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Moss's cheapshot pics


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i cant stop laughing the last pix
funny thing is that he did the same???? bulldawy headbutt ???? again later in the game!!!

I really loved the JG's stood up for him in his presser yesterday. When talking about the penalty Gibbs brought up the cheap shot and you could hear in the tone of his voice that he was PISSED.

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I am still wishing one of our DBs reciprocated. :whippin:

Yeah right...twenty bucks says the refs would've seen Sean Taylor lay out a dude, cause dude wouldn't have been able to get up ;). That guy was a puss and got exactly what he wanted out of Santana. Hopefully he will keep trying those kinds of things and Karma will get the better of him.

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Yeah right...twenty bucks says the refs would've seen Sean Taylor lay out a dude, cause dude wouldn't have been able to get up ;). That guy was a puss and got exactly what he wanted out of Santana. Hopefully he will keep trying those kinds of things and Karma will get the better of him.

Agreed on all points. I am also thinking if Taylor did this there would be a hefty fine and possible suspension. It is a joke with the number of officials on the field that they can't see or ignore a player getting speared in the back, away from the play, as it is being whistled dead.

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To be honest, I don't think what the Colts DB did was that dirty. Yeah it was unnecessary, but all he did was give Moss a big shove. I've seen a lot worse to get worked up about. He could of done what that Saints LB did to Steve Smith and taken a shot at his knees. All the guy was doing was trying to get in Santana's head and it worked.

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To be honest, I don't think what the Colts DB did was that dirty. Yeah it was unnecessary, but all he did was give Moss a big shove. I've seen a lot worse to get worked up about. He could of done what that Saints LB did to Steve Smith and taken a shot at his knees. All the guy was doing was trying to get in Santana's head and it worked.

So you think it's fine that the colt jacked Santana in the back of the neck and took him to the ground AFTER the play was over? Did you even watch the game? Please......... put your troll name tag back on.

I'd be pissed if one of our players did that to any other team without being provoked; this was against our team so I was fuming.

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To be honest, I don't think what the Colts DB did was that dirty. Yeah it was unnecessary, but all he did was give Moss a big shove. I've seen a lot worse to get worked up about. He could of done what that Saints LB did to Steve Smith and taken a shot at his knees. All the guy was doing was trying to get in Santana's head and it worked.

the play was over, Moss's back was turned

he was headbutted and shoved to the ground, on turk, and could easily have resulted in a freak injury.... even if it wasn't "much" it was still illegal and blatent.

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So you think it's fine that the colt jacked Santana in the back of the neck and took him to the ground AFTER the play was over? Did you even watch the game? Please......... put your troll name tag back on.

I'd be pissed if one of our players did that to any other team without being provoked; this was against our team so I was fuming.

I'm a troll for not agreeing with the masses? Sorry, I saw it different. It was unnecessary and should of been flagged, but it looked like a shove in the back. A hard shove, but a shove none the less. I've seen DBs come up and cut a WR's legs in situations like that and I believe that's much worse. And defenses are going to try and rough Santana up. He's a hard guy to put a shot on, but DBs will look for opportunities. That's what other teams do to the Colts WRs. The Pats did it to the Rams WRs in the SB a few years back. It's football.

And for the record I thought Daniels and Carter making a taco out of Manning was alright. It was scarey but unintentional and a fluke.

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Tana may have hurt the team on that play, but had he not stood up to the guy it would have continued.

Worse, it would have sent a message to other players that Tana is a Wuss that others can push around...

It did continue, but Santana did the exact same thing, but without the flag. And I don't fault him for either one.

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