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Who do you really hate


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1) Dallas (enough said)

2) Giants (screw Phil Simms)

3) Ravens (they are trying to take the motherland)

4) Tampa Bay (pack a cheaters)

5) Da Bears (still angry about the 73-0 championship game loss in the 30's)

6) Eagles (can't hate'em that much, I'm from Philly)

1. cont.) Michigan Wolvernes (Ann Arbor is a whore)

Man you weren't even around for the championship game against the Bears :laugh: but I hear you..

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Hands down the cowboys. Noone else comes close. I don't like the eagles and I don't like the giants. To say that disliking the cowboys has become to cliche is garbage. It's a rivalry, you don't hear UNC or DUKE fans saying they don't mind each other because their rivalry is to cliche. We hate dallas, we're supposed to and we do! Not to mention we've won 3 of the last 4 match ups with them.

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Dallas has to be at the top. So many years so much to hate em for. Roger the Dodger, Harvey Martin and the funeral wreath, effin Clint Longley, Charley Waters, Cliff Harris, random coke heads like Irvin and Hollywood Henderson. I could go on all day.

It's pretty easy to hate this bunch too though.


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I hate these teams:

1. Dallass- Born to hate them

2. Iggle/Gints- division rivals

3. Old England Patriots- so sick of Brady and them winning everything

4. Tampa Gay Succaneers- Just tired of them being on our schedule

5. Carolina ****cats- I live near Charlotte- Did you know they are going to the SB every year? Bet you didn't know that?

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1. The Dallas Cowboys

2. The Dallas Cowboys

3. The New York Giants

I know we have to play them this weekend, but I don't hate Philly. I like McNabb, I respect Andy reid, I like their uniforms, it's sort of a sister city.

Sorry guys- I don't hate the Eagles. Never have.

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1) Giants - Because I live in NJ, and too many Giant fans around,they make me sick because the only time most open their mouths is when the Giants are winning, never hear from them when they are losing. Pseudo Fans. I hate the Giants and everything about them makes me sick.


2) Philly - Been to games there. Worst Fans possible.

3) Dallas - My Brother is a Big Cowboys fan and they have not had much better luck than we have the last couple years. I have actually grown a little sympathetic for them. Just because of my brother!

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1):dallasuck Does this really need an explanation?

2):eaglesuck Can't stand Philthydelphia Eagles as well as many of their fans.

3):gaintsuck Division rival, and New York, need I say more?

4):bucsuck: IMO our biggest out of division rival, debatebly more of a rival than the Giants.

5):cincysuck I live in Kentucky, everyone around here bows down to Carson. gag

6):patriotsu Tom Brady, overrated pretty boy, rank him in with Jeff Gordon. Overall Patriots attitude of superiority, media darlings.

7):ravensuck Regional rival to the 'Skins

All the rest of the teams pretty much suck on an equal level after this point, with a few sucking slightly more than others. All in all I don't care much one way or another about them.

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