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Gibbs finally seeing the light?


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Keep in mind that I am in NO way doubting Gibbs; I'm a massive Gibbs homer and he's earned my trust in all areas. He could tell me that my computer screen was a cantaloupe and I'd believe him.

However, with Hall departing, perhaps Gibbs has finally started to let go of loyalties and actually let a person's play be a stronger influence than his history with the team. This is a big deal and could have massive POSITIVE implications for the team. I'm a big Brunell guy, too, but if he just doesn't have it anymore, then maybe Gibbs has reached the point where he can put more faith in giving Campbell a shot.

Also, this could mean that nobody is safe anymore. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing; this is how it is on all teams except for the Redskins. He already lit a fire under Frost's ass by bringing in the Aussie and that other guy, and now I heard that someone else was working out for the 'Skins, too. It's good to have competition, as I feel that even good players, such as Jansen, have become too complacent with their roles and take their roster spots for granted.

This could really be a huge turning point for Gibbs and our organization. Maybe we have to pull a 2004 Giants and throw one or many new people in there which could really cost us the season, but I think that it could be worth it. I'm not saying that I've given up on 2006, but it just feels like Gibbs is starting to find a much healthier medium between being a Redskins family and a Redskins team.

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Well, that's one way to look at it. I think Gibbs will send a message when he feels he needs to. Turning point may be a bit much though.

EG= Antonio Brown being let got after a fumble last season.

Eh, I don't know if the Brown situation was comparable. Gibbs was never defending Brown over and over and over and over and over again. Hall, however, is just as important to Gibbs as Brunell is. If he can be gone, then anyone can be. I really think that this has the potential to be a massive change.

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Guest sith lord
Keep in mind that I am in NO way doubting Gibbs; I'm a massive Gibbs homer and he's earned my trust in all areas. He could tell me that my computer screen was a cantaloupe and I'd believe him.

However, with Hall departing, perhaps Gibbs has finally started to let go of loyalties and actually let a person's play be a stronger influence than his history with the team. This is a big deal and could have massive POSITIVE implications for the team. I'm a big Brunell guy, too, but if he just doesn't have it anymore, then maybe Gibbs has reached the point where he can put more faith in giving Campbell a shot.

Also, this could mean that nobody is safe anymore. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing; this is how it is on all teams except for the Redskins. He already lit a fire under Frost's ass by bringing in the Aussie and that other guy, and now I heard that someone else was working out for the 'Skins, too. It's good to have competition, as I feel that even good players, such as Jansen, have become too complacent with their roles and take their roster spots for granted.

This could really be a huge turning point for Gibbs and our organization. Maybe we have to pull a 2004 Giants and throw one or many new people in there which could really cost us the season, but I think that it could be worth it. I'm not saying that I've given up on 2006, but it just feels like Gibbs is starting to find a much healthier medium between being a Redskins family and a Redskins team.

Dude, getting rid of a KICKER doesn't mean anything. As you continue to watch football, you'll realize that the kicker is often made the scapegoat.

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Eh, I don't know if the Brown situation was comparable. Gibbs was never defending Brown over and over and over and over and over again. Hall, however, is just as important to Gibbs as Brunell is. If he can be gone, then anyone can be. I really think that this has the potential to be a massive change.

You have a point, maybe it's not a fair comparison. However, hall is injured and now on IR. Same thing happened to Patten last year. I just don't see it as a major sign that he will change his ways. In fact, I'm not sure he needs to. Hall was a great kicker. "WAS" being the key word. His injuries caught up to him but he has been a great Redskin when healthy. I think it might have more to do with Danny Smith than Gibbs also.

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Chris Cooley acknowledged on the Comcast Post Game Show after the loss to the Giants that this Redskin’s team plays best when their back is against the wall. That raises some serious questions in my mind. Is that perception an admission that this team simply does not put forth its best effort on a weekly basis? Or that they require dire consequences in order to motivate them to perform at the high levels that fans expect and an owner who pays the bills deserves?

Is this mindset something that the coaching staff has failed to take into consideration? Have their motivational techniques been wasted and backfired with this particular group of players? Was an easy training camp the last thing they needed? Was it a mistake to gloss over those shoddy Preseason efforts and attribute the problem to not utilizing the entire playbook? Will loyalty and sticking with under and non performers be respected and appreciated by the players, or send the correct signal that this group needs to succeed?

I have no idea whether any particular rookie or reserve is ready to play and I’m not trying to argue that point, but sometimes a change has more to do with the statement that is being made and the message that it delivers to everyone. If a starter can’t find it within himself to perform on a consistent basis then that’s a major problem.

I would hate to play for a coach like Schottenheimer or Coughlin, but then again I wouldn’t approach my job with an attitude that I wasn’t going to perform until I felt that I was on the verge of losing my job or missing the playoffs either. It seems like a lot of the Skin’s problems have more to do with effort than ability, and if motivation is an issue then I look to the coaching staff to address that. It’s no fun being a hard ass, but if you tell me that you need your back against the wall to perform at your best, then I’m going to come up with a method of my own to apply the pressure that you’ve asked for!

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Yeah Gibbs has a strange way of being loyal up until the point at which he isn't.

Unlike a lot of other coaches, he will not speak ill of a player while they still are on the team, he won't even doubt their ability until they are benched.

I hope that both the Defense and Offense no longer sticks by contracts, I expect Rocky, Demetric Evans and Golston to get their fair shots starting next week, and Curry Burns should get more reps at safety as well.

