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Get Off Brunell's Back!


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I'm sick of defending Brunell. This team needs a new identity and we aren't going anywhere with Brunell at the helm. Time to cut our losses and go with the guy we drafted in the first round. It's not 1990 anymore, and time for Gibbs to change it up.

Brunell isn't going to learn Saunders O this season and take us to the Superbowl next year. He's done. His frail body will continue to break down as time passes. He isn't our guy anymore. Ken Harvey said it best yesterday in the post-game show. He said when you are a fresh young player your mind tells your body what to do, but as you get older eventually your body tells your mind what to do and you can't do the same things you once we able to.

It's called aging, people. Brunell is DONE!

actually that was one of the best questions from that program last night. K Harvey even lead him in the question, he said that, "when i was young my mind told my body what to do, but as I got late in my career my body couldn't respond, at that point i knew it was time. Do you feel that its that way for you?", Brunell said no, that is not the case. Brunell is lying, plain and simple!

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I'm so sick of reading all of these posts that bash the hell out Brunell, making fun of him and treating him as less than a human being.

We all know his performance has severely declined, we also know that he has always been a tough competitor through his career.

Do you people really want him to just lay down and say take me out, I don't have it anymore! If he did, then you would be justified to bash him.

The simple truth is that he is at the end of his career, he knows that. He also knows that once he comes out now, he will NEVER start another NFL game again. Think about it, that's a pretty tough thing to face for a true competitor such as Brunell, much less any Man.

So, he does what any true competitor would do, "fights his guts out" week after week, trying to regain some semblance of what he once was.

The bottom line is that the decision to bench him will be made FOR him, not BY him. As much as we all feel that Brunell should be benched in favor of Campbell, the fact is that none of us personally know and work with him every day. To bench him basically equates to ending his career, something that I'm sure no matter how much you agree with it is a terrribly difficult decision.

And before any of you start saying, but oh it's for the good of the team, remember you are saying it on your keyboard not to Brunells face.

Then he needs to play like he won't get the chance again. He can't play like he's afraid, which is exactly what he's doing. He has ZERO poise in the pocket. He plays with no confidence and he inspires none from his team mates. And nobody should be called to task for pointing out that he needs to be benched. I won't question his worth as a human being, but his worth as a player is damn near close to nothing.

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It was a mistake to bring him here in the first place and I think if anyone goes through my post history my opinion on that is easily confirmed. He sucked in 04, he sucked last year, he sucks this year and I have no problem saying to his or anyone elses face. :silly:

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I support the thread starter on this one...people are coming down on him way too hard and in an inhumane way.

I hate to bring up the past (well because its the past) but honestly think about some of the games last year that we wouldn't have won without Brunell. The two deep bombs to Moss in Dallas...who delivered them? Mark Brunell. The stellar performance against Dallas at home had a lot of Mark Brunell's contributions. And so on...

Look I'm not saying its not his time to go but lets be thankful for the good he brought this team (PLAYOFFS!!!!) and send him off a little more generously.


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I'm so sick of reading all of these posts that bash the hell out Brunell, making fun of him and treating him as less than a human being.

We all know his performance has severely declined, we also know that he has always been a tough competitor through his career.

Do you people really want him to just lay down and say take me out, I don't have it anymore! If he did, then you would be justified to bash him.

The simple truth is that he is at the end of his career, he knows that. He also knows that once he comes out now, he will NEVER start another NFL game again. Think about it, that's a pretty tough thing to face for a true competitor such as Brunell, much less any Man.

So, he does what any true competitor would do, "fights his guts out" week after week, trying to regain some semblance of what he once was.

The bottom line is that the decision to bench him will be made FOR him, not BY him. As much as we all feel that Brunell should be benched in favor of Campbell, the fact is that none of us personally know and work with him every day. To bench him basically equates to ending his career, something that I'm sure no matter how much you agree with it is a terrribly difficult decision.

And before any of you start saying, but oh it's for the good of the team, remember you are saying it on your keyboard not to Brunells face.

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I simply dont know where to look anymore....some games MB looks great......mobile, nice reads, nice throws...seems to be in charge........some games our O line looks solid.....some games our D is solid........blah blah blah..........but I just dont see it on anything that even rivals the word consistency.....without it....we are screwed.

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actually that was one of the best questions from that program last night. K Harvey even lead him in the question, he said that, "when i was young my mind told my body what to do, but as I got late in my career my body couldn't respond, at that point i knew it was time. Do you feel that its that way for you?", Brunell said no, that is not the case. Brunell is lying, plain and simple!

Yea, I'm starting to like Ken Harvey on the show. He brings a calm attitude to the show that helps to cancel out Czaban and BMitch. It's weird, I can't stand BMitch or Czaban but I always tune in anyways.

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It's time for his career to end.

Do I have sympathy for that? Not really, no. Most people would kill for the career he has had in the NFL. But, all things come to and end. It's time. (well, it's been time for several weeks now anyway)

To say that Brunell is washed up is actually insulting to the other washed up QB's.

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Do you people really want him to just lay down and say take me out, I don't have it anymore!

That would be nice, yeah.

Actually, I see that as his only way to salvage any reputation he might have. I think people would actually think highly of him for being that gutsy.

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And before any of you start saying, but oh it's for the good of the team, remember you are saying it on your keyboard not to Brunells face.

I'll say it to his face. You talk like he is the Farve of the skins. WHO IS THIS GUY? The redskins don't owe him anything. We gave him a HUGE contract, and a spot on our roster until he wants to retire, is that not enough? It seems rather selfish that he won't admit that he would be best utilized as a backup.

