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Want to throw away the season for sure? Switch QB now.


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Ok, do I have complaints about Brunell’s play this year? Sure I do. But in my opinion, you pull him now and go with an inexperienced rookie, you guarantee we’re done for the year.

And where as anyone proved that the throws Brunell is making are his choices, or some dip **** play call from above? Will we suddenly start winning when Campbell throws the dink and dunks?

Will Campbell stop the secondary from being burned on every down?

Will Campbell win the game for us when we’re down three scores and huddling up and taking as much time to get a play off as we would if we were UP by three scores?

Guys, I respect the hell out of him, but I’m afraid our coach has lost his energy. Every game he stands there. And stands there. The camera’s on him and I hardly see him even speaking. I know coach Gibbs was never an animated guy like some others, but now, I can’t believe I’m saying this, he looks confused, like a deer caught in the headlights.

Back to Campbell. Is he gonna throw blocks for Portis so he can run more than 14 times in a game?

Will he make us some clutch field goals?

If and when we’re out for sure, absolutely, put him in there. But until then, it shouldn’t even be a consideration.

Unless you want your playoff chances to go from 25% to zero.

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I love this team as much as the next person. I said it before the colts game that if we won against the colts it could change our season, but after losing to the colts I hate to say it but the season is over. Yea we might win a few games here and there to stay a few games back of everyone else but we just dug to deep of a whole. We are one loss away from our total last year. I am sorry but the season I think is done. I want Campbell to start and get valuable experience against teams that are going to be contenders in this league for awhile and teams we will be facing alot. Why let Brunell strugle and pretend like we are going somewhere. Lets find out if Campbell was a waste or he has a future. Brunell is not the sole problem but he is part of it. IF the season is lost lets build on next year and start towards a franchise QB thats all I want for christmas is a franchise QB

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First there is no chance in hell we make the playoffs with Brunell.

Think of it this way.

With Brunell, we have a 5% chance (at best) of making the playoffs, with a standard deviation of 0.000000001%.

With Campbell, we have a 5% chance of making the playoffs, with a standard deviation of 10%.

Good thing we can't have a negative chance of making the playoffs. I'm going with option two.

With Campbell, we won't have receivers wanting to kick the QB's ass - they will understand that he is going through growing pains and that he isn't a vet who should know better to not throw a 2 yard pass on 3rd and 10 - and we will have a team with some LIFE and ZEAL. Remember how much better we looked after benching Brunell in '04? It will be much more this time.

Also, why should we only insert Campbell when the season is done? What kind of experience will that give him? Playing some garbage time in meaningless games? Yeah, that will prepare him for the future :applause:

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Ok, do I have complaints about Brunell’s play this year? Sure I do. But in my opinion, you pull him now and go with an inexperienced rookie, you guarantee we’re done for the year.

And where as anyone proved that the throws Brunell is making are his choices, or some dip **** play call from above? Will we suddenly start winning when Campbell throws the dink and dunks?

Will Campbell stop the secondary from being burned on every down?

Will Campbell win the game for us when we’re down three scores and huddling up and taking as much time to get a play off as we would if we were UP by three scores?

Guys, I respect the hell out of him, but I’m afraid our coach has lost his energy. Every game he stands there. And stands there. The camera’s on him and I hardly see him even speaking. I know coach Gibbs was never an animated guy like some others, but now, I can’t believe I’m saying this, he looks confused, like a deer caught in the headlights.

Back to Campbell. Is he gonna throw blocks for Portis so he can run more than 14 times in a game?

Will he make us some clutch field goals?

If and when we’re out for sure, absolutely, put him in there. But until then, it shouldn’t even be a consideration.

Unless you want your playoff chances to go from 25% to zero.

I think that everything you say is worthless - we're not going to the playoffs with Mark Brunell.

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Ok, do I have complaints about Brunell’s play this year? Sure I do. But in my opinion, you pull him now and go with an inexperienced rookie, you guarantee we’re done for the year.