Rumph should get to play CB more as well, imo. Can't do much worse, that is for sure.

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Eh, I don't know if the Brown situation was comparable. Gibbs was never defending Brown over and over and over and over and over again. Hall, however, is just as important to Gibbs as Brunell is. If he can be gone, then anyone can be. I really think that this has the potential to be a massive change.

Actually, I think it is comparable. Both had struggles in preseason and were on short leashes. Brown because of his carelessness with the ball, and Hall because of his injuries. When it looked like that Hall was going to be struggling through injuries yet again, it was time to cut bait.


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i would love for your scenario to be true and i agree that some players may have become complacent knowing how loyal Gibbs is to "his" guys.

however, Hall being put on the IR is probably just the result of him expending every possible chance of scoring in the clutch and staying healthy. after last week there really was no option.

now the positional coaches could make a case for your scenario to their players, whether true or not, and that could definitely have a big impact.

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I hope that both the Defense and Offense no longer sticks by contracts, I expect Rocky, Demetric Evans and Golston to get their fair shots starting next week, and Curry Burns should get more reps at safety as well.

If last week was a sign of anything, it looks like Reed Doughty is going to get more snaps.


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I doubt it. He's not seeing any light, he's replacing a bum kicker who is officially too injured to play. The same kicker some of us have wanted to get rid of for quite some time. There's nothing he can do about it. There are still a few changes that need to be made in much more visible positions, and there's no way that Gibbs makes them. Loyalty, to the death (of this team).

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Hall wasn't cut because Gibbs was going lax on his deep-rooted loyalty thing. He was cut because he was injured.

Burnell ain't injured. He stinks, yes, but he ain't injured. So until his arm falls off (which doctors predict to occur sometime around week 9 or 10), you can expect Burnell to line up under center until Gibbs 2.0 is replaced with a more current operating system, like DOS or UNIX.


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Hall wasn't cut because Gibbs was going lax on his deep-rooted loyalty thing. He was cut because he was injured.

Burnell ain't injured. He stinks, yes, but he ain't injured. So until his arm falls off (which doctors predict to occur sometime around week 9 or 10), you can expect Burnell to line up under center until Gibbs 2.0 is replaced with a more current operating system, like DOS or UNIX.


DOS? What year are you in?

Anyway, to Sith Lord: I've been watching football for a minute or two. Maybe if you research Gibbs, then you'll notice that he always makes HIMSELF the scapegoat.

To everyone else: A player that Gibbs brings in is never just another person at his position; it's always someone who Gibbs will give second through thousandth chances to. Cutting Hall is a big deal.

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He was cut because he is injured over and over again. Not b/c "Gibbs is starting to find a much healthier medium between being a Redskins family and a Redskins team."

This isn't a change in Gibbs loyalness to players. Its a damn KICKER with injury problems.

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I have no idea whether any particular rookie or reserve is ready to play and I’m not trying to argue that point, but sometimes a change has more to do with the statement that is being made and the message that it delivers to everyone. If a starter can’t find it within himself to perform on a consistent basis then that’s a major problem.

I think this post is right on point. This paragraph especially.

Look...no matter the business, success or failure always starts with management. Obtaining the right personnel, training those people, monitoring their production and then holding them accountable. Clearly, management has failed at one or more of these critcal areas. Ahh...but things could change as we witnessed today with Hall.

After seeing Gibbs press conference on Monday, I think he is extremely angry at the whole organization, both management and players. Seeing Hall go does not suprise me and other changes could well be in the making such as those suggested by HPS.

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If you are secretly hoping for Campbell to get playing time then you might as well give that up now.

Brunell is top 10 in the NFL right now in passer rating.

I do think you might be in luck if you are looking for someone to get cut in the secondary. We're ranked 28th vs. the pass right now.

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I think the fact that Hall kicked on Sunday means that Gibbs still lets loyalty drive his decsions where it shouldn't.

Well, that was Sunday. He did cut/IR/whatever him. I don't know if the people who are saying that he was just an injured kicker are right, but it's still important that he did cut him. Gibbs tends to stick with his guys no matter what, so either way it's a big deal that Hall is gone.

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I am stoked that we finally brought Novak back. The guy was 5-7 on field goals for us last year and if you remember the 2 he missed were blocked. He is a hometown boy and will be a great asset for the rest of the season. That being said we need to go into the bye 4-3. We should beat the Titans and if we can't than the season is lost. If we beat the Titans and can somehow beat the surging Colts that will give the Skins the confidence that they need to make it to the post-season. I hope that we give Springs one more week of rest so that he is able to play in the Indy game. He is a key component to the D and when he is back, look out. HTTR

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Gibbs approach with his players is a lot like a parent. - When you make a mistake, he's not going to berate you in front of others. He will continue to encourage you and try to build you up with him telling everyone else he still believes in you. - This is how he has taken so many players in the past that no one thought were anything special, and turned them into important pieces on Championship teams.

The problem with John Hall isn't that he didn't respond to Gibbs' loyalty, but his health prevented him from being the player we need him to be, and Gibbs saw that.

The QB situation is a different story, because as we all know, Joe Gibbs prefers (feels safer) with a veteran under center. We saw it with Theismann, and we're seeing it now with Brunell. - Last year he stood behind Patrick Ramsey all off-season, training camp and pre-season, but in the first real game, Patrick confirmed his fears and had 3 turn-overs in a little under 2 quarters of play.

I haven't given up on Brunell yet, but if he seems to be holding the offense back, I hope someone else on our coaching staff can convince Joe that a change is needed.

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