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Who is to blame now


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Everyone was on brunell's back saying he was to blame,calling him every name in the book. so who's to blame now?

Brunell was part of it and had we had Jason in there from the beginning, he would be in sync with the Wide receivers.

Right now we are still a team adjusting to a new scheme. This is why you and I see flashes of it from time to time.

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Gibbs inherited a bad team that was really screwed up by Spurrier. It's gonna take a while to straighten that out and get a new QB acclimated to things. What concerns me though is how the defense fell apart this year after playing so well in the past. I think the coaching staff will have learned some lessons by the time this season is over.


It's too easy to blame the Old Ball Coach... and it's wrong. One of the things Spurrier did was bring in, for the most part, cheap guys.

Parcells has had no problem putting a playoff team on the field twice in his three years in Dallas.

Three years is enough time in the NFL if you draft right and use free agency well.

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It's too easy to blame the Old Ball Coach... and it's wrong. One of the things Spurrier did was bring in, for the most part, cheap guys.

Parcells has had no problem putting a playoff team on the field twice in his three years in Dallas.

Three years is enough time in the NFL if you draft right and use free agency well.

Parcells has been there 4 years.

Spurrier brought in cheap scrubs and had 2 bad drafts. His teams were never better than 21st best on offense or defense.

The team was getting worse and would have been at least 49ers bad in 04 if he had stayed.

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Well based upon yesterday I don't know how you go up 14-0 on the first quarter and then abandon the run going into the 5th possession and do a 3 and out. It shifted the momentum of the game and the D started to falter. It is a combination of things:

1) Injuries

2) No depth on the roster on the Defense...Rumpf and Wright are busts. And some of the starters have had below average performances all year, like Holdman, and Jansen, and a few others. Archuleta was as bad an aquistion as Bruce Smith...remember that mess?

3) QB position: Why Joe Gibbs has not looked at these other teams who made a switch early on is beyond me. I do not believe he should have stayed Brunell at all...aging QB's with no mobility are a curse in the NFL today...it is youth.. If you look around the league and saw who the starting QB's were yesterday you would see 1st or 2nd year players...and yea, most of them threw 2 INT"s yesterday but their teams won because their Defense stepped up.

4) Poor execution: all year long on the D we have given up the long ball and we have missed tackles, and tackled around the shoulders. Time to get back to the basics. Get off your little heated seats, stop the macho, I am the man bull**** and tackle and STOP with the 10 yard cushions.

Gibbs needs to stay because no one replacing him is going to do better. In fact he needs to stay to fix the mess he helped create. Get rid of Brunell and Collins and get a serviceable backup in a vet...there will be plenty on the market very soon. Get rid of all the Defensive waste and replace the aging players with YOUTH. Send Saunders packing. Take back the reins to your team Joe.


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1. Whomever was responsible for the decision to abandon the run in the second quarter and bring out the "happy feet" game again.

2. Whomever was responsible for letting Antonio Pierce and other quality defensive players leave over the past two years.

I don't know who that person is but HE's the problem.

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Gibbs for trading Ramsey and not having a better option than Collins.

But it wasn't Gibbs who gave up over 250 yards on the ground yesterday, and Ramsey doesn't play defense.

Blame this crappy defense which couldn't stop a toddler on a tricycle!!

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Jason Campbell and the Defense were to blame.

Campbell couldn't handle the pressure from the blitz and made stupid mistakes. Plus he had several shots to Cooley open over the middle, late in the game for the score, yet he inexplicably only appeared to have eyes for Moss or Betts on the checkdown. Where have we seen that before?

And the Defense? I don't think anything needs to be said here. We all know what the problems are.

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Yeah that's it guys! We'll fire yet another coach, a HOF one at that, bring a new one in who'll bring in yet another group of players with crazy contracts until he has a bad season. Rinse repeat!

Are we not using Saunders playbook ? Is he not defacto head coach ?

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Jason Campbell and the Defense were to blame.

Campbell couldn't handle the pressure from the blitz and made stupid mistakes. Plus he had several shots to Cooley open over the middle, late in the game for the score, yet he inexplicably only appeared to have eyes for Moss or Betts on the checkdown. Where have we seen that before?

And the Defense? I don't think anything needs to be said here. We all know what the problems are.

How can you put any blame on Campbell? It's his 3rd NFL game. I saw a few drops yesterday. This entire team needs to rally around him and give him some more help. And you can't even try to compare Campbell to the other guy you eluded to. That other guy had what? 3000 starts instead of 3.

