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Get Off Brunell's Back!


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Brunoodle never resembled a qb who,s getting paid 7 million dollars a year .Whatever criticism he gets he deserves and he can take. Gibbs shouldve benched him during the Titans game.We will all learn in the long run he was not the leader we needed.As a matter of fact he never resembled a leader, a scared ****cat more like it.

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Brunell should not be bashed. He has shown courage and has done the best he could. Ultimately the coaching staff make the decision on who starts. I am glad to see Jason get his chance but in no way blame the 3-6 start on MB alone. But we do need a spark and look to build on the future.

Mark shold be a good mentor to Jason.

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Nothing personal, just venting frustration.....,compared to Jurgensen,Kilmer,Thiesmann,Schroeder,Williams..Brunell is just not Redskin material, never was never will be, he plays with no emotion, no fire and will only throw 5 yard passes....but he's a class act, I wish him the best...

I don't think that's true. Remember the 22 yard scramble on 3rd and 24 last year? Then the clutch 4th down pass to Thrash before the two big Moss bombs? He' not a Jurgy, Kilmer, etc but that doesn't mean he didn't play hard. I actually feel bad for him - wish he could have gotten the job done but he couldn't. Whatever anyone says the sole fault doesn't rest on Brunell.

a lot has to be heaped on our less than stellar defense.

My hope is JC will bring excitement on both sides of the ball. I think it will.

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I don't think that's true. Remember the 22 yard scramble on 3rd and 24 last year? Then the clutch 4th down pass to Thrash before the two big Moss bombs? He' not a Jurgy, Kilmer, etc but that doesn't mean he didn't play hard. I actually feel bad for him - wish he could have gotten the job done but he couldn't. Whatever anyone says the sole fault doesn't rest on Brunell.

a lot has to be heaped on our less than stellar defense.

My hope is JC will bring excitement on both sides of the ball. I think it will.

You're absolutely correct in that the sole blame doesn't lie with Brunell. The problem is that those clutch plays you mentioned happen too few and too far between, so much so that I've taken to calling him Mark Jekyll-Hyde. He's a semi-brilliant Dr. Jekyll one week and Mr. Hyde the next. Even when the Skins win this season, I don't get the feeling that Brunell has finally mastered the offense and will keep playing that way consistantly.

The problem is NOT that Mark is playing bad. The problem is he's playing not to lose instead of playing to win. His pocket presence is horrible and when he is forced to roll out, he usually throws the ball away instead of giving his receivers a chance to make a play. He has had many opportunites to take off running with the ball to at least make positive yardage but has passed them up as if he's afraid he may get hurt and have to come out of the game.

I also have to wonder if he's not dumping the ball off because he doesn't have confidence in his ability to get the ball downfield and figures a short, positive gain is better than risking an INT or an incomplete pass. He is simply not making enough big plays to keep the offense from being as feared as it should be.

The bottom line is this offense has the weapons to be among the best in the NFL. It's the QB's job to ensure that happens. Perhaps some of the problem is with the playcalling but it's still up to the QB to get the ball into the hands of the playmakers. Most professional sports teams make personnel changes when things are going badly. I don't think anyone here will argue with the fact that Mark is a class guy but, whether you choose to blame him or not, a shakeup was needed and QB is the most logical place to start.

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I don't think that's true. Remember the 22 yard scramble on 3rd and 24 last year? Then the clutch 4th down pass to Thrash before the two big Moss bombs? He' not a Jurgy, Kilmer, etc but that doesn't mean he didn't play hard. I actually feel bad for him - wish he could have gotten the job done but he couldn't. Whatever anyone says the sole fault doesn't rest on Brunell.

a lot has to be heaped on our less than stellar defense.

My hope is JC will bring excitement on both sides of the ball. I think it will.

Dude that was one game . hes 18-22 as our starter. how bout that.

