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Get Off Brunell's Back!


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Related to Brunell, are we?

I don't think anyone on this board will tell you that he's a bad human being - because that's extremely far from the truth. He seems like a very nice and fun-going guy. The reason why we "hate" him is because he is costing us football games. Hell, what I want (and still would like to see) is Brunell to retire at the end of the year and come back to us an assistant QB coach or something and continue to help JC develop. I think we all respect what Mark has done in the past for Jax and that he's a "super smart" guy (seriosuly). It's just that physically, he can't/won't do it anymore.

Those who still believe that Brunell is costing us games are embarrisng themselves. Learn the basic fundementals of football and you will realize that Brunell as a problem is miniscule compared to the true problems on this team.

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The words of hate that I'm seeing here are absurd.

I want Brunell benched, too, but I don't "despise" him. Get a grip people. It's football, not life or death.

Brunell was beat out by a rookie in Jacksonville , it was no secret that he was washed up...but instead Gibbs brings him in and he's getting paid millions....bad mistake....he's like herpes, you can't get rid of him.

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Those who still believe that Brunell is costing us games are embarrisng themselves. Learn the basic fundementals of football and you will realize that Brunell as a problem is miniscule compared to the true problems on this team.

100% wrong.

If you can't see that Brunell's bad decisions cost this team points, I have no idea what game you watch.

He DOES NOT recognize when he actually has time to make a play.

He always thinks the rush is right on top of him.

Even when it isn't.

So he never develops chemistry with his O line or his receivers.

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First, I never said he sucks, perhaps you can't read!

It's about having a little understanding and sympathy (something which you are obviously incapable of) for the guy, instead of destroying him over and over.

Its true he may be playing the best he can, which is very bad. Its not his fault if the coach wants him in there to do what he can or want to play.

This is on Gibbs. I think Mark would be releived to be pulled and have the pressue off but he cant say that. Gibbs has to be the one to make this all happen.

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First, I never said he sucks, perhaps you can't read!

It's about having a little understanding and sympathy (something which you are obviously incapable of) for the guy, instead of destroying him over and over.

BUT YOU DID SAY: "We all know he performance has severely declined". As a business man, would you keep someone running your business if there performance has declined, severely. Don't take this personal, this is part of the business. Mark Brunell has to go, we can honor him during the skin's last game if it makes you feel better. The NFL quarterback position is leader of the team and if you have a leader that is making bad decisions then he has to be removed. After watching yesterday's game, I think coaching has something to do with it and if you say it does not, then tell me who is responsible for Brunell's decision to throw screens and flares to the backs, why do we have receivers if he's just gonna dump the ball. So please pick your poison, Brunell, Gibbs, or Saunders.

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The Bottomline is that Mark Brunell does not decide who plays on Sunday. If coach Gibbs looked at me and said, "Get ready, you're playing Sunday", I'd say "OK".

We have ALL seen what he can or can't do what he is either willing or unwilling to do. The coaches have seen and know more than we do. The QB situation is entirely on the coaches.

What this tells me is that JC is not ready but making slow progress or worse, is a total bust.

With the personnel track record of this group, I'm getting nervous. :doh:

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I've always liked and supported Brunell, but it's time to see what the kid can do....and see how Saunders adapts the offense to fit him. Mark continues to try and "fight his guts out" but it is apparent to just about everyone that he just doesn't seem to have "it" anymore.

Will this fix all the problems? Of course not, but it could provide a spark to push the team in the right direction.

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I've always liked and supported Brunell' date=' but it's time to see what the kid can do....and see how Saunders adapts the offense to fit him. Mark continues to try and "fight his guts out" but it is apparent to just about everyone that he just doesn't seem to have "it" anymore.

Will this fix all the problems? Of course not, but it could provide a spark to push the team in the right direction.[/quote']

Ageed, especially if JC is as good as he supposed to be.

WAY stranger things have happened!

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The season is all but over. The Skins need to see what they have in Campbell. Nine games is enough. Brunell has no mobility. With the sorry O-line the Skins need someone with mobility. Just look at the Cowgirls change to Romo sits to pee. Same line better results. Give the kid his shot.

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You know I tired to support Mark from the begining of the season. But then I just watched him get worse and worse as the season goes on. Yes as we all know our defense sucks this year and we dont have the ability to play ball control and put up 17-20 points and win a game this year its not going to happen. So not the sole reason we are losing. Though I believe he is part of it. I would say he is 75% of our offensive problems. Yes our line has not been great but come on QB our not going to get flawless protection these days. To be an NFL quarterback you have to have some sort of mobility these days its just the way it is. Brunell has lost all his mobility and has a very average arm when he can not step into his throws. Dallas had one of the worst lines in football with Bledsoe, well Romo sits to pee comes in and what do you know there line is playing great because they dont have to worry about someone getting blitzed and folding under pressure, they know Romo sits to pee can make something happen if everything is not perfect. Brunell will only succeed if everything is percect in protection. That is just not going to happen in the NFL these days.

