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Mike Gallagher loves the terrorists


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It's right there on his blog...


Seeing Jane Fonda Saturday was enough to make me wish the unthinkable: it will take another terror attack on American soil in order to render these left-leaning crazies irrelevant again. Remember how quiet they were after 9/11? No one dared take them seriously. It was the United States against the terrorist world, just like it should be.

Keep it coming, right-wingers. The more you spew stuff like this, the more America sees that what you have to offer is pure venom and hate, nothing less.

Bill O'Reilly wants the terrorists to attack San Francisco. Now Mike Gallagher just wants the terrorists to attack anywhere. He doesn't care where it is, as long as they kill Americans so that his political agenda can be advanced.

Oh please please please will my favorite right-wing posters try and defend this?

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It's right there on his blog...


Keep it coming, right-wingers. The more you spew stuff like this, the more America sees that what you have to offer is pure venom and hate, nothing less.

Bill O'Reilly wants the terrorists to attack San Francisco. Now Mike Gallagher just wants the terrorists to attack anywhere. He doesn't care where it is, as long as they kill Americans so that his political agenda can be advanced.

Oh please please please will my favorite right-wing posters try and defend this?

Froth at the mouth much? He is an idiot, like Savage and his ilk. No better or worse than the LA Times minimizing how "bad" 9/11 was by comparing it to the Holocaust, Hiroshima, the Tsunami. And by the way, posting links like this and then responding with your post sorta makes you look like all you have to offer is venom and hate.
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According to his bio, we should know who he is:

Today, Talkers Magazine reports that he's the sixth most listened-to talk radio host in America with over 3.75 million weekly listeners in top ten markets like Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Boston, Houston, and Philadelphia as well as cities all over the country, and is the 8th most recognized talk radio personality in America (The Benchmark Company).
But for the life of me, I can never recall hearing of hime before this post. 3.75 million listeners?
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I really don't think he is wishing another terrorist attack on the U.S. He's simply saying that that is probably the only thing right now to shut these idiots up, there's a difference between "wishing" something and stating cold hard facts. I'm not saying what he said was right, but he has a point in a way. The "left" didn't have a foot to stand on in protesting war when the attacks happened. Now, over 5 years later, they have reared their ugly heads again by thinking they can stop this and disgracing the troops service for just doing what they are told. It's almost like someone who gets caught doing something wrong, they lay low for awhile, but will probably go back to the stupid **** that got them in trouble in the first place. I saw this coming when "United we Stand" was being said, sure everyone in the U.S. was immediately flaming patriots, but I knew it was only a matter of time until they became complacent. It's sad people can't be real patriotic without something tragic happening to make them that way and what even more sad is the shortness it stays that way.

I joined the Army in 2000 before the attacks, because I wanted to serve my country. The attacks didn't make me more patriotic then what I already was. Be who you are and if who you are is an unpatriotic *******, then move to France.

As for Jane Fonda, I just wish she would have been "collatoral damage" in Vietnam, so we wouldn't have to look at that ****es face anymore and not have to listen to her demeaning words and actions against our troops.

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People need to stop these idiots from claiming the word patriot. They aren't patriots, they are nationalists. The same type of lunatics that claimed to love country while slaughtering their political rivals. Pinochet called himself a patriot while shooting leftists in the back, torturing them in soccer stadiums, and hiding the bodies of his victims. Hitler was all for "Germany!" right? Would you call him a patriot too? This Gallagher guy calls himself a patriot while rooting for the terrorists to kill Americans so that leftists will lose support.

These lunatics have no good intentions. The crave power for their side and don't value country at all. A leftist American isn't "one of them".

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I really don't think he is wishing another terrorist attack on the U.S. He's simply saying that that is probably the only thing right now to shut these idiots up, there's a difference between "wishing" something and stating cold hard facts. I'm not saying what he said was right, but he has a point in a way. The "left" didn't have a foot to stand on in protesting war when the attacks happened. Now, over 5 years later, they have reared their ugly heads again by thinking they can stop this and disgracing the troops service for just doing what they are told. It's almost like someone who gets caught doing something wrong, they lay low for awhile, but will probably go back to the stupid **** that got them in trouble in the first place. I saw this coming when "United we Stand" was being said, sure everyone in the U.S. was immediately flaming patriots, but I knew it was only a matter of time until they became complacent. It's sad people can't be real patriotic without something tragic happening to make them that way and what even more sad is the shortness it stays that way.

I joined the Army in 2000 before the attacks, because I wanted to serve my country. The attacks didn't make me more patriotic then what I already was. Be who you are and if who you are is an unpatriotic *******, then move to France.

As for Jane Fonda, I just wish she would have been "collatoral damage" in Vietnam, so we wouldn't have to look at that ****es face anymore and not have to listen to her demeaning words and actions against our troops.

