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There's Good News Here in the Silver Lining


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I know...everyone around here isn't in the greatest of moods and rightfully so. The Skins have been hit or miss inconsistently the whole season. Here we are almost two whole months into the season and a perennial playoff team is struggling, BUT...

Here's the good news. Dexter Manley is no longer on the roster.

Some may say this isn't a big deal. I beg to differ. Having a constant distraction on your ballclub can be a distraction to the team. With Manley gone, Gibbs and Williams can now get down to the business at hand...making up ground on other NFC teams.

The Bucs on the other hand are on a roll. We haven't lossed a game in almost 11 days. Gruden's found something in this Bucco Bruce kid.

So, all is not lossed Skins fans. Put your best foot forward and walk.

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