And where as anyone proved that the throws Brunell is making are his choices, or some dip **** play call from above? Will we suddenly start winning when Campbell throws the dink and dunks?

Will Campbell stop the secondary from being burned on every down?

Will Campbell win the game for us when we’re down three scores and huddling up and taking as much time to get a play off as we would if we were UP by three scores?

Guys, I respect the hell out of him, but I’m afraid our coach has lost his energy. Every game he stands there. And stands there. The camera’s on him and I hardly see him even speaking. I know coach Gibbs was never an animated guy like some others, but now, I can’t believe I’m saying this, he looks confused, like a deer caught in the headlights.

Back to Campbell. Is he gonna throw blocks for Portis so he can run more than 14 times in a game?

Will he make us some clutch field goals?

If and when we’re out for sure, absolutely, put him in there. But until then, it shouldn’t even be a consideration.

Unless you want your playoff chances to go from 25% to zero.

We are as "done for the year" with Campbell as we are with Brunell. He is not going to do anything that you ask about. He is going to gather real world experience running the team in real live games. That will mean a lot next year. Unless you want to stick with Brunell again.

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I love this team as much as anyone but our playoff chances with anyone out there are caput, cablooey. Have you seen the product on the field lately? We are not playoff worthy, not even close. PERIOD end of statement.

Keep in mind I'm NOT a Brunell fan.....BUT Im not blaming as much of the downfall on Brunell as the majority of our fans our. Brunell might be part of the problem but people are blaming him for more than he deserves. He doesnt block, play D, coach or Kick field goals. He may not be Peyton Manning but lets not expect a Brunell benching to change much. Im not a Brunell fan by any means whatsoever but he doesnt deserve nearly as much heat as he gets.

With that being said......our season is done regardless....we need to just chalk it up as a lost season and start to season and develop Campbell on the field. He may struggle at first and we may get blownout but it will be for the better as the season goes on. Brunell aint getting any younger or better but seeing Campbell's "potential" and getting his feet wet is worth sacrifcing the remaining MEANINGLESS games that are on the horizon in weeks 9 - 17.

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Id much rather go 5-11 with Campbell getting experience then go 8-8 or 9-7 and miss the playoffs with Brunell.

At best Brunell could lead us to 8-8 or 9-7 and we would miss the playoffs anyways. I am as loyal a fan as it comes but there comes a time when the rose colored glasses have to come off.

Running the table to make it to the playoffs with the remaining schedule we have is just not going to happen. The only way it MAY happen is if the team gets a spark and has something to play for like a new QB.

The Oline will try harder to not kill the future and a rookie. WR's will lay out for passes to show the rookie they are trying. The D will step their game up so he isn't in a no win situation.

Those above are 100% necessary to run the table and it won't happen with Brunell. I would bet a lot it won't happen with Campbell either but we have invested enough in this kid Id rather waste the end of this year seeing if he is ready then screwing over this year AND next year because it would be the first time he takes a snap.


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How can anyone possibly think that we can win anything with Brunnell at QB????

I went into this season thinking we could do as we done last year, win in spite of him. I see all of these post supporting him because "he lead us to the playoffs last year" or because "in Gibbs I trust" etc, when in fact he has played poorly ever since he has been here. You really could just as well say that Derrick Frost lead us to the playoffs last year a lot more so than Brunnell. At least when Brunnell faltered Frost would give our Defense something to work with.

I also thought it was rediculous for everyone to think that our WRs were so inept last year. We go out and get new WRs and they are just as inept as the ones last year but Brunnell is the one constant.

Gibbs really is a great coach but he's not God and only God can win with Brunnell at QB.

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I personally think we're throwing away the rest of this season AND next season if we keep Brunell in there. He's not getting it done out there, granted, there are other problems with this team other than QB, but QB play is DEFINITLEY one of the problems. Other teams don't respect Brunell, and his own teammates are losing faith in him and the fans have DEFINITLEY lost faith in him. If he comes out and throws a 2 yard dink to Ladell Betts on 3rd and long, Fed Ex is going to let him know about it and it's going to be ugly.

