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HBO's Rome returns in January


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HBO is the best TV on TV.

See, this is me,, anyone else?

When Entourage is new, it's the best show on TV

When the Wire is new, it's far and away the best show on TV

When Deadwood is new, it's the best show on TV

When the Sopranos is new I wonder "what the hell happened to this show..."

I like Rome,, they waste NO time on extra junk,, they say "we're going to Thesaly", and boom, next scene Roman Legions in Thesaly.


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Great series, Atia and Sevillia are downright evil, I wonder if we'll get introduced to Octavians' future wife Livia, who could blow them both away in the nastiness department. BTW I recommend renting BBC's "I Claudius" which starts in the last years of Augustus's (Octavian) rule as emperor and covers the Julian Emperors.

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I watched one episode of this, im not sure if it was new but I saw an older sister rape her younger brother...

ya I believe an enemy to her family convinced her to do that to retaliate for her mother having her lover murdered.

the better scenes are atia's full frontals, any of the cleopatra sex scenes, and some of the common whore stuff.

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I wish my father would watch this show. I'd love to know how accurate it is. He majored in ancient history and is, obviously, a huge fan of it.

All of the characters are real and lived. Verinous and Polo are mentioned in one of Ceasar's dispatches back to Rome. In this dispatch he describes these two friends and how during a battle they argue about tactics. Polo eventually disregarding Verinouses advise. The Gauls are closing in non them, Polo wants to leave the stockade and fight them in the open. Verenous wants to defend the stockade. As Pollo attacks the Gauls, he get's cut off from his troops. It looks like he's about to get killed, but Verenous leaves the stockade and comes to his aid... Together they kill like 8 Gaul's which along with the theme of friends defending themselves makes the event noteworthy to Ceasar.

That's all we know of these two. So all the story lines involving them are what I call, historically possible, but not based in history. As for the rest of it, from what I can tell; it's spot on...

One other slight exception to this. The events of season one took place over a decade period of time. So the time frames involved are seriously condenced. Sometimes this is obvious, like when Ceasar moved his army from Rome to Egypt in pursuit of Pompai between scenes. Sometimes it's not so obvious, as when Ceaser was besiged in Egypt for 18 months before he eventually broke out. In the show all this happenned in like 15 minutes.

It's going to be fascinating seeing how Agustus is outmanuvering Brutus and the Senators with Mark Anthony as his ally. Knowing that in the end Agustus outmanuvers Mark Anthony as well.

One person who hasn't made his entrance yet. Is Gripper. Augustas was a political genius, but he was no general. Gripper was the military mastermind behind Augustas and was also a boyhood friend of Augustas. Gripper is the guy who eventually out generals Mark Anthony, but we havn't seen him yet.

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0ne person who hasn't made his entrance yet. Is Gripper. Augustas was a political genius, but he was no general. Gripper was the military mastermind behind Augustas and was also a boyhood friend of Augustas. Gripper is the guy who eventually out generals Mark Anthony, but we havn't seen him yet.

Just FYI - Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa (63-12 BCE) was a central person in the establishing of the principate. He was a close friend and ally of Octavian, the later Emperor Augustus, and the man behind most of Octavian's military triumphs.

Interesting notes on Agrippa - He was the Grandfather of the future Emperor Caligula. Some think he was poisoned by Livia (Augustus's wife) in order to pave the way for Tiberius to assume the throne.

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