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Florida Weather Update


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:cool: Well, I woke up and had some coffee while looking out at the beach this morning. Here on the coast in Central Florida, crystal clear blue skies and about 74' at 7:00 AM. It should be in the low 80's this afternoon. Local weather says the it will be crystal clear and in the low 80's this weekend for the game. This should give the Redskins some nice weather while kicking the Jags around ALLTEL Stadium.

We will be in Section 231...I will be with two chicks in bikinis!!!

Of Course they will have Redskin G-Strings!!!

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I've moved to Fort Lauderdale about a month ago and this has been the most enjoyable weather yet. Virtually no humidity since Wednesday and in the low 80s. I'm seriously thinking about making that 4 hour trip if I can get a ticket. Having Monday off is going to make this much easier too.. :)

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SWEET!!!!!!!!!! Man I'm I lucky!!!!

I just got 2 tickets to the game!! look for me with the black ExtremeSkins shirt on! I'll be on the lower level 6 rows from the field Jaguars side around the 25-30 yard line.

Sec 113

Hey the shredder wanna share one of those chicks?

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aREDSKIN SWEET!!!!!!!!!! Man I'm I lucky!!!!

I just got 2 tickets to the game!! look for me with the black ExtremeSkins shirt on! I'll be on the lower level 6 rows from the field Jaguars side around the 25-30 yard line.

Sec 113

Hey the shredder wanna share one of those chicks?


Man....I don't have any problem with sharing...they are both my girlfriends though! What are you bringing to the table?

Yes I will take pictures and post them here for you all to see...if that is ok with the gang?

I need to know if I can post topless picks with ALLTEL in the background?

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Originally posted by dchogs

speaking of weather, it's actually raining in so cal, and boy, did we need it!

Yup on both counts. It's ugly out here right now. (And our drivers are all idiots in the rain too, which makes it even more miserable!)
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I have never been to ALLTEL be4. I have a friend that has and he says that parking is a biotch! I want to party before and it looks like I might have to hoof it in from some place. I guess you need a parking pass and I didn't get one with my tickets.:shootinth

Our seats are by gate 3 and there is a parking lot A close to it. We will just have to see what happens.

I will be wearing #48, my DD girl will be wearing #78, and my tight-booty girl will be wearing #24. All of us will have Skins caps!:cheers:

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After 15 years here.... I'm good withthe fact that someone, or someones, are sitting back staring at a beach in warm weather and watching.... er..........some........ people... :D wearing very little. I mean, it's not like I lived in Florida for 4 years some time ago and didn't do the same thing myself way back when. I'm over that now. Really.... I am. So when I woke up this am and enjoyed my morning coffee while I watched it rain and trying ****** SNOW! No problem. Of course the local forcasters are calling for 2" of rain in Salt Lake and 2-4 feet of ******* SNOW! in the mountains above 7000 to 8000 feet. Guess Where I'm ******* WORKING! And of course winter is just beginning.....may go on until *******APRIL! But that's okay... I'm over all that warm weather and beaches stuff. :silly: :silly:

Enjoy the game you all and represent the Skins well. :cheers:

Bye the way........smooty was right..... You Suck! :silly: :laugh:

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"I need to know if I can post topless picks with ALLTEL in the background?"

I believe I can speak for everything that you should only do this knowing after looking at the pictures that we will chastise you for posting them and then after saving them to hard disk and giving everyone warning we'll have to remove them :).

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I believe I can speak for everything that you should only do this knowing after looking at the pictures that we will chastise you for posting them and then after saving them to hard disk and giving everyone warning we'll have to remove them


;) With interpretation being the key...I will have to take a few pics. I will get them to do some Goldschlauger shots and kiss! Let's see what happens!!

One thing is for sure...Jags fans won't out 'F' us even at home!


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Hey Shredder,

I sent you a PM about parking... unless you want to tailgate Sam's club is the way to go. $8 round trip from Sam's to the game and back... just keep you ticket or else you have to pay again. It might be $7 but I only go once every 2-3 yrs so I am not positve about it.

Parking by the stadium is usually around $20 if you can find a place and when you do you walk for miles.