The reason teams will bring in a vet is for leadership (ie McNair). MB has NOT been able to lead this team. He had is time in the sun, and his life won't end if the skins go with jc. At this point, i could care less if he 'gives us the best chance to win,' If there is no leadership, then LET US SEE OUR KID!!!

I'll bash him all day long because he is a effin millionaire, and i am a frustrated lifelong skins fan. i deserve wins more than he deserves starts.

*disgruntled* Hail.

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If it was just the fans saying time for Brunell to be benched, then I would say we're being too harsh.

Problem is you hear players, former players, media, and just about everyone

else saying the same thing. When there is smoke.....

It's time someone wakes up and makes the difficult call to sit Brunell.

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First, I never said he sucks, perhaps you can't read!

It's about having a little understanding and sympathy (something which you are obviously incapable of) for the guy, instead of destroying him over and over.

I've got no sympathy for a guy who has a 40 mil. contract and stinks it up week after week. I've got no issue with Mark Brunell the man. But Mark Brunell the quarterback needs to sit down and until the coaching staff does the humane thing and pulls him he is open to ridicule. Either sit down or start making some plays in an effort to win a game but I just don't see that happening in this stage of his career.

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Those who still believe that Brunell is costing us games are embarrisng themselves. Learn the basic fundementals of football and you will realize that Brunell as a problem is miniscule compared to the true problems on this team.

Wrong. Brunell has not cost us every game by himself. We have had many problems, esp. on D. But you know what In just about every game, our D gave us a chance at least to tie.

Minn. Game: Last drive of the game, Brunell leads us to a TD, we win. Hell, he makes just 1 of those FG drives into a TD drive and we win!

Dal. Game: The D started terrible - but after Rock returned the kick, the D got fired up and I think it was 6 three and out's they forced in a row. How many points did our captain give us? Zero. The D even causes a game changing fumble, almsot in FG range already. We get in easy FG reange, and "super smart" Brunell throws a pick.

NYG Game: The D held the Giants to 19 points. At the end, the D gave enough chances for the O to muster a drive, but no, Brunell makes lame-duck passes and D gets less rest and less rest until they finally brake.

Titans Game: Wonderful last drive there, buddy! How about not throwing to Moss 18 times a game?

Colts Game: Out D hung in there long enough. Colts scored on their 1st drive and could Brunell answer? No. 3 and outs make the D more tired and lets face it, the only way we were going to beat the Colts was a shoot-out. Too bad they have a gunslinger and we have a noodle arm.

Philly Game: Over threw Lloyd twice for easy first downs. Once with Cooley as well. Even on the 1 completed long ball, if Llouyd doesn't dive for it, it's incomplete. And a great pass right to the Eagles when we really needed ya.

The O and D are connected. The D needs the O to sustain long drives and score points to revitalize them. The O needs the D to get them the ball and at least give them a shot. Everygame, no matter how bad our D has played, they have had a stretch where they step it up and give Brunell a shot. And everytime, he sucks it up.

And don't even bring up the Texans and Jags game. Texans, one of the worst teams in football, he just threw screen passes all day long. Of coruse he broke the record! Any idiot can do screen passes all day long! Jags game he looked decent, but not great. If it wasn't for Moss making every ball he touches magic, Brunell's stats wouldnt' look too great.

That all being said, I believe that the O-line needs to step it up as well. They have looked awful at times. But if your QB can't move outside the pocket or does it too slow, it is ultiamely up to him (See Dallas' terrible line, which is worse than ours, and how much Bledsoe got sacked. How many times does Romo sits to pee, a QB who can move, get sacked? Not often - and he makes his o-line look good).

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First, I never said he sucks, perhaps you can't read!

It's about having a little understanding and sympathy (something which you are obviously incapable of) for the guy, instead of destroying him over and over.

The quarterback position is a job. There is no tenure set in stone. If you cant do the job you must go ! He sucks ass and I cant wait for the day for him to leave. I dont care about having sympathy for him, maybe he should be sympathetic to the fans of this great franchise and realize that we go through pain every week he plays. Sorry to tell you this but I hope he gets injured, how about that for being sympathetic. HTTR

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Is this a joke?

Understanding and sympathy?

Makbe I should make hima cup of hot cocoa and we can watch Beaches together and have a good cry.

WTF is wrong with you? He's not producing, get him out of there. He's hurting the team, the younger players by not letting them develop, and the organization in general.

His level of play is sub-standard. END OF STORY.

The team has a QB on the roster and they need to figure out if he is the right guy.

They know Brunell is not that right guy, so get rid of him.


Plus, he does not seem to have warmed to the idea of mentoring anyone.

When he was pulled the first time, he was pissed. He's no Kurt Warner. He's not teaching anyone. I don't see him chatting it up with Campbell. Before games, I see Campbell by himself, or warming up with Collins.

He's not producing on the field. And he's not teaching the young guy.

Get the selfish **** out of there.

WTF is wrong with you?

You are just 1 more without the brains to comprehend! Go B**** to someone else!

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It was a mistake to bring him here in the first place and I think if anyone goes through my post history my opinion on that is easily confirmed. He sucked in 04, he sucked last year, he sucks this year and I have no problem saying to his or anyone elses face. :silly:

I felt the same way in 04 and last year... although I had reservations after we went to the playoffs, I still believed that he was washed up. GOOD RIDDANCE !!

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Its true he may be playing the best he can, which is very bad. Its not his fault if the coach wants him in there to do what he can or want to play.

This is on Gibbs. I think Mark would be releived to be pulled and have the pressue off but he cant say that. Gibbs has to be the one to make this all happen.

Thank you, that is the point!, one of few who can understand that

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