Not to be an ass or hate on the team I love but I told many people before we played philly that we would get blown out. I knew philly would come out firing and we would have to put up points. I knew if we got in that situation Brunell was not capable of bringing us back or putting up points. I am sick and tired of watching this guy not make plays, not make something out of nothing. I have watched all year other QB's stand in the pocket and get drilled and deliver the ball for a first down. I have watched QB's scramble out of the pocket and nail people for first downs. Face it Brunell is not going to give us that. The day of the pocket QB is almost over, unless you have the best line in football you need to be able to move and make things happen. We are not going to make the playoffs, with Brunell at the helm we are not going to win maybe 1 or 2 more games at most. I for one can honestly say that I dont think the season would be over if we went to Campbell, hell I think this kid could help us win, hell maybe he wont but I dont care. I want to see what we have in this kid we need a QB, I dont care if he throws picks, as long as he is throwing the ball deep I dont care if he makes mistakes I just want to see if we have a QB that can play in the NFL. We have to many weapons on offense not to be able to put up points. You can see the frustration on the recievers faces knowing that if they get open the will rarely ever get the ball thrown there way. I am done, I am done supporting Brunell. I will watch every single game for the rest of the season but I will no longer support Mark Brunell as our quarterback. Its time to see what we have in Campbell. I think he could be the real deal, if not oh well we then know we need a ****ing QB. IM OUT..............

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100% wrong.

If you can't see that Brunell's bad decisions cost this team points, I have no idea what game you watch.

He DOES NOT recognize when he actually has time to make a play.

He always thinks the rush is right on top of him.

Even when it isn't.

So he never develops chemistry with his O line or his receivers.

Even Tony Siragusa? (spelling) made a comment during the game that at times when Brunell was not even being rushed that he had happy feet and looked scared in the pocket. I mean I know all this guy does is eat food on the side lines but hell even if he notices this. Its just time to see what the kid can do.
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Is this a joke?

Understanding and sympathy?

Makbe I should make hima cup of hot cocoa and we can watch Beaches together and have a good cry.

WTF is wrong with you? He's not producing, get him out of there. He's hurting the team, the younger players by not letting them develop, and the organization in general.

His level of play is sub-standard. END OF STORY.

The team has a QB on the roster and they need to figure out if he is the right guy.

They know Brunell is not that right guy, so get rid of him.


Plus, he does not seem to have warmed to the idea of mentoring anyone.

When he was pulled the first time, he was pissed. He's no Kurt Warner. He's not teaching anyone. I don't see him chatting it up with Campbell. Before games, I see Campbell by himself, or warming up with Collins.

He's not producing on the field. And he's not teaching the young guy.

Get the selfish **** out of there.

Man, you are on point.

He is selfish and washed up; if people cant see that then they are about as dumb as a developmental monkey.

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First, I never said he sucks, perhaps you can't read!

It's about having a little understanding and sympathy (something which you are obviously incapable of) for the guy, instead of destroying him over and over.

For starters, why show sympathy for a guy who kills us week after week by refusing to just accept the fact that he doesn't have it anymore, and he will never have a good game again? As for destroying him week after week, he seems to do a pretty good job of bringing that on himself.

If he could throw a pass more than 3 yards, or run a little, or try at least to make some kind of play, then the bashing wouldn't be here.

He isn't super smart, he doesnt fight his guts out, and he is never gonna provide any benefit for this team. He needs to hang it up, and until he does, he will get bashed. Have you watched a game this season? I just don't see how there could be any more Brunell supporters left at this point.

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I'm so sick of reading all of these posts that bash the hell out Brunell, making fun of him and treating him as less than a human being.

We all know his performance has severely declined, we also know that he has always been a tough competitor through his career.

Do you people really want him to just lay down and say take me out, I don't have it anymore! If he did, then you would be justified to bash him.

The simple truth is that he is at the end of his career, he knows that. He also knows that once he comes out now, he will NEVER start another NFL game again. Think about it, that's a pretty tough thing to face for a true competitor such as Brunell, much less any Man.

So, he does what any true competitor would do, "fights his guts out" week after week, trying to regain some semblance of what he once was.

The bottom line is that the decision to bench him will be made FOR him, not BY him. As much as we all feel that Brunell should be benched in favor of Campbell, the fact is that none of us personally know and work with him every day. To bench him basically equates to ending his career, something that I'm sure no matter how much you agree with it is a terrribly difficult decision.

And before any of you start saying, but oh it's for the good of the team, remember you are saying it on your keyboard not to Brunells face.

Boonell knows how the fans feel and we don't have to say it to his face. However if I had the chance to say it to Boonell and Gibbs, I would. Of course I would ask for an autograph from JG first. We already know what Boonell cannot do for us. We don't need 7 more games to see his lack of mobility and once a game arm strength.

With our talent at wide receiver, we need JC out there to take some risk and some hits. This is football and last time I checked, you get hit. As far as our defense is concerned, tackling is part of the game too.