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I'm so sick of reading all of these posts that bash the hell out Brunell, making fun of him and treating him as less than a human being.

We all know his performance has severely declined, we also know that he has always been a tough competitor through his career.

Do you people really want him to just lay down and say take me out, I don't have it anymore! If he did, then you would be justified to bash him.

The simple truth is that he is at the end of his career, he knows that. He also knows that once he comes out now, he will NEVER start another NFL game again. Think about it, that's a pretty tough thing to face for a true competitor such as Brunell, much less any Man.

So, he does what any true competitor would do, "fights his guts out" week after week, trying to regain some semblance of what he once was.

The bottom line is that the decision to bench him will be made FOR him, not BY him. As much as we all feel that Brunell should be benched in favor of Campbell, the fact is that none of us personally know and work with him every day. To bench him basically equates to ending his career, something that I'm sure no matter how much you agree with it is a terrribly difficult decision.

And before any of you start saying, but oh it's for the good of the team, remember you are saying it on your keyboard not to Brunells face.

Mark Brunell's screen name=usc35.

Brunell's career was ended THREE YEARS ago in Jacksonville.

Our Redskins front office "thinktank" decided to sign him to a multi-year, multi-million dollar contract which he, out of the goodness of his heart and shame of taking us for more than he was worth, renegotiated to a lower price. He knew he was done and felt ashamed to take our money, that's the proof. What nobody has answered is why we hitched our wagon to this guy to begin with and for THREE YEARS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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I'm so sick of reading all of these posts that bash the hell out Brunell, making fun of him and treating him as less than a human being.

We all know his performance has severely declined, we also know that he has always been a tough competitor through his career.

Do you people really want him to just lay down and say take me out, I don't have it anymore! If he did, then you would be justified to bash him.

The simple truth is that he is at the end of his career, he knows that. He also knows that once he comes out now, he will NEVER start another NFL game again. Think about it, that's a pretty tough thing to face for a true competitor such as Brunell, much less any Man.

So, he does what any true competitor would do, "fights his guts out" week after week, trying to regain some semblance of what he once was.

The bottom line is that the decision to bench him will be made FOR him, not BY him. As much as we all feel that Brunell should be benched in favor of Campbell, the fact is that none of us personally know and work with him every day. To bench him basically equates to ending his career, something that I'm sure no matter how much you agree with it is a terrribly difficult decision.

And before any of you start saying, but oh it's for the good of the team, remember you are saying it on your keyboard not to Brunells face.

I would say it right to his face, but I live in Cali...sorry.But as for your thead........BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

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Wow...... is this what the NFL has become? Sympathy? Feelings? No wonder they're making all of these rules making the game softer.

Okay, Mr. Freud - "what did your mother do to you"? It's your fault because you have sexual inadequacy - on and on, and on.

Human beings are not disposable - period. That is what the smash mouth Brunell basher are doing - he's disposable. No - your "he's a nice guy and I like him" doesn't count..........he's disposable "in your words".

Humanistic approach is to allow him to attempt to succeed, the "attempt" was made - he couldn't overcome the obstacles - replacement. I think "we" are going to find out what Coach said - its not all one persons' fault- I hope Jason is strong enough to withstand the beating he will take in a couple of weeks from this board.

How would each and every one of you like your boss to come out and say about you and ALL YOUR HARD efforts - in your mind - what the majority of you are saying about Mark - in print? Every week, everyday, every minute, until you finally say to someone - I'm just trying to stay and do "my job".

It wasn't one month ago - this board lit up with "eating crow" over Mark -

Witch and warlock hunting ended many centuries ago - or so I thought, but I am ashamed of the way fans are getting their "jollies" poking fun of a human being- he's not Sadam or Ben Ladin. If you don't have anything good to say - be an adult - move on - the PRESS will fry Brunell - and you all have helped them.

I truly hope the theory is developed on our board that we don't eat our own, we eat/beat the "enemy".:2cents:

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