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Women learn better, faster

Leonard Washington

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Fathers of young girls, keep up the good work! :thumbsup:

Women dominate at universities. The second instalment of our five-day series on the gender gap at school and beyond looks at what's motivating the high achievers.

In a computer lab at McGill University's McConnell Engineering building, doctoral student Carmen Au patches digital images together to create a panoramic mosaic from a random smattering of snapshots.

Environmental biologist Louise Henault Ethier's adventure in vermicomposting has 5 million worms devouring garbage in the rooftop greenhouse of Concordia University's Henry F. Hall building.

Olivia Chiu, a master's student in robotics, is just home from a research trip to McGill's marine research lab in Barbados, where she's trying to teach a flipper-powered underwater robot to navigate through coral reefs without a human directing its every paddle.

When university administrators and professors talk about the gender revolution taking place on campus these days, they aren't simply struck by the quantity of female students. It's the quality, reflected in high grades, disciplined study habits and the ability to focus on getting the job done.

Everywhere you look, bright women are putting their passions to the test, eager to reinvent the world or go to the moon, tackle pollution, cancer and world hunger.

Individually, there are plenty of boys who shine as brightly in their chosen fields as the women in their classes.

As a group, however, young women often get better grades, take less time to complete their studies and collect more prizes....

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They may learn faster but it still doesn't erase the fact that Men can pee standing up.

there was that one invention about a year ago that enabled women to pee standing up

either way, yeah, they may learn faster, and I do know they are more driven to do their schoolwork on the whole. Doesn't necessarily mean that they outpace men in the end.

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From recent experience at my snooty prestigious university, I don't buy that they learn better or faster. I do buy that they have better study habits, and care more about their schoolwork. They are certainly capable of doing the work required of them at this level however.

My general impression is that in the world at large and even at the Ivy League level, the overall level of intelligence is the same, but the distributions are different. I think there are greater proportions of extremely stupid and extremely intelligent males compared to females, who tend to cluster closer to the middle. This is somewhat offset at the higher levels by the aforementioned better work ethic in schools displayed by female students. There are tons of fairly brilliant guys at Ivies who slack off, loaf around, and pursue their own intellectual interests while skating through their normal courses.

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Seems now a days girls are definitely learning quicker and faster on how to be whores, if only I was in high school now.

Oh yes ... so quick to call girls whores and be degrading ... but it's acceptable for men to just hump whomever they want whenever they want?

Nice double standard smartass.

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