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Opinions on Romo....


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What is your fair and unbaised opinion of Romo sits to pee. I know that it difficult for many of you because he's a cowboy, but imagine he was a skin and lets here your take on him..........

I thought he did a GREAT job, and I'm excited as hell. Yeah, yeah, 3 picks. The first one a tip 10 yards in the air, the second one was a hold on Julius Jones, shoulda been a screen, but no penalty (not an excuse though, Romo sits to pee shouldn't have thrown it), and the third was just a bad throw.


You got to give the kid some props. He drove the team each possesion. If TO catches the 4th down pass, we could have an interesting game.

I thought he showed tremendous pocket presense too. You got to remember that NY knew we were going to pass the ball 90% of the time, so Romo sits to pee was playing against 7 defenders each time he dropped back. 15 for 25 for 225 yards and 2 TD's. I"LL TAKE IT !!!!!!!!!

Lets face it, the kid was yanked off the bench at halftime, and put into a tough position against a very dominating pass rush, and on MNF. I thought he did a great job

Bledsoe is done, I said it before this game, and I'll say it now. Just like you guys in with the Brunell situation.....you know what you have in Brunell, and it aint' gonna cut it. Same thing with Bledsoe. Both teams need to make a change. Dallas did, I suspect yours is coming sooner than later.

In a nutshell, I was impressed, and I think Romo sits to pee is the real deal. Here's to the next 10 years with him at the helm!!!


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Unfortunately, I thought that Romo sits to pee did a very good job managing the game. Hell, the guy managed to throw 2 tds in one half. Yeah he had 3 ints, but that was expected. 2 out of the 3 really weren't even his fault, but that is football.

I hate to say this, but from what I saw tonight, Cowboy fans have a reason keep their heads up after a crushing loss like that. I don't see Romo sits to pee leading you guys into the playoffs THIS YEAR, but I think he will be a very good qb for years to come........now excuse me while I go:puke:

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I generally agree with your take. Coming off the bench and with NY knowing he has to throw (especially after the tipped INT) it was a pretty solid performance. There were obviously dumb mistakes and I don't think Redskins fans expect any differently from Campbell, if the day ever comes.

It looked like the third INT was a miscommunication -- I'm not sure, but if you turn that play from INT to TD the stat line is pretty impressive. That's all moot, but at worst, you have plenty of games to evaluate him as a starter in normal situations and determine what you need to do for the future. If Campbell isn't the guy, we need to know so we don't flush another season figuring it out. I think Dallas took the right step.

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I wear my emotions on my sleeve with Dallas and this is the first loss where I don't feel heart broken and disgusted. Was I praying for a story book ending tonight? Sure, and it looked like we had a shot before T.O. dropped a crucial 4th down pass. When you watch enough football you just look for a certain feel for a QB to have. I think Romo sits to pee might have that. He doesn't lock on one reciever and has pretty good pocket presence. He reminds me of a Matt Hasselbeck/Jake Delhomme type without the experience of course. The turnovers were daggers but he did show me alot especially considering the circumstances and the stage he was thrust upon.

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Thanks guys. I enjoy getting a different perspective of his play just incase my homer goggled are clouding my judgment. I just really like this kid. In preseason he's been ungodly good, but like I said, it was preseason. I just didn't see anything to really make me worry tonight. Like you said, 2 of those picks were just crazy stuff happening, and lets face it, he was trying to make something happen in his first game, so I'll forgive him

As far as Campbell goes, I have to believe he'll get a shot very soon. You simply have to go into the offseason and find out what you have there. You still have a number one pick and there are a couple young quarterbacks coming out into free agency too.

I'm guessing one more loss in the next couple of weeks and you'll see him.

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The guy has talent, he won the Payton Award in '02 while still at Eastern Illinois. He's raw, has a lot to work on, but there is definite skill there to work with. As someone that follows IAA football closely, if he wasn't on the Cowboys I'd be rooting for him like crazy.

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The guy has talent, he won the Payton Award in '02 while still at Eastern Illinois. He's raw, has a lot to work on, but there is definite skill there to work with. As someone that follows IAA football closely, if he wasn't on the Cowboys I'd be rooting for him like crazy.

