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Did you honestly feel like this was a super bowl year?


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at the beggining of this year, did you feel we were next in line for a super bowl run?

I have to be honest, I think the front office are the only people that thought we were close to having everything in place to win a championship and that is why the free agent signings came so fast a furious. We have been watching MB struggle for 3 years now and not get any better (don't kid yourself people, brunell has been done for 4 years). Every solid player that we have developed is gone now. The crap feed to fans from snyders propoganda machine during the offseason gave me a false sense of hope and I am pissed.

I was more in the mindframe that it was time to build a team on our success, not overhaul what we had. Like it or not, the only thing left over from last year was Brunnel.

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I honestly felt we had a fighting chance to get deep into the playoffs. Superbowl was a little bit of a stretch while i still felt we had a very good shot. I'm not saying i thought we were immortal but i felt we were a playoff team.....and i still think we are. No giving up now...

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I thought we were a legitimate super bowl contender BEFORE the free agent signings. When we neglected to re-sign Ryan Clark, I knew bad things were happening. Furthermore, I was pissed when we signed Al Saunders, though I do believe that our front office people might develop brains this offseason and decide NOT to make huge overhauls. If we keep the same personnel (including coaches), with a few exceptions (QB, LB) and get some depth through the draft and a few free agents, we should be a legit playoff caliber team again next year.

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I am sick of all the kool aid from this year. the only reason we won 5 games in a row last year was because of clinton.

i got the sick to my stomach feeling the first preaseason game and we couldn't move the ball - even more after clinton got hurt chasing down a mark brunell interception.

damn your snyder. damn you to hell. damn redskins radio, damn fedex field, damn you larry michaels and damn you vinnie cereto. your kool aid tastes like crap now.

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I thought we had a chance to be a top contender this year. With all the talent we have why aren't we? I'm a bit disappointed and hoping for a miraculous turn around. I would like to see my boy Cooley get more passes to him. That dude is diesel...a true locomotive! One things for sure, we need some defensive backs and Gibbs needs to put his nose in Saunders ear and help him figure out some offensive tactics. Enough losing already, it's been too long since a winning season was on our side.

:helmet: :cheers: :helmet:

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Well...I was hoping we would at least get to where we were last season...a playoff bid...and hopefully going further...even to the SB....but, alas...that apparently was just wishful thinking....I certainly didn't think we'd be 2-5....I was hoping for 5-2 or 6-1....I haven't given up hope for this season yet...but I certainly don't see a SB ring for our boyz either..:(


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I never demand super bowls or dare to call a winner early in the season. All I wanted this year was a division title so I could buy a t-shirt to replace the aging one I have from '99. I thought that if we went 5-1 in the division last year, I could at least hope for 4-2 this year. That record is still a possibility although it will take a lot of wins by us and a lot of losses by everyone else for us to still win the division. If we pull that one off, I expect at least one playoff win at FedEx to bring back the all but forgotten RFK crowd. If we carry that momentum even further, wonderful. If we don't, next year we'll have a great offense, a resserected defense, and our fabled old 12th man to get us where we need to go.

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