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How can you put any blame on Campbell? It's his 3rd NFL game. I saw a few drops yesterday. This entire team needs to rally around him and give him some more help. And you can't even try to compare Campbell to the other guy you eluded to. That other guy had what? 3000 starts instead of 3.
I don't care how many starts you have, he looked confused and made stupid mistakes. I never said what I thought the reasons or excuses were.

You can count on the Eagles bringing the house this week to shake him up.

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Well...finger pointing time I see...If I was going to point a finger ...it wouldn't be the finger that Vick/Mexico chose in his performance:laugh: ....I would definitely have to seriously point at the Defense in this game. I refuse to blame Campbell...he's the "new" guy...he made some rookie mistakes...like trying to throw that ball that got picked b/c he was on his way down...better to take the sack there....but hey...he's on a learning curve...he made some beautiful passes also...the defense played like we had the game won after scoring those 2 TD's in the 1st...they couldn't stop Vick(arrrggghhhh)...they couldn't stop the rook back who broke out for a 60+ yd TD(a rookie?..can't stop a rookie?..aaaaahhhhhh)...can't cover receivers who can't catch a cold?..Lelie(sp) dropped a few...but they went back to him again and again..he made us pay...the O have had better games...but the D lost this game....imo...they stopped playing after we got the 2 scores..don't know why..but they did..


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Jeebus , no.

Please let the offense learn this system before you pack it in.

Let's not have Campbell and the oline try to learn ANOTHER offense.

That is my biggest fear. I dont want this team to go through another offense. See what happened last year when we stayed with the same systems and tweeked it to our players strengths. Campbell needs to stay in the same offense, it would be his 7th in 7 years if we changed.
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We the fans let Gibbs down this year, the fans called for a change at QB he made the change and some of you people still aren't happy. Give the guy a break he works with what he has, I repeat he works with what he has and we need some key additions to turn this thing around. What I seen today was Joe Gibbs football, run the ball, run the ball and run the ball some more.

Wow, the fans run this team now? We have more power than Gibbs? You're telling me Gibbs doesn't have enough to work with on this team? We're one of the most talented team in the NFL...

I'm definitely not giving Gibbs a pass on this. If one particular person is to blame, it is coach Gibbs.

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But it wasn't Gibbs who gave up over 250 yards on the ground yesterday, and Ramsey doesn't play defense.

Blame this crappy defense which couldn't stop a toddler on a tricycle!!

God, I hate this ridiculous excuse. Gibbs has the most power in this organization, and the defense has been a problem ALL year. It is still not fixed, you have to point the finger at the man with the most power.

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This season was over when Coach Gibbs decided to hire an offensive coordinator instead of a General Manager.

It takes 2 years for a new offensive scheme to take hold, for the players to get used to and comfortable with it. Add to that a rookie QB, and we should've started him since Week One. The more exposure Jason Campbell has to the new offense the better, and unfortunately Mark Brunell (try as he might) did not have enough left in the tank this year to make the system work. The problem last year was not the scheme, it was the worn-out, beleagured QB. Our team is pressing up against next year's projected cap, and we have made poor personnel decision after poor personnel decision. I am not on board anymore with the 'win now' mentality. I am not on board with giving away our draft picks and paying millions of dollars to schmoozed free agents. I am not on board with Gibbs the President/CEO/Personnel Man. Gibbs should be the Head Coach, nothing more, nothing less. Cerrato has no real power and so everything is being done within a group mindset. Where does the buck stop? Don't even say the name Dan Snyder. Do you think he'd ever say no to Coach Gibbs?

This team needs a major restart. Coach Gibbs needs to fire himself as personnel man and hire a GM and some real talent evaluators. He needs to get back to basics, old school if you will, and instill some fear in these players. Stop babying them in camp. Don't tell me that it's the players' fault. Coach's job is to prepare them, get them ready, and in this team's case, he has hand selected them. So one of two scenarios is apparent here; if they are quitters, then he chose them so it's his problem. If they are the right people for this team, then they are showing up unprepared and unmotivated each week and the spotlight goes back to Gibbs- who they neither fear nor respect enough at this point. As President/CEO, he has also given Gregg Williams total control (including personnel decisions) and that is a big mistake and maybe the lion's share of the problem. Even Richie Petitbon didn't have that kind of authority.

Gibbs can still right this ship, but he needs to hire a GM, fire himself as President, and get back to basics.

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