One of your mistakes is buying into the assumption that the war in Iraq is tied to the 9/11 attacks and to the war on terror. You've been victimized by a bait and switch tactic.

Another is the suggestion that the protesters dishonor U.S. soldiers. The vast majority do not.

Another mistake is to question the patriotism of those who protest. Patriotism does not = blind loyalty to an administration's foreign policy.


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One of your mistakes is buying into the assumption that the war in Iraq is tied to the 9/11 attacks and to the war on terror. You've been victimized by a bait and switch tactic.

Another is the suggestion that the protesters dishonor U.S. soldiers. The vast majority do not.

Another mistake is to question the patriotism of those who protest. Patriotism does not = blind loyalty to an administration's foreign policy.


And you've fallen for the bait and switch offered by the left. In which they have made you believe that 9/11 and Al Queda are the only terrorists in the world and our only enemy.

BTW, I have no idea who Gallager is, but regardless of what he MEANT, it's an assinine thing to say.

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And you've fallen for the bait and switch offered by the left. In which they have made you believe that 9/11 and Al Queda are the only terrorists in the world and our only enemy.

Really? Funny I don't recall hearing that from anyone on the left, right, or in between. I never even saw the bait dangled.

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The name just dawned on me. I met Mike Gallagher while I was stationed at Fort Bragg in early 2004 I think and I believe even had a photo taken with him. He's a really down to earth person I just think people are going to pick apart what he said and misconstrue what he actually meant.

It was a really good morale booster for us to talk to him about many things while he visited us. I just wish a someone for the left would protest at bragg. let's just say it would probably mean one less protester:laugh:

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Keep it coming, right-wingers. The more you spew stuff like this, the more America sees that what you have to offer is pure venom and hate, nothing less.

Bill O'Reilly wants the terrorists to attack San Francisco. Now Mike Gallagher just wants the terrorists to attack anywhere. He doesn't care where it is, as long as they kill Americans so that his political agenda can be advanced.

Oh please please please will my favorite right-wing posters try and defend this?

Grim, do you really believe that's what they're saying? Are you really going to tell me that's what your reading comprehension tells you those people have said? Because I've seen the same statements and have come away with a VERY different view on their comments.

What these people are saying is that we have become complacent again as a nation. We've once again started whining about security at airports. We've started calling groups like the Boston Police and Fire Departments fools for reacting like an unknown object with electrical wires and a battery hanging off of it might be a bomb. We've gone more than five years without a serious terror threat or attack here in the United States, and the vast majority of Americans have forgotten (to one degree or another) what September 11th, 2001 was like. Many people have gone back to that pre-9/11 mentality.

Unfortunately these commentators are right that it is likely going to take another serious terrorist attack on this country to once again shake people out of their nice, quiet, 'safe' mentalities and remember that we are at 'war' with a group of people who would like to see this entire country destroyed. Until there is another attack, this level of complacency and delusion is just going to continue growing. It's not that any of us WANT to see another terrorist attack; but we realize that it's the only thing likely to shake the rest of you people out of your dreamworld and back into the reality of the modern world.

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But pulling for a terrorist attack? Come on.

I don't think anyone is HOPING there is another terrorist attack. I think what most of us are saying is that a certain large group of American citizens need to be shaken back awake from their fantasies/dreams that there is no more threat to this country and reminded that if we do not continue to be vigilant it might be THEIR hometown with the black cloud of smoke (or possibly worse) hanging over it. Unfortunately for many of these people, until that cloud settles over another American city, they're never going to remember why we need to be so vigilant and security-focused. We don't WANT to see another attack, but we also don't want to see this country o back to being totally oblivious to the threats we face on a daily basis.

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Damn hippies! :D

I'm actually more worried about the people in nine other cities who DIDN'T 'see' these things and report them as suspicious. Something tells me not everyone knew what they were in these other cities, but they chose to ignore them anyway. THAT'S the sort of complacency that strikes me as a problem.

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I don't think anyone is HOPING there is another terrorist attack. I think what most of us are saying is that a certain large group of American citizens need to be shaken back awake from their fantasies/dreams that there is no more threat to this country and reminded that if we do not continue to be vigilant it might be THEIR hometown with the black cloud of smoke (or possibly worse) hanging over it. Unfortunately for many of these people, until that cloud settles over another American city, they're never going to remember why we need to be so vigilant and security-focused. We don't WANT to see another attack, but we also don't want to see this country o back to being totally oblivious to the threats we face on a daily basis.

Read the quote again. He says he "wishes" for another attack. There isn't any sort of ambiguity about it. I'm not saying all the righties feel this way. But I have noticed the only people actively cheering for an attack are on the same side of the fence as those who say that it is us on the left who "hate America" and "want the terrorists to win".

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