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Opinions on the 12th man today?


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I was at the game and on the way home on 980 Doc Walker was raving about how awesome the 12th man was today. Sure, the Cowboys received a number of false starts, but I for one didn't think the 12th man was anything special today. Maybe the place got a little loud in the 4th quarter, but nothing special, IMO.

They tried several times to ramp up the crowd with footage from the "We Want Dallas" chant at RFK but it didn't seem to do much. And again the Funky Four timing was horrible......they bring them out right after Dallas scored to go up 19-12 and Super Skin came out and laid a Cowboys towel on the field but they stop the music just before he stomped on it. Weak.

But this is going against Bubba's positivity thread. The Skins had a decent effort today and the unbelievable ending put the 14-13 game to shame. The home barnburner wins against the Jags and Cowboys have been a big saving grace for what's been an otherwise mediocre season. I don't have much confidence going up to Philly, but the Eagles have been struggling, so anything's possible. And then the Tampa game is very winnable. Winning the next two on the road will be extremely difficult, but I would be satisfied with a road split to leave us at 4-6 and a sliver's chance coming back for that three game homestand starting Thanksgiving weekend.

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If we win next week and are 4-5 in the division, and the boys lose to the cards, we will be in 2nd place in the division and will have the bucs after that. It is extremely easy to beat the bucs on the road as yall saw today that they got blown out so that would put us at 5-5 with 3 straight home games vs. the panthers, falcons and eagles and if we go 2-1 in that series we will be 7-6 with the saints, rams, and giants left. And if we go 3-0 there, which i hope we should be 10-6 or 9-7 this year!

One can only pray!

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I wasn't at the game, either, but the crowd sure sounded loud on TV. And the guys in the booth were complimentary, too.

I was impressed. (I'll confess, I almost didn't watch. After the way we were embarassed in Week 2, I was expecting more of the same.)

I also noticed a bunch of folks in Skins gear outside the halftime show. Were they tailgaters who didn't have tickets? (I assume FedEx doesn't allow re-entry.)

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We were loud today. I only go to two games a year and I always lose my voice. The crowd was hyped today. There wasn't a thunderous "hey you suck" chant today, but that's because a lot of us were nervous or despairing. But there were times when we had an impact.

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Well since I am at every game I will comment. It was definitely the loudest throughout the game. The Jacksonville game was loud at the end but thats about it. This game was loud throughout except for a few points at the beginning of the 3rd quarter and with a quick score by Dallas and the slow returning crowd as always from halftime I guess thats why.

For the most part I would say the Cowboys fans were enjoyable in the stands. Except for one ******* in 221 who was rooting for the Giants and threaten to hit a woman who sits behind me when she confronted the jackass about yelling stuff about TO during the national anthem. He didnt make it back to his seat after the 1st quarter cause he got the boot.

I was proud of the 12th Man!! The whole we want dallas thing is overrated becuase come on we already are playing them. Its cool the week before we play them or before the game.

Oh yeah and we need a better kickoff thing. The whole oh oh oh whoa thing is really gay and no one buys into it. The stadium needs to play better music and not play the same two songs over and over again.

The 12th Man shined today and helped pull the Skins to a victory!!


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I was in section 135 and was qite disappointed. One guy was actually reading a book!!! Can you believe that. Overall, the volume was okay but it just didn't feel "electric" until the blocked field goal and I go to every game. I think we could also do a lot better on Hail to the Redskins. Regardless, I am voiceless and I know I did my part.

Hail Skins!!

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It simply amazes me time and time again how many people rush for the exits during redskins game before their comletion. With 5 minutes left and the game tied many people left. Then after dallas lined up for the field goal more people left. If traffic is that important to you stay home and sell your ticket to someone who will stay and cheer. Its embarrassing to me as a skins fan. At least we didnt do the wave while the team was on offense again.

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We (res_novae and da klieb) were in 103, and it was loud as all hell. Klieb can't even talk anymore, and my throat hurts unless there's water going down it. Much of the audible cheers(if you can call it that) when dallas made a play was people booing and cheering hits (Res- I was cheering whenever we made a tackle...). It was a helluva game and the 12th man was a big factor.

About the kick at the end, I believe it was Sellers looked like he was raising his arms for the crowd to get lound, I was informed later that he was motioning his arms down to keep us quiet.

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I was at the game and on the way home on 980 Doc Walker was raving about how awesome the 12th man was today. Sure, the Cowboys received a number of false starts, but I for one didn't think the 12th man was anything special today. Maybe the place got a little loud in the 4th quarter, but nothing special, IMO.

They tried several times to ramp up the crowd with footage from the "We Want Dallas" chant at RFK but it didn't seem to do much. And again the Funky Four timing was horrible......they bring them out right after Dallas scored to go up 19-12 and Super Skin came out and laid a Cowboys towel on the field but they stop the music just before he stomped on it. Weak.

But this is going against Bubba's positivity thread. The Skins had a decent effort today and the unbelievable ending put the 14-13 game to shame. The home barnburner wins against the Jags and Cowboys have been a big saving grace for what's been an otherwise mediocre season. I don't have much confidence going up to Philly, but the Eagles have been struggling, so anything's possible. And then the Tampa game is very winnable. Winning the next two on the road will be extremely difficult, but I would be satisfied with a road split to leave us at 4-6 and a sliver's chance coming back for that three game homestand starting Thanksgiving weekend.

bro i can barely talk or hear. i was at the game and it was louder than last year!

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I thought it was sad how fans left after the big completion to set Dallas up for a FG. Just sad.

There was also some booing that I felt was inappropriate. Especially after McIntosh tried to down a punt on the one and he couldn't get his hands on it. ITS A FOOTBALL!! IT BOUNCES FUNNY!! :mad: But, no, ya'll booed. Sad really.

The Funky Four/Superskin timing was bad. And I wanted to see what he would do with the Cowboys towel.

But, the fans made noise when they needed to. There were couple false starts that I thought were due, at least in part, to the fans.

Conclusion: Less boos. Really, you can't boo your own players. It doesn't help. Save your voice and make more noise on defense :D

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Guest Xtrmskn04

I was at the game. I didn't like the superskin standing on the dallas flag. we should have a little more class than that.

However, this was the first time I actually felt the upper deck sway. It happened at RFK but I actually felt the upper deck move.

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I personally hold myself accountable for 1/2 that noise. If you were at the game and saw someone in a red hoodie with a Sean Taylor rookie jersey on just as drunk as hell

and screaming himself hoarse, that was me.

Also, I know there was already a thread about this, but in a couple of instances early in the game, they were piping crowd noise through the speakers. Pretty disappointing that they'd have to resort to that.

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I thought it was sad how fans left after the big completion to set Dallas up for a FG. Just sad.

You want to know the really good news, though?

I'd bet that a lot of folks who left in anticipation of a Dallas win? They didn't even get to hear the Skins win on the radio.

Me, I'll admit. That MNF game last year in Dallas? I turned the game off. I didn't see those two Moss TDs. I still feel bad.

I'd hate to think what I'd feel like if I'd had tickets to a Skins-Boys game, in DC, and because of my Lack of Faith, not only did I not see the Skins W, I didn't even hear it except as a crowd roar behind my back.

So, when you feel sad for the folks who Beat The Traffic, remember: They've been punished. And tomorrow, when the folks at work ask them about the game? They'll get punished again.

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