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Can someone explain to me............


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I have to play devil's advocate here:

Your going to put a guy in the game to get a TD that hasn't earned jack, and you want your stud RB that virtually single handedly got his team into the playoffs to stand on the sidelines. Just because Duck' is bigger doesn't mean he would have gotten in on 4th and short, or 3rd and short, or 2nd and...jesus how many chances did we have? :D

Point being, you trust your stud and the O line. They didn't get it done and nothing says Duckett would have either. We won the game though :point2sky so I could give two shyts how brilliantly white Duckett's jersey was. Hey, at least he can let it hang dry and maybe just wash his jock. It'll be ready to go next week. :doh:


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Its got to be political. They are not tryin to pay him a extra dime! Dont want him to meet incentive bonus' for touchdowns or somethin. Its not a far fetched theory. I have friends that have played in the league, and they tell me it happens a lot.

WOW, I was thinking that last night as I went to bed. I wonder how much of his money is tied to incentives. When portis could not get it done the FIRST series, it seemed to me that putting in some heavyweight was better.

We ended up with 5 points instead of at least 10 early on.

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I understand everyone questioning Duckett not being in there, but really, the big question is why our o-line could not block for the run to save their lives. Portis is more than capable of seeing the smallest shift or hole open up and breaking through. The oline did not give him that opportunity yesterday.

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I would love to be TJ Duckett or David Patten.

Earn a fat paycheck, watch the games from the 50 yard line, and not even get dirty. Where and how do I sign up?

Frankly, it's idiotic that Gibbs has yet to use Clinton and Duckett as a one two punch. If they want to emphasize the running game ... that would be a great combination - Clinton provides speed on the outside, and Duckett the power on the inside.

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Saunders was on Comcast last night and was asked about this. He basically said that they haven't been in those 1st and goal from the 3 yrd line situations much this year, and they wanted to use Portis because he is their best running back. But when it was pointed out that it didn' work and that TJ was an option, his comment was something like, "We may try to use him next time".

At least he didn't shoot down the idea....

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Portis is a good short yardage back...Duckett is slow. We got Duckett because Portis was hurt, Betts gets hurt often, and we needed insurance....since Rock isn't really an every down back.

I don't think any back would have gotten in the endzone on those plays, some missed blocks happened. Now, putting Duckett in to rest Portis on some of those brutal short yardage plays, that makes sense....his shoulders were banged up last year.

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From the Post today...I guess even at the goalline this coaching staff likes CP AND Betts over TJ???!!?!??!??

Duckett Sits, Waits


Tailback T.J. Duckett was supposed to be a short-yardage specialist, but has just five carries all season -- all in Week 2 -- and never got off the bench Sunday even when the Redskins ran eight plays from the 10-yard line on the opening drive, and four from inside the 2. The Redskins rushed all four times and failed to score.

"You can't stress over it and you can't dwell on it," said Duckett, eligible for unrestricted free agency at season's end. "You just keep trying to do your part."

Coaches and teammates have praised Duckett's team-first attitude, but the former first round pick, acquired for a steep price in a preseason trade, remains a spectator. Gibbs pointed to the players in front of Duckett as the reason for him sitting even around the goal line. "My answer to that is Clinton Portis and Ladell Betts," Gibbs said.

Running backs coach Earnest Byner said the staff has discussed inserting Duckett for certain plays the last four weeks but the move to bring him in has not been made, through no fault of Duckett's. "T.J. is ready, he's champing at the bit," Byner said. "He's still hoping for an opportunity."

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