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Who thinks the Cowboys were unlucky?


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And that the Skins were lucky to win the game?

I don't think the Skins were lucky. However if we apply the logic that Bubba and tr1 gave us this past week for the Cowboys being lucky (rather than good) to beat the Panthers, and conversely apply it to the Cowboys/Skins game, you can come up with no other conclusion than tr1 and Bubba believing the Skins were lucky to win.


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TO dropping the ball: A little bit of good luck. A little bit of TO being an idiot.

Novak missing the first kick: A little bit of bad luck. A lot of Novak trying to kick the ball too hard.

Troy Vincent blocking Vanderjagt's kick: A little bit of good luck. A lot of bad blocking.

Sean Taylor scooping the ball, having his facemask pulled, then running 30 yards: A little bit of good luck. A lot of uncanny playmaking ability.

Nick Novak making the kick the second time: A little bit of good luck. A lot of experience from trying the same kick a few minutes earlier.

All these things happenning in the same game: Priceless. :dallasuck:

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let's see did Dallas give us 3 gimme turnovers in the final eight minutes :whoknows: .... oh wait that would actually make you question relevant.. but we will still play your little spin

Well the "player" TO's drop was fortunate, but Cooley also had a huge drop deep inside Dallas territory....

Actually, the Pokes where the lucky ones if you had to choose. They were lucky they didn't get several MORE penalties for holding, a tripping call on Randle El's punt return, at least 3 roughing the passer penalties not called. On top of that the horrible holding call on Lloyd's big catch, when it should have been roughing the passer, no hold... first and goal inside the 10... instead the Skins where 1st and 20 back at their own 20... a sack and had to punt.

Then the Pokes got lucky again Novak missed the first attempt to give them great field position to start their drive to attempt their kick that was blocked.... and the face mask penalty was quite obvious :laugh:





thanks for playing but as usual you lose

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I prefer to think of it as a decision making process that could go several ways. Vincent could have decided to go to the outside to try the block, but a quick decision told him to take the inside route when the blocker went to the outside. A bad decision in anger told the defensive player to just grab at Taylor as he went past and grab the face mask. Then he quickly decided to let go of the face mask to avoid the penalty. But too late as the official already saw the face mask. Novak decided to forget the first miss and concentrate on making the game winning kick. Luck is the flip of a coin. This is something the players have control over, that the instant decisions made on the field of play determine the outcome of the game. Through experience and determination we can make the decisions that will win.

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And that the Skins were lucky to win the game?

I don't think the Skins were lucky. However if we apply the logic that Bubba and tr1 gave us this past week for the Cowboys being lucky (rather than good) to beat the Panthers, and conversely apply it to the Cowboys/Skins game, you can come up with no other conclusion than tr1 and Bubba believing the Skins were lucky to win.


I think your hero TO helped us out alot.

I think both teams played poorly at times, with Dallas being the more undisiplined of the 2.

I think the Skins in the end played with a little more passion for the win than Dallas.

I think the Skins played much better than they have the past 2 weeks so hopefully it was the start of a serious turnaround.

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I think football is 80% good play and 20% luck

How do you bring luck into it? If a good play is a good player who does what he is supposed to do then how do you bring luck into it... If a Corner makes a pick off of Manning... or more realisticly Brunell... does that make the corner lucky?? Or is it his good play and skill that got him to the right place at the right time?

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Naw, what happened last week with the Cowboys-Panthers game was a lot of fortune, but not in this game.

There were more things that went Dallas way actually, especially in penalties. TO helped us out a lot, that's true... but we were dropping some key passes too. Add in the fact that we are missing Santana Moss, and couldn't convert on a fourth down at the one yard line after a beautiful drive that we could've came away with three points from and what you get is a win we deserve.

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I don't get it. This is what Bubba and tr1 said about the Cowboys and the Panthers in regard to Keyshawn's dropped pass which would have given the Panthers an insurmountable lead:

As usual, the puke fans are having trouble acknowledging they got a gift.

It's okay...come to the light...see the truth...

Had he caught that ball, this story would not have been written.
Lucky win...bad break by the Panters.
you need some glasses

because none of that happened

the score was 14-10 (should have been 14-7 stupid TO called) and on the Dallas TD was aided by a couple bad calls

you saw a PI not called that would have gave Carolina the ball in the Red Zone, you later saw Meshawn drop a sure TD so logicaly it should have been 24-7 in the third.

You saw a Panther team drop pass after pass keep going 3 & out, giving Dallas several chances to score, but yet they couldn't do it until the panthers started giving them the ball already in the red zone.

Every time the panthers blitzed he threw the ball away or into coverage, and was lucky several times it was picked off. The one big pass play he had the DB fell leaving TO all alone, and Romo sits to pee throws it so close to the sideline, TO goes out of bounds untouched.

Bubba and tr1 completely disregard facts that Dallas fans bring up about Dallas forcing mistakes and winning the yardage and TOP by a wide margin.

Again, I don't think the Skins got lucky....just how I don't feel the Boys got lucky last week. I just hate hypocrites like Bubba and tr1; who can look at clear facts that are very similar, from game to game, and apply logic which is a 180 from the logic they applied 7 days prior.