If they bench him right now, he'll have the satisfaction of having his last two passes be a TD and a 2 point conversion. Let him play and say he strings together some wins and we get to 8-8 or hell...what if we get to 9-7 and get a wildcard. Do you honestly think Brunell is going to be able to take us anywhere in the playoffs? Last year we won in spite of his play at QB, then when we needed him to step up and throw the ball against Seattle, he couldn't do it. In the playoffs we're definitley going to face a team where the QB is going to need to step up and win us the game, Brunell is definitley NOT that QB. So, we need to put in Cambell RIGHT NOW. Keeping Brunell in there is an exercise in futility. We have nothing to lose by putting JC in because we certainly have absolutely nothing to gain from keeping Brunell in!

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How can anyone possibly think that we can win anything with Brunnell at QB????

I went into this season thinking we could do as we done last year, win in spite of him. I see all of these post supporting him because "he lead us to the playoffs last year" or because "in Gibbs I trust" etc, when in fact he has played poorly ever since he has been here. You really could just as well say that Derrick Frost lead us to the playoffs last year a lot more so than Brunnell. At least when Brunnell faltered Frost would give our Defense something to work with.

I also thought it was rediculous for everyone to think that our WRs were so inept last year. We go out and get new WRs and they are just as inept as the ones last year but Brunnell is the one constant.

Gibbs really is a great coach but he's not God and only God can win with Brunnell at QB.

Yeah man, it's time for a change. I didn't expect to beat the Colts, but I didn't expect us to be 2-5 right now either. Brunell is our Drew Bledsoe, sometimes he looks great and sometimes he looks atrocious, but never in between.

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We have to give up a season to Campbell's development at some point. It might as be the one that is dead anyway.

Would your rather know what you have with Campbell at the end of this year? Or use next year as the evaluation period?

Though' date=' to be honest, I still think Brunell is the opening day starter in 2007.[/quote']

I hope you're wrong about the latter point...but you're right about needing to know at the end of the year. We definitely need to know before the draft.

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the plays called are not designed for dink and dunks to Ladell Betts. Brunell just ignores taking any kind of risk down the field, where as a young QB will take those risks. Brunell had 20 passes under 5 yards in the air, unacceptable. I want to hear by Wednesday that Saunders is planning on Campbell starting and constructing a gameplan around him.

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Your font hurst my eyes and your opinion hurts my head.

We're not going anywhere with Brunell. We're losing in embarassing fashion. If we're going to lose, let's lose and get a young QB some valuable playing time. You never know, he might even make some plays from the QB position or throw a deep seam pass. Crazy stuff like that can happen when your QB isn't old and scared.

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Throw away the season for sure!??!?! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Season's gone bro. Next event of significance is April 2007.

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The season is already over. There will be no playoffs for this team.

The only way that we can make the rest of the season useful is if we put Jason Campbell in the starting lineup. If he has to experiance growing pains, now is the perfect time to let that happen.

Mark Brunell is never going to be any better than he is right now. If he was 24 and not 36, I would say "Hmmm... he looks like he has some potential. As his understanding of the NFL increases, he'll be a good one for us." Unfortunately, he has no upside at this point. He is no longer the star he was earlier in his career. He will only continue to decline.

Jason Campbell may be a bust. But he has an upside. He could very well end up being a star, as well. But we need to use these final games, no matter how painful they may be, to see what sort of ability he has. If Campbell shows us something, I could care less if we lose the rest of our games this year.

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we lost this game because of the Defense, not because of Brunell

Ok maybe. But if we aren't winning any games with Brunell, why not see what we have in Campbell. Brunell hasn't done anything to solidify his position. He has either been ok or bad. He has not been great and he has not been consistant.

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Would you rather they "throw away the season" or see Brunell get booed off the field? One of the two will happen, my friend. If Gibbs loves Brunell so much he would be doing him a big favor by not playing him at home against Dallas in two weeks.

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