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Even Tony Siragusa? (spelling) made a comment during the game that at times when Brunell was not even being rushed that he had happy feet and looked scared in the pocket. I mean I know all this guy does is eat food on the side lines but hell even if he notices this. Its just time to see what the kid can do.

I was at the game, and we were commenting on this all game. (in the rain) It was a joke.

I didn't know Tony Siragusa was making comments on his happy feet on the braodcast, but I'm glad. One more validation that Brunell needs to be friggin benched.

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Those who still believe that Brunell is costing us games are embarrisng themselves. Learn the basic fundementals of football and you will realize that Brunell as a problem is miniscule compared to the true problems on this team.

This is where you are wrong.....the recievers are playing great, breaking away and nailing their routes to be wide open, they just have nobody to throw the ball to them.

The O-Line sucks, because even when they give Brunell all day to make a play, he still blows it because he is too quick to panic. As a result, they lose their desire, and might actually let a guy slip through in hopes of Brunell being knocked out of the game.

Portis was hurt all year, but the running game in general lacking, is a result of the RB's being tired of having to run it on 3rd and 25 in a desperate play that will amount to nothing because the sorry QB couldn't move the ball downfield.

Frost is fading, because he's just had too punt too damn many balls, and his foot has to be hurting by now. this is a result of no first downs.

The defense sucks for the simple fact that the offense will have the ball, and on a rare occasion actually have a killer drive, then they get in the red zone and **** it up, and novak misses the kick, so the D comes out deflated, because they see that no matter what they do, the offense won't do **** anyway, so why kill yourself for nothing?

The coaching staff doesn't suck, they are the best in the business. But if you have a ****ty QB that is very limited in what he can do, then that severely limits the types of plays you can call. For an example, if you have Peyton Manning at QB, and an unheard of guy at RB, and it's 4th and 2 and you go for it, you will be throwing not running. You can only work with the tools you have, and we don't have a QB on the field worth playing, period.

You can cry all you want that Brunell is wonderful, and he isn't to blame, but wake up and watch a game one day, he has personally cost us nearly every one of our losses this year. Throwing for 100-140 yards week after week will never win you games. Every week with the exception of 3 games, the opposing teams RB rushed for more yards than Brunell passed for. That is truly pathetic. And by him refusing to step aside, that just shows he doesn't care about the team. guys don't want to play for him, and it shows.

Brunell needs to go. Step aside old man, It's Campbell's time to shine.

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I'm so sick of reading all of these posts that bash the hell out Brunell, making fun of him and treating him as less than a human being.

We all know his performance has severely declined, we also know that he has always been a tough competitor through his career.

Do you people really want him to just lay down and say take me out, I don't have it anymore! If he did, then you would be justified to bash him.

The simple truth is that he is at the end of his career, he knows that. He also knows that once he comes out now, he will NEVER start another NFL game again. Think about it, that's a pretty tough thing to face for a true competitor such as Brunell, much less any Man.

So, he does what any true competitor would do, "fights his guts out" week after week, trying to regain some semblance of what he once was.

The bottom line is that the decision to bench him will be made FOR him, not BY him. As much as we all feel that Brunell should be benched in favor of Campbell, the fact is that none of us personally know and work with him every day. To bench him basically equates to ending his career, something that I'm sure no matter how much you agree with it is a terrribly difficult decision.

And before any of you start saying, but oh it's for the good of the team, remember you are saying it on your keyboard not to Brunells face.

Is this coach Gibbs? Maybe that's why we're losing so much you're wasting your time posting on this website.

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Those who still believe that Brunell is costing us games are embarrisng themselves. Learn the basic fundementals of football and you will realize that Brunell as a problem is miniscule compared to the true problems on this team.

Dude, first you should learn to spell before calling out people. Second, I think Bmitch, Ken Harvey, Doc Walker, this list could go on forever. I think these people know a little bit about the "fundamentals" of football. Call Doc, or Ken and tell them they are "embarrassing" themselves. No one believes that he is the whole problem, he is simply one change that can and needs to be made. Plus some our other problems could be masked with a more mobile qb. The Dallas O-line sure looks a lot better with Romo sits to pee running around, they haven't given up a sack. You can believe Joe Gibbs, that he isn't a huge problem, or you can believe the huge majority of other football minds. Either way, it has nothing to do with people not knowing football.

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I'm sick of defending Brunell. This team needs a new identity and we aren't going anywhere with Brunell at the helm. Time to cut our losses and go with the guy we drafted in the first round. It's not 1990 anymore, and time for Gibbs to change it up.

Brunell isn't going to learn Saunders O this season and take us to the Superbowl next year. He's done. His frail body will continue to break down as time passes. He isn't our guy anymore. Ken Harvey said it best yesterday in the post-game show. He said when you are a fresh young player your mind tells your body what to do, but as you get older eventually your body tells your mind what to do and you can't do the same things you once we able to.

It's called aging, people. Brunell is DONE!

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