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Get Off Brunell's Back!


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Related to Brunell, are we?

I don't think anyone on this board will tell you that he's a bad human being - because that's extremely far from the truth. He seems like a very nice and fun-going guy. The reason why we "hate" him is because he is costing us football games. Hell, what I want (and still would like to see) is Brunell to retire at the end of the year and come back to us an assistant QB coach or something and continue to help JC develop. I think we all respect what Mark has done in the past for Jax and that he's a "super smart" guy (seriosuly). It's just that physically, he can't/won't do it anymore.

I dont want him to have anything to do with this team ever again.I like him as a person but when it comes to football hes polluting this team

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I'm so sick of reading all of these posts that bash the hell out Brunell, making fun of him and treating him as less than a human being.

We all know his performance has severely declined, we also know that he has always been a tough competitor through his career.

Do you people really want him to just lay down and say take me out, I don't have it anymore! If he did, then you would be justified to bash him.

The simple truth is that he is at the end of his career, he knows that. He also knows that once he comes out now, he will NEVER start another NFL game again. Think about it, that's a pretty tough thing to face for a true competitor such as Brunell, much less any Man.

So, he does what any true competitor would do, "fights his guts out" week after week, trying to regain some semblance of what he once was.

The bottom line is that the decision to bench him will be made FOR him, not BY him. As much as we all feel that Brunell should be benched in favor of Campbell, the fact is that none of us personally know and work with him every day. To bench him basically equates to ending his career, something that I'm sure no matter how much you agree with it is a terrribly difficult decision.

And before any of you start saying, but oh it's for the good of the team, remember you are saying it on your keyboard not to Brunells face.

blah blah blah :doh:

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You've gotta be kidding me with this thread.

Your protecting Brunell with your keyboard just how we're calling for him to benched with ours so please, give me a break with the whole "say it to his face" routine.

Second, if Brunell is sacrificing the production of the team because he wants to remain the starter then that shows how selfish he really is. While I don't believe this is true, no one is expecting him to come out and say "bench me" but at the same time he is going to have to accept the being a backup soon if he wants to play anymore for this team.

You can be a Brunell supporter until he starts working for Fox NFL Sunday but that doesn't change the fact that he needs to step aside.

Just another who does not understand what you are reading!

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i wont bash him, but the blame seems to be falling on his shoulders... he just cant seem to see down field i guess.. they continue to call passes outside the numbers, screens and the like and dont stretch the defense... seems the $2 million dollar man is limiting his play calls because of #8... give jc the call this week and see if the play calling changes... i have been willing to give him another shot, but no more.. time to make a change.. if something aint working, time to do something to try and fix it whether it is right or wrong....

:eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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Agreed, in that case it becomes the responsibility of the Head Coach. I just don't see the point in bashing Brunell like so many do here.

It's all about venting frusturation about issue that many people feel is hampering and killing this team. Our season had so much potential and we haven't even come close to realizing it on any level and in any phase of the game. People cannot stand to see him go out there and ruin this team and therefore they come on a message board to talk to other like minded folk cause that is the only thing they can do at this point. Gibbs is never gonna listen to us and so this is our only sounding board for our opinions and what not.

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It is not Brunell fault that he is on the field. We don't have a coach that has the guts to replace him or faith in his replacements. Should we?:helmet:

exactly, sorry to say it but, its either that our coach is a plain idiot or he is an absolute coward. You make the call?

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Well said Cev...Brunell is a definitely a man of strong moral value and I'm pretty sure he is anguishing over his overall poor play this year. He wants what's best for the team but no player with and fire in their gut is gonna just walk off the field. I'd love to see Mark come back as an assistant QB coach I think he brings nice leadership to the team...However his time as a player is through. We need to move on. Anyone hear Bram this morning? He said word is that a QB change is in the makings, but not who everyone wants it to be...A little fuel to the fire...I don't want to see Todd Collins on the field! Let's see what Campbell has!

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Well said Cev...Brunell is a definitely a man of strong moral value and I'm pretty sure he is anguishing over his overall poor play this year. He wants what's best for the team but no player with and fire in their gut is gonna just walk off the field. I'd love to see Mark come back as an assistant QB coach I think he brings nice leadership to the team...However his time as a player is through. We need to move on. Anyone hear Bram this morning? He said word is that a QB change is in the makings, but not who everyone wants it to be...A little fuel to the fire...I don't want to see Todd Collins on the field! Let's see what Campbell has!

Collins? now that would be a big problem!

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First, I never said he sucks, perhaps you can't read!

It's about having a little understanding and sympathy (something which you are obviously incapable of) for the guy, instead of destroying him over and over.

Is this a joke?

Understanding and sympathy?

Makbe I should make hima cup of hot cocoa and we can watch Beaches together and have a good cry.

WTF is wrong with you? He's not producing, get him out of there. He's hurting the team, the younger players by not letting them develop, and the organization in general.

His level of play is sub-standard. END OF STORY.

The team has a QB on the roster and they need to figure out if he is the right guy.

They know Brunell is not that right guy, so get rid of him.


Plus, he does not seem to have warmed to the idea of mentoring anyone.

When he was pulled the first time, he was pissed. He's no Kurt Warner. He's not teaching anyone. I don't see him chatting it up with Campbell. Before games, I see Campbell by himself, or warming up with Collins.

He's not producing on the field. And he's not teaching the young guy.

Get the selfish **** out of there.

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This may well be the stupidest post Ive read. The QB is the team leader and should be able to perform and MB is not and has not performed. We criticize him because thats what he deserves. If he was playing well we would praise him. I don't really think anyone is actually going to hurt him its just a way to vent frustration. All you MB defenders need to wake up and smell the stench.

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He also knows that once he comes out now, he will NEVER start another NFL game again. Think about it, that's a pretty tough thing to face for a true competitor such as Brunell, much less any Man.

I hope thats not the case...he is on a team...anyone on a team should do what is best for the team...but you are probably right because this is the NFL of 2006.

but your wrong about us bashing him...whos to say we cant bash a player that sucks?

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Brunell will not be remembered as a 3 time pro-bowl QB for the Jacksonville Jaguars....he will be remembered as the most despised Redskins QB off all time..


The words of hate that I'm seeing here are absurd.

I want Brunell benched, too, but I don't "despise" him. Get a grip people. It's football, not life or death.

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Campbell should start now. Tennesee & Arizona made the change. so why not washington? Because Gibbs is looking out for the good of the individual not the team, and Snyder would never think of stepping on gibbs toes. I don't see nearly as much fire in Gibbs as he used to have. And Greg Williams! what happened there? same players so it must be his scheme, but how does it backfire on a weekly basis? The offense looks the same as last year ,but there is no excuse for the defensive funk. I guess one trip to the playoffs every ten years or so wil have to do.

Time for Campbell, Duckett,Thrash, and who ever else thinks they have any desire left this year.

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Brunell will not be remembered as a 3 time pro-bowl QB for the Jacksonville Jaguars....he will be remembered as the most despised Redskins QB off all time..

More than Heath Shuler or "The Spurrier Boys"? I didn't think that was possible. While I'll admit that it's more than frustrating that we don't/can't throw down the field, he did help this team to a playoff appearance last year.

I can think of some other quarterbacks who supposedly had more talent but did less. *cough*Jeff George*cough* :laugh:

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