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Get Off Brunell's Back!


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I'm so sick of reading all of these posts that bash the hell out Brunell, making fun of him and treating him as less than a human being.

We all know his performance has severely declined, we also know that he has always been a tough competitor through his career.

Do you people really want him to just lay down and say take me out, I don't have it anymore! If he did, then you would be justified to bash him.

The simple truth is that he is at the end of his career, he knows that. He also knows that once he comes out now, he will NEVER start another NFL game again. Think about it, that's a pretty tough thing to face for a true competitor such as Brunell, much less any Man.

So, he does what any true competitor would do, "fights his guts out" week after week, trying to regain some semblance of what he once was.

The bottom line is that the decision to bench him will be made FOR him, not BY him. As much as we all feel that Brunell should be benched in favor of Campbell, the fact is that none of us personally know and work with him every day. To bench him basically equates to ending his career, something that I'm sure no matter how much you agree with it is a terrribly difficult decision.

And before any of you start saying, but oh it's for the good of the team, remember you are saying it on your keyboard not to Brunells face.

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what is the point of this thread? you think he sucks too but you dont want us to be able to say it?

First, I never said he sucks, perhaps you can't read!

It's about having a little understanding and sympathy (something which you are obviously incapable of) for the guy, instead of destroying him over and over.

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I have tried to support Brunell for as long as I can. He is a competitor and

his skills have diminished.

There comes a time when you need to tell him to step aside, for his own

good. He is embarassing himself, not just the team.

It's hard, nor easy, but sometimes you have to tell a vet it's over.

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He does do what he can and a handful of times this season, we have seen glimpses of last year's glory and for that, I salute him. However, much as I like him, his career as a starter is going to end this season one way or another. If Gibbs puts him out there, I will cheer my heart out for him like I did last year but I think he's well along his way out.

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I have tried to support Brunell for as long as I can. He is a competitor and

his skills have diminished.

There comes a time when you need to tell him to step aside, for his own

good. He is embarassing himself, not just the team.

It's hard, nor easy, but sometimes you have to tell a vet it's over.

Agreed, in that case it becomes the responsibility of the Head Coach. I just don't see the point in bashing Brunell like so many do here.

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Related to Brunell, are we?

I don't think anyone on this board will tell you that he's a bad human being - because that's extremely far from the truth. He seems like a very nice and fun-going guy. The reason why we "hate" him is because he is costing us football games. Hell, what I want (and still would like to see) is Brunell to retire at the end of the year and come back to us an assistant QB coach or something and continue to help JC develop. I think we all respect what Mark has done in the past for Jax and that he's a "super smart" guy (seriosuly). It's just that physically, he can't/won't do it anymore.

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"Oh but I bet you won't say it to his face"....what are we in middle school?.....people bring this up thread after thread.....if thats my opinion why wouldn't I say it to his face? I don't understand...he is human just like me....what is he going kick my *****, take my house, pistol whip me?....I don't understand?....To me the guy should not be in there.....at this point in his career he needs a SOLID offensive line and a dominant defense....we have neither....we need someone that can buy a little bit more time and make a play....an athletic play.

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First, I never said he sucks, perhaps you can't read!

It's about having a little understanding and sympathy (something which you are obviously incapable of) for the guy, instead of destroying him over and over.

I'd wish someone had sympathy for the fans that spend rediculous amounts of money to purchase tickets year in and year out to watch this team. We've been to the post season twice out of the past 16 seasons, and you think that we should be easy on this team. I agree in that it is not all his fault, since the defense has been God awful against the big plays. Yet, it is beleived that this offense is very talented with the exception that MB can't make his reads, can't get the ball down field consistantly, and he only stares down S. Moss. How much lee way can you give one guy?

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I'm so sick of reading all of these posts that bash the hell out Brunell, making fun of him and treating him as less than a human being.

We all know his performance has severely declined, we also know that he has always been a tough competitor through his career.

Do you people really want him to just lay down and say take me out, I don't have it anymore! If he did, then you would be justified to bash him.

The simple truth is that he is at the end of his career, he knows that. He also knows that once he comes out now, he will NEVER start another NFL game again. Think about it, that's a pretty tough thing to face for a true competitor such as Brunell, much less any Man.

So, he does what any true competitor would do, "fights his guts out" week after week, trying to regain some semblance of what he once was.

The bottom line is that the decision to bench him will be made FOR him, not BY him. As much as we all feel that Brunell should be benched in favor of Campbell, the fact is that none of us personally know and work with him every day. To bench him basically equates to ending his career, something that I'm sure no matter how much you agree with it is a terrribly difficult decision.

And before any of you start saying, but oh it's for the good of the team, remember you are saying it on your keyboard not to Brunells face.

Oh please this is nothing personal. You want to know the real problem with Brunell, it's that he has lost the confidence of every player in the locker room, he has lost the confidence of 95% of the fans, and he has lost the confidence of every offensive coach, except the one that matters.

Brunell is a swell guy and I'm sure is liked by every person in the organization but the reality is confidence in teammates is more important then friendship. Another dose of reality for you, this team may not win but 2-3 more games with Brunell under center. The team needs a spark to rally around and his name is Jason Campbell, or Todd Collins. Mark Brunell is done, as well as our season, and it's time Gibbs resign himself to these facts and move the team in the right direction.

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You've gotta be kidding me with this thread.

Your protecting Brunell with your keyboard just how we're calling for him to benched with ours so please, give me a break with the whole "say it to his face" routine.

Second, if Brunell is sacrificing the production of the team because he wants to remain the starter then that shows how selfish he really is. While I don't believe this is true, no one is expecting him to come out and say "bench me" but at the same time he is going to have to accept the being a backup soon if he wants to play anymore for this team.

You can be a Brunell supporter until he starts working for Fox NFL Sunday but that doesn't change the fact that he needs to step aside.

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The Brunell situation is very different from the Favre situation.

Favre is the Green Bay franchise QB. He did amazing things for that ball club and he is owed loyalty from the fans.

There is a very good chance that Brunell will have led this franchise to two losing seasons in three years at QB. We owe him nothing. If he were still in Jacksonville it may be a different story, but here it isn't.

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This is a BUSINESS...get Brunell the he** out of here.

If he doesn't want to go to Gibbs and say I'm done...then he needs to fake a injury or something. Nobody in the Washington DC area wants him here anymore!

In other words...Brunell suck....hopefully JC will be starting next week!

Fake an injury or something?

That ranks as one of the dumbest things I have read on this board. Did you not understand the point of this post? That would not bring him much respect would it!

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