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Giant's experience with Indy this year


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Opening day--Manning vs. Manning in the Meadowlands. We let Indy get a quick lead and that is death because Peyton will just pick you apart. They are a well coached team and they will control the clock and then hit the big one. If you guys fall behind by 10 or more quick, it's over. Giants rallied to trail 23-21 in the 4th quarter, but Indy kicked a field goal and then controlled us over the last minute. Final Indy 26 Giants 21 and this was in the Meadowlands. You, of all teams, understand the difficulty of playing in the Meadowlands. Didn't phase Indy. Gonna be tough on you guys playing in Indy.

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Let me translate this for you guys, I think I know what he is saying:

Since the Colts got a quick lead up on the Mighty football Giants, if the Colts get a even the slightest lead on the lowly Redskins it's over before halftime.

Because we all know how hard it is to get a quick lead up on the Giants.

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Let me translate this for you guys, I think I know what he is saying:

Since the Colts got a quick lead up on the Mighty football Giants, if the Colts get a even the slightest lead on the lowly Redskins it's over before halftime.

Because we all know how hard it is to get a quick lead up on the Giants.

The Redskins proved that by building up a lead on the Giants, no matter how small, they roll over and die and the game is promptly over. Even if it's just 3 points...


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Control clock=requires a running game or converting multiple 3rd downs. The Colts don't have a running game, so I guess we'd better try to make Manning go 3 and out a few times. Thanks for the post. It really helped put things in perspective :D



"Believe it or not" the colts will try to run the ball. That is the scouting report on the skins. We will need to stop the run and get off the field on 3rd down.

Lamar Marshall has to have a big game this week! If he can't do it, we may look at MCune (sp?). The middle lb position needs to have a big game against the draws and sweeps. Marshall was beat many times over the last 2 weeks, he needs to step up and have a big game this week.

I cant tell you how many times I saw the same play over and over again last week. Many would isolate Marshall on the RB. Marshall is not playing well at the line of srimmage)

We need a MLB to take control and make this defense work. GW can't go out there and make plays. The Players have to do that. I think making a move at MLB is almost as big as Qb, but I think this is what is needed at this point.

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