I agree, he's a risk taker. Reminds me of a young Brett Favre. I'm hoping he was just desperately trying to make something happen on a couple of those pick, and won't be indicitive of how he plays. But I'm a realist too, I'm sure he'll make his share of mistakes. But you know what? I can deal with mistakes from a new kid.

Its the mistakes from guys like bledsoe that chap my ass. That pick in the endzone??? Are you friggen kidding me??? Bledsoe's done.

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You cant make any real assessments on him yet. He does bring explosiveness to dallas but at the same time teams dont have film on him yet. The Gmen didnt prepare for him and got 3 pics off of him. If you get some film on him who knows what schemes teams could develope.

Conversely, he didn't get a chance to prepare like the #1 and thus have the reps and a game plan designed for him. What I like about Romo sits to pee is that when he started the second, I had no thoughts about losing the game. I have all the confidence in the world in the guy. Reality hit hard in the form of careless turnovers but I really feel like he gives us the best chance to win NOW even. Bledsoe is a walking, living breathing MISTAKE waiting to happen. I love the guy but he's done.

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Romo sits to pee is/was your best option at QB. Will he be your future? Only time will tell. You just have to remember, don't act like he is going to be your next Troy Aikman. He may be good enough for you guys to stick with but, Troy was one of a rare breed.

I think Romo sits to pee has A LOT more mobility. Advantage TO with that. McNabb AND Garcia were both known to buy time with their feet to allow their WR's to get open.

Your O-Line still needs work. I am sure that will be addressed in the off season. In the mean time, Tony will have to try and make plays with his feet and hope that they hold the rush up enough.

Right now, he ain't no Bledsoe, so Dallas fans should take that and be happy.

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Romo sits to pee is/was your best option at QB. Will he be your future? Only time will tell. You just have to remember, don't act like he is going to be your next Troy Aikman. He may be good enough for you guys to stick with but, Troy was one of a rare breed.


Nah, he's not of Troy Aikman pedigree but I like his attitude and spirit. Like I said, I liken him moreso towards a Delhomme/Hasselbeck type as far as what I hope he can become. I'm not saying he's anything right now. I've just liked the kid all throughout TC/Pre-season and it's exciting to see us moving in a new direction.

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I thought that he played very well despite the picks. Now the question in my mind is, did the Giants D make him look good or did Romo sits to pee make the Giants D look bad. I think maybe both. If it makes you feel better, I'm not enjoying this win as much as I probably should because the D worries me, plus I feel bad about Arrington.

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I just posted this in another thread but Romo sits to pee didn't look bad. I think he was taken out a bit early. For your teams sake, you had better hope Bledsoe can deal with the move. since he has already been through this situation twice prior, this may not set well. If handles it as he has in the past, fine. I think this one hurts him real deep. Bledsoe was not Brunell Bad when benched. Your OL however :doh:

Although under constant pressure and being on the move, Romo sits to pee must set his feet prior to throwing. Most of his poor passes were done with happy feet. Parcells recognized and corrected this issue with Vinnie and the Jets. He became a much better passer once he set his feet.

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Ignore these homers. :doh:

Romo sits to pee is a talented raw QB. Now that we know that he can play, it is up to him to correct his mistakes and find out what kind of QB he wants to be. He could be a TD-throwing gunslinger, or an interception throwing machine. It's all up to how he corrects his technique. Better line play might help. :cool:

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Given Parcells' history of pulling QB's, if he was as good as you say he is, Bledsoe would have been sat a while ago.

I think the Cowboys are going to look to FA/Draft again this offseason. Oh wait... it's Jerry Jones & Bill Parcells we're talking about... they're egotistical enough to feel you can win with anyone behind center. So maybe they'll stick with Romo sits to pee. :applause:



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It's hard to say, really. You can never tell much about a young guy after one game.

In Gus Frerotte threw 3 TDs and crushed the Colts his first start ever. Patrick Ramsey came in against the Titans and threw for 268 yards and 2 TDs. This promise never materialized once opposing defenses got some film on them and schemed for them.

For my part, I was hoping you guys would stay with Bledsoe all year long, because he's killing your team. :) Romo sits to pee is a complete unknown at this point. But I'd take that over Bledsoe if I were a Cowboy fan. I understand your excitement and don't blame you. Someday, hopefully someday soon, we'll feel the same way about Campbell.

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