This is what helped the founding fathers in their creation of the Constitution. Today, both sides scream that the other side is trampling the Constitution and are tearing this country apart. And BOTH sides are correct, but only in as much as they are both doing it.
Especially since the Commander and Chief meets regularly with that group of people.
Dude, the Commander in Chief meets regularly with Muslim leaders also. And leaders of the Dem Party. That is what the job calls for. Clinton met with the leaders of the Christian Right all the time. Thats what you do.
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Us Christians have been oppressed for far too long in this country.

Now the far left wants to exterminate us.

Hell, Hillary probably wants to drink our blood.

I must turn to the great Rev Ted Haggard for strength in this scary time.

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Sorry, couldn't let this slide un-questioned:

Originally Posted by Popeman38

But if you haven't noticed, this country is becoming more liberal.

Um, not even slightly.

Yes, the Democrats won the House and Senate, but that was more as a result of Iraq than a shift from conservatism to liberalism.

When evolution is suddenly being called into question 60 years after a court case settled that it could be taught in schools and the ENTIRE scientific community agrees on its principles, and when "moral issues" like abortion, stem cell research, gay marriage, etc. dominate the headlines because the religious right wants to ban ALL of them (with support from the President and members of Congress), liberality isn't exactly on the march.

I wish it was and the Christian Right would stay home and mind their own damn business, but that's not the case.

Look at where this country is compared to where it was 60 years ago. The Rep Party is basically what the Dem Party was. The Dems have drifted further to the left. Don't mistake my use of left as an insult. This country is much more liberal now. Not in a bad way. The Dems have a much more in depth view on social aspects. This is good. But this country, as a whole, is more liberal than it was. This is fact. But because the people are against gay marriage doesn't mean the country is stepping into a Puritan mindset. Name one step that has been taken to eliminate abortion. There have been limit abortions, but no politician will allow his tool for fanning the base to go away. As for stem cell research, it is a mixed bag. Not even all the experts agree on this, do you really epect the politicians to be able to grasp it?
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Us Christians have been oppressed for far too long in this country.

Now the far left wants to exterminate us.

Hell, Hillary probably wants to drink our blood.

I must turn to the great Rev Ted Haggard for strength in this scary time.

You know, this really helps add something to the debate. Thanks.

Ummm, not so much.

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I'm sure they're are a lot of Christians on this board who will LOVE this comment. Oh wait, nevermind, I forgot, they're NOT chrisitian because they don't believe exactly the same crap you do. Sweetness. Everybody listen up, contact Johnny Punani for your Christian Right registration cards......your salvation and identification as a Christian is depending on it. :thumbsup:

Ok smart ass, define the "Christian right" then...

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Ok smart ass, define the "Christian right" then...

ASF did a fantastic job of it on his own :)

Woah, woah, woah! That is just hillarious!!!

Because I am a Christian, and trust me I am NOT a member of the Christian RIGHT. The Christian Right is a movement of Conservative Christians that listen to people like Falwell, Dobson, D. James Kennedy etc who believe that Republican Christian Conservatism is the party *edit*ideaology*/edit* that should take power in America in order that America might be restored to being a "Christian" nation. That's pretty much a nut shell version.

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It means being a Christian.

Johnny - you're a smart guy and can do better than this. Avoid the bumper sticker slogans and ignore the trolls on either side.

In this thread we have a pastor from rural Kentucky who thinks many conservative American Protestants are being badly misled by their religious leaders. Do you think Falwell, Dobson and others have hijacked the Christian faith? And using their influsence to change American society for the worse?

Or is your serious response no more than a sarcastic jab ... "liberals hate all Christians"?

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I didn't ask for his I asked for yours.

Are evangelicals part of the Christian right?

No, not necessarily. The Christian Right, imo, is more a nationalistic political movement dressed in faith. Destino's, #53QBKiller and ASF's posts in this thread all highlight my view point on it fairly well.

What's your definition of the Christian right? Aside from the one liners.

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Us Christians have been oppressed for far too long in this country.

Now the far left wants to exterminate us.

Hell, Hillary probably wants to drink our blood.

I must turn to the great Rev Ted Haggard for strength in this scary time.


Yep, that's about right. Oppressed minority card? Check. Strawman argument? Check. Wingnut character assassination? Check.

Y'know, I hear Ted and his wife Gayle are going to study psychology. I hope they become the best psychologists the world has ever seen and shine some light on the movement they once represented.

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Johnny - you're a smart guy and can do better than this. Avoid the bumper sticker slogans and ignore the trolls on either side.

In this thread we have a pastor from rural Kentucky who thinks many conservative American Protestants are being badly misled by their religious leaders. Do you think Falwell, Dobson and others have hijacked the Christian faith? And using their influsence to change American society for the worse?

Or is your serious response no more than a sarcastic jab ... "liberals hate all Christians"?

No, I think when the phrase "Christian Right" is used it is geared toward people who base some of their political choices on their own spiritual beliefs.

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No, I think when the phrase "Christian Right" is used it is geared toward people who base some of their political choices on their own spiritual beliefs.

So you would consider a liberal whose politics are informed by his religion to be a member of the Christian Right?

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This kind of rhetoric reminds me very much of when members of the right accuse members of the left of supporting welfare not because they think it's a good program, but because they think it will keep people poor, dependant, and voting for the left.

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If you're asking what the christian right is--chances are you're a member. And since you probably conflate your views with what "true" christianity is, it stands to reason that criticism of the christian right would mean criticism of christianity.

If you're not satisfied that you can go to any church you choose any day of the week 24/7 and enjoy fellowship and spiritual edification with other members of your professed faith without fear of repression, without fear of the gulag, and when members of your religion hold power in every branch of government and have tried to codify every pet belief you have (and have often succeeded) and when you can go anywhere in this country and you have several choices on the radio or the television where you can listen to and view programming geared specifically for you and you still swear up and down you're being persecuted--well, you're probably a member of the christian right.

I don't go looking for enemies, but if I should have any I'm right here. The reason I'm more concerned about the christian right than I am al qaeda is that I can understand why foreigners might hate me. But I'll be damned if I can figure out what I did to religious right, fellow american citizens, that makes them want me to be locked in prison for speaking my mind, or makes them want to look in my bedroom to see if there's any sodomy going on, or makes them want censor the music I listen to or the movies I watch or the art galleries I like to frequent. If you want to ban something for obscenity, why don't you ban the effing bible? There's enough sex and violence in that to satisfy even the most blood-thirsty and perverted among us.

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