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Will Gibbs Survive Dan Snyders Wrath?


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What u smokin man? share dangit! lmao

Snyder would never fire the messiah JOE JACKSON GIBBS

If he did he would lose most of his fanbase, and he knows it.

What he :point2sky said.

Dan may have made some poor choices as owner, but even he knows that the only way Joe is going anywhere is when Joe chooses to retire.

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Not gonna do it, not gonna do it. That would be the demise of Snyder, and he knows it. Gibbs leaves on Gibbs terms. That is whay Sndyder told him when recruiting him. Gibbs will serve his 5 years as head coach, turn over the Superbowl champions to Al Saunders, and we are good for another 5. Sorry Williams, you blew your shot, and the ESPN article, did you in.

Can someone fill me in on what happened and what was said on this article?

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Snyder might want more input on the makeup of the coaching staff and their accountability and making sure that they don't have too many chefs in the kitchen but I also expect to Gibbs to step in there. GW earned himself a lot of slack that past two years but with the article and the performance of the defnese this year he will tighten up the leash on all assistants.

A lot of course will be determined by our performance to end the season.

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I agree with an earlier post that if everything falls apart, then Snyder will restructure Gibbs' position and possibly move him to the FO to work with Vinny. It all depends on which head coaches are available at the end of the season. I am pretty sure that GW is out of consideration at this point.

The rest of this season will greatly determine who and where this team will go next season.

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Interesting fact I picked up on another NFL forum. Smoot is due 12 mil next season by the Vikings, and is a certain cap cut (i.e. he is definetly a FA). What are the chances that we'd pick him up to shore up our own secondary / would you as fans welcome him back or shun him?

Honestly, I can see why he would leave for that much money. But seeing as he had an off year this year, he couldn't ask for an equal salary, and also the cap is projected to go to 109 mil this year.

So yay/nay for smoot?

Snyder would be hard pressed to fire Gibbs after this or any other season----it would simply make him look like a jerk (he does well enough doing this on his own anyway). What, I feel, might well happen is for Gibbs to move into some Front Office position where he wouldn't suffer the burn-out that afflicts so many at the head coach level. The challenge for this organization if we don't make the playoffs (God no!) is what to do with all the chiefs we have walking the sidelines. Does anyone out there really believe that G. Williams wants anything other than the top job of coach for this team? Snyder has put himself into a really interesting bind in that, from what recent articles testify, Williams is quickly wearing out his welcome and encountering players who "may" no longer be buying in to his systems and philosophy. Any way you look at it Gibbs is golden, it would be a revelation for him to be fired. Any comments people?

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I was not going to post until I started seeing a recurring theme from others post.

DO people really think Snyder is a jerk? The man who brings in as many of the highest paid free agents as the coach calls for? You might debate whether the strategy is wise, but you absolutely cannot fault the guy for trying. After all, he’s spending HIS money to get these guys here. Do you think he likes to sign someone to a 30M dollar contract and watch him flop? It’s his dollars and business on the line trying to give us the best Redskins team we can have. Things might be more expensive at the park, but you cannot debate the money goes back into the team.

You want the highest paid defensive coordinator in the league—more than a coach---Here you go.

You want another high paid assistant to coach offense, even though it’s your specialty—Here you go.

You want a high profile, expensive WR in Free Agency, even when your scheme may be the reason for the lack of production at that position….Here you go.

Oh, you want another one…here you go.

The best accommodations on road trips, the upgraded facilities, all the way down to the website…. You cannot be a fan and be upset with this guy.

“He has done every SINGLE thing we have asked him to do to help this football team win.” Where have you heard that? It is Joe Gibbs talking about Dan Snyder.

Now, with that said, I don’t think he will fire Joe Gibbs this year. I think the team needs more time under one course of management. Joe Gibbs is a legend, proven, Hall of Fame coach that deserves some time. I think all the off season decisions will eventually pan out.

But the second that Dan Snyder, the guy that has put everything into this team, feels that Joe Gibbs is the reason we are losing...I EXPECT him to fire Joe. Joe wouldn’t have it any it other way.

And to the people who think that firing Joe Gibbs would cause a fan base backlash…..Winning would lash them right back. “You are what your record says you are.”

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Not a chance. Gibbs was in the playoffs last year and had to play the bulk of the year without Portis. Snyder understands what he would become if he fired Gibbs. Not only would the fans be livid but he would never be able to lure another decent coach to come here.

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Snyder firing Coach Gibbs?

File that under the heading of "not a chance in hell."

Face it after the Spurrier "error"....Snyder had to do something that gave the fans hope...bringing back Coach Gibbs did that...and many still believe in him (I know I do) and that he will bring the Lombardi back to DC (That may take a year or two but it will happen).

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why all the Snyder bashing over this year's events?

Gregg Williams specifically asked the team for Archuleta and Carter over other players that were out there and the team went out and got those players. The fact Williams overrated the abilities of Archuleta in this scheme and failed to consider how Carter was in fact a tweener at DE in the 4-3 are details showing that Williams himself has his shortcomings.

If Gibbs and Co. had asked Snyder to write a check for Darren Howard or Aaron Kampman I am sure he would have. Ditto for cornerback where there were other options than Kenny Wright.

This whole episode points up not the weakness of Snyder but the weakness of Gibbs and his staff in doing double duty as coaches and personnel administrators.

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