If any of you guys who don't know Jacksonville are interested let me know and I'll see where the park and ride things are offered.


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I just spoke to Mom and Dad, who live in Jacksonville, Florida. Interestingly, they are seeing burgundy and gold all around town. They say all the Gator fans are going to be rooting their hearts out for Spurrier and the Skins. Besides, before Jacksonville got a team there were already a lot of Redskin fans down in North Florida. So, if you thought there were a lot of Redskin fans in Seattle, wait until you see the stands this week. My Dad is expecting to see more burgundy and gold than teal. Also, a lot of folks down in Jacksonville are not expecting to win...they are thinking Spurrier is ready to "open a can" on them. It is too bad I still do not live in Jacksonville, or else I could have given out all of the free parking passes I used to have at the old Gator Bowl. I look forward to watching the game on national television, and I expect to see a big Extremeskins sign, along with Extreme Skin T-Shirts.

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Oh ya all the locals have no respect for their team and will be wearing Skin Jerseys to make this town look like they have no patriotism in your dreams. Wake up Skins fans. Steve is history the Jags are the reality here in Jagsonville Florida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sure you will make a turn out but it willl only last until the beginning of the third Quarter. Then you will see a river of Skin fans washing out of OUR STADIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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. . . it willl only last until the beginning of the third Quarter. Then you will see a river of Skin fans washing out of OUR STADIUM

You mean, as opposed to, say, the last time I was at that stadium (when it was distinctly the other way around?) I remember asking the 'Skins fan next to me (they weren't hard to find), why these people were leaving with the 'Skins only up by 10 or so, didn't they know Norv could still blow this game?

Nothing beats the feeling of watching hometown fans abandon their stadium. (Well, I've never in person heard RFK or FedEx chanting "We Want Dallas" at the end of a 'Skins victory. That might be better).

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Originally posted by Jagsbch

Oh ya all the locals have no respect for their team and will be wearing Skin Jerseys to make this town look like they have no patriotism...

I could not have said it better! Since I have family and friends in Jacksonville and actually lived in Jax for 5 years, this does sum up the attitude on the First Coast. Most people in North Florida are bitter not only about higher ticket prices and a lack of decent parking, but Wayne Weaver dropping the ball AGAIN by not firing Tom Coughlin and hiring Steve Spurrier.

I can guarantee you that your stadium would be sold out every game if you hired Spurrier. You also would not have to worry about black-outs every time you have a home game.

Tom Coughlin and the now fired Michael Huygue(half the talent evaluator that Mendes is, believe it or not) should both have taken responsibility for the downfall of the Jaguar franchise. You had an incredible advantage coming into the league and with one of the most talented teams for about 4 years in the 1990's, FAILED TO EVEN REACH THE SUPERBOWL. What makes you think you can win with Coughlin...Your front-office and coaches CHOKED. YOUR WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY IS CLOSED.

My parents gave up their Jaguar season tickets, because they were sick and tired of Coughlin and his losing ways. In fact, many friends of my parents also gave up their season tickets. Thank God I was born a Redskin fan! Redskin fans don't let their babies grow up to be Cowboys and they would never even think of giving up their season tickets. May Wayne Weaver and your Jaguars wake up and realize that Coughlin is not the ticket, and on Sunday, Spurrier and his Skins will show you why.

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TC did everything he could to try and give us winning seasons, but when you have 25 million dollars worth of players injured it is not going to happen. 90 percent of the games were lost by one score latst season. nobody has winning seasons every year, you can't balame the coach for that. If everyteam had a winning record... you get the picture.

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Sunday Morning Weather Update

Well, another beautiful day in paradise. My girls parents and brother are here from Virginia Beach. They said it was cold when they left, but that it is nice up their too.

Anyway, the weather for todays game will be awesome. I am going to go stand outside in my shorts and drink a cup of coffee while the sunrises. Another clear sun shining day!! Should be hot, at about 84-86' around gametime.

Were leaving for the game at 9:00 AM. 3 hour drive. Should be tailgating by lunch!!!

got Spurrier? We do.

I am going to paint this on my van for the commute....Later.

P.S. thanks for all the parking info everybody....KILLER!!!:cool:

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