TO dropped a pass which would have given the Boys a 26-10 lead going into the fourth quarter. Period. Bubba, no amount of adding your ridiculous homer logic can change this fact.

I love how after each game, Bubba compiles a list of miscalls, lucky plays, etc that always somehow went against the Redskins or for Dallas/Philly. EVERY SINGLE TIME! In the two-three years I have been here, every single game critique from you has been the same. The Skins got screwed by bad breaks and the officials, but somehow won the game or unfortunately lost. The Cowboys got lucky because of A, B, and C.

Be a man an apply the same standard as you did last week when you called the Cowboys lucky. I wonder what you would reply in a thread made about a story written titled "TO turns the Skins season around - sort of".

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And that the Skins were lucky to win the game?

I don't think the Skins were lucky. However if we apply the logic that Bubba and tr1 gave us this past week for the Cowboys being lucky (rather than good) to beat the Panthers, and conversely apply it to the Cowboys/Skins game, you can come up with no other conclusion than tr1 and Bubba believing the Skins were lucky to win.


Lucky or unlucky aren't words I usually associate with the Cowboys. More like ****s, *******s, ****tards, hillbilies, sons of ****es, scum of the earth, etc.

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I don't think the referees were calling a whole lot of anything against Dallas.

Did anyone here the announcers point that out? Man, it seemed like every other play, there was a hold, a face mask, or a horse collar that wasn't being called on Dallas.

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I don't get it. This is what Bubba and tr1 said about the Cowboys and the Panthers in regard to Keyshawn's dropped pass which would have given the Panthers an insurmountable lead:

Bubba and tr1 completely disregard facts that Dallas fans bring up about Dallas forcing mistakes and winning the yardage and TOP by a wide margin.

Again, I don't think the Skins got lucky....just how I don't feel the Boys got lucky last week. I just hate hypocrites like Bubba and tr1; who can look at clear facts that are very similar, from game to game, and apply logic which is a 180 from the logic they applied 7 days prior.

TO dropped a pass which would have given the Boys a 26-10 lead going into the fourth quarter. Period. Bubba, no amount of adding your ridiculous homer logic can change this fact.

I love how after each game, Bubba compiles a list of miscalls, lucky plays, etc that always somehow went against the Redskins or for Dallas/Philly. EVERY SINGLE TIME! In the two-three years I have been here, every single game critique from you has been the same. The Skins got screwed by bad breaks and the officials, but somehow won the game or unfortunately lost. The Cowboys got lucky because of A, B, and C.

Be a man an apply the same standard as you did last week when you called the Cowboys lucky. I wonder what you would reply in a thread made about a story written titled "TO turns the Skins season around - sort of".

As usual, WB is the master of 'straw man' arguments.

There is some luck in every game...the coin flip.

But you'll notice that we're still complaining even though we won. We were hosed by the refs over and over...yet we still won...because we were prepared to play and able to excel despite the adverse calls and non-calls.

We were 'lucky' to survive the bad refs.

I could see agreeing with a headline called, "Skins turn season around despite bad refereeing." Now that would be a story!

WB, it must hurt that we won yesterday, eh? You know, your being on a Skins board and trying to rain on our parade. Very sad.

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Of course we were lucky.

TO dropped TD

2 or 3 Mark Brunell interceptions that were flat out dropped.

And of course the final crazy sequence of events.

But I'll take it any way I can get it.

I don't believe in putting down a win (be it by the Skins or by another team) just because there was luck involved. That's the way it goes sometimes.

To minimize a victory by calling it "lucky" is just stupid.

By the way, I missed the whole "Dallas was lucky against Carolina" thing. How the hell is 35-14 lucky?

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As usual, WB is the master of 'straw man' arguments.

There is some luck in every game...the coin flip.

But you'll notice that we're still complaining even though we won. We were hosed by the refs over and over...yet we still won...because we were prepared to play and able to excel despite the adverse calls and non-calls.

We were 'lucky' to survive the bad refs.

I could see agreeing with a headline called, "Skins turn season around despite bad refereeing." Now that would be a story!

WB, it must hurt that we won yesterday, eh? You know, your being on a Skins board and trying to rain on our parade. Very sad.

Hi, tr1. Do you believe the Cowboys win the game yesterday if TO holds on to that sure TD pass?

Thanks in advance.

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To minimize a victory by calling it "lucky" is just stupid.

By the way, I missed the whole "Dallas was lucky against Carolina" thing. How the hell is 35-14 lucky?

1. I agree. I don't think the Skins were lucky.

2. You missed the aftermath of last weeks Cowboys game. tr1 and Bubba were so upset at the dominating performance of Dallas that they got a 10 page thread going talking about how they got lucky and if Keyshawn held on to one pass, they'd have surely lost.

It was hilarious yet pitiful at the same time. Almost as pitiful as tr1 acting like he didn't down the Cowboys all week for their lucky win and will now not even acknowledge the TO drop.....all he is doing is playing victim and talking about officials.

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