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Best/funniest youtube/ebaum/google clips


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There was a thread similar to this a few months back that was a great source of entertainment, but I couldn't find it on a search function.

So post your best clips here. I'll start:


EDIT: For the record, please set your clip up by letting everyone know what it is first, and definately include a NSFW if necessary.

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LOL. I have seen this one before, but i never noticed the leprechaun flute. LMAO . That was a leg insert for scaffolding. :laugh:


"These are spells right here, and this is a special lerprechaun flute passed down from thousand of years ago from my great grandfather who was Irish. I just came here to help out." :laugh:

LOL He was trying to talk in an Irish accent and whatnot! That guy was so funny. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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Best clip EVER!

"I want the gold, where da gold at, I want da gold!"

also, "Anyone else seen da leprechaun say yea!"

One of my favorites. The remix compliments it.

My favorite mike tyson interviews



This is sad


We talking about practice. Not the GAME. Practice

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