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2000 all over again...


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This year has been really painful. I see it as a repeated mistake. It's the good intentions of 2000 all over again.

In 2000, Snyder said to Turner, "Hey, we're close... what do you need." Turner answered and gave him exactly what he wanted. This offseason, Snyder went to Gibbs and said what do you need my checkbook is open... Playcalling razzle dazzle, playmaking receivers, a pass rusher or two. The checkbook opened and the team was beset once again with injuries and poor teamwork.

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The 2000 team showed great promise in the first half, they were 6-2. They fell apart because of injuries to Johnson and Davis and Westbrook, and because generally sloppy play and inattention to details.

This team is failing because injuries, but also because of big things like: having a defensive line that is really, really bad, and having a secondary that is equally bad, and linebackers that don't make plays in the event they can actually tackle someone.

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But it was also because Mark Carrier, Jeff George and Bruce Smith were miscalculations. THey looked good on paper, but were one dimentional on the field.

Adam Archuletta is probably the easiest example. I will bet the biggest reason he was obtained was that he was the best blitzing saftey available. Isn't he #1 in sacks all time? So, they got a blitzing saftey with great measureables, figuring they could correct or hide his deficiencies, but now we have a great blitzer who's mostly being used in coverage and it doesn't work.

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2000 was mostly about Snyder hounding Turner to put Jeff George in the lineup over Brad Johnson. Our record was 6-3 when the switch was finally made, and we lost the next 3 out of 4 and Turner lost his job.

The calls for QB change are obviously much more compelling in 2006, since we've had a losing record for a few weeks well before the midpoint of the season.

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I disagree.

Say what you want about the long term impact of those signings but our D jumped from bad to #4. Sanders made game-winning/sealing plays and played well overall. He wasn't worth his pay and didn't match his rep but he was still very good overall.

Smith THAT year was actually decent.

The reason the team went downhill was the offense and problems with injuries and the kicking position.

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I disagree.

Say what you want about the long term impact of those signings but our D jumped from bad to #4. Sanders made game-winning/sealing plays and played well overall. He wasn't worth his pay and didn't match his rep but he was still very good overall.

Smith THAT year was actually decent.

The reason the team went downhill was the offense and problems with injuries and the kicking position.

This is accurate. I'd like to add that our HC/OC at the time did not seem capable of making in-game adjustments. His record in close games***understatement alert***was less than stellar.

3-27-1 IIRC!!!

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It's not 2000. That team was not "bad." It was just incredibly disappointing and had two major weaknesses at key positions:

1. QB. This was a self-made problem because Snyder was in love with Jeff George, and not Brad Johnson.

2. K. This was a combination of bad luck and bad planning.

Once it became obvious that the team was not going to win the Super Bowl, that team just collapsed.

The problem this year is that at least five major units on the team are underperforming.

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I have thought this season reminds me of 2000 season also. Then I realize it actually reminds me more of the 2001 season. Started 0-5 won 5 to get to 5-5 finished season 8-8. Not that this year will finish that well, I for one do not see that. But I do feel alot like I did when we started season 0-5. That year , just like this year, I think " I did'nt think we would be a bad team, now I see we are a HORRIBLE team"

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How were our special teams in 2000? That's our only soild performer this year.

Special teams includes field goal unit. We have not done well with field goals. Take yesterday, it would have probably stayed a closer game if we could just kick field goals. So in my opinion special teams have not been solid, they have been good at times. Also, most kickoffs don't even reach the end zone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not even close.

In 2000 we brought players in mainly to help our defense.

Our defense went from 30 something to top 5 (for most of the season).

People always talk about the 2000 season, but the players brought in (and new DC) helped more than they hurt. Our offense didn't play like it did (early in) the '99 season and we still had Norv as the coach, that's why the 2000 season failed. Not because of the players brought in.

This season, the players brought in on offense should be able to help. They won't be able to however until we put in a QB that can get them the ball. We won't know if they're a bust or not until that happens. Based on that, it maybe a little too early to call for Saunders head (if he's really just calling the game based on Brunell's skill).

On defense, I'm willing to give Carter more time, but yeah, Arc was one of those names brought in just because of his name....

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I still say the analogy is very apt. The results may be different, but the motives that have brought us here are quite similar. Snyder asked Gibbs and Williams what their wishlists were. Gibbs said he need a couple of playmaker receivers. Check. Williams said he needed more pass rushers (Carter was chosen for that role. Archuletta was also. If you remember some preseason threads he is like the all time leader in sacks for a db) check. Right now, this team is playing like a team of mercenaries. They are fighting, but fighting without a tremendous lot of passion. There are also fighting like they have lost faith in their general.

Yesterday, almost no one was fighting to make that extra special play with the exception of Randle El on offense and maybe Holdman on defense. It was actually nice to hear Holdman's name so often on positive plays.

2000 is a lesson we learned incompletely.

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I totally agree and was actually thinking that this morning.

You make the playoffs, win a round with a really banged up team.

We only needed 1 WR. Randel El. No need to trade a pick for Lloyd. I bet there was a halfway decent CB in the 3rd round who could be helping right now.

well, think of it this way. How many jersey's has #85, #40 and #99 sold for Mr. Snyder?

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