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BASELESS RUMOR: Shockey to Oakland for Randy Moss

Khun Kao

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Don't shoot the messenger....

I am trying to search now to find a source, but another pro-football message board I occassionally visit says that KHTK Radio in Sacramento is reporting this trade is to be announced tomorrow (Saturday)....

I'm trying to search for any evidence to support this now....

(TITLE editted at Mod's suggestion since no links supporting this recent claim have been found apart from the message board I was on)

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A preliminary search for anything to back this up shows a references to this scenario....

All from back in 2005! I cannot find anything recent. I think this is B.S. and I'm sorry to have wasted everyones time.

I thought B.S. right from the start because the Giants don't NEED someone else for Eli to throw to, they need Eli to actually throw it to them rather than OVER them.....

....and a Defense!

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Uh, I'd rather have Shockey on the Giants. He is suck. Moss, however, is one of the best in the league; given the right quarterback he could really be better than our Moss. Don't get me wrong, as I'd take Santana over any other receiver in the league, but Randy is far from bad.

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Uh, I'd rather have Shockey on the Giants. He is suck.

Shockey sucks, huh? I definitely don't like the guy, but he's a pretty damn good tight end when he's not yelling at the refs or criticizing his coach...

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I would believe it if there was any shred of it making sense on any level. But, what do the Giants need with another WR?? Just doesn't make any sense.

Shockey AND Toomer for Moss, I could buy that. I don't think there is a chance in hell that any of this happens but, at least I could buy that rumor.

Always fun to talk trade rumors no matter how ridiculous.

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Shockey sucks, huh? I definitely don't like the guy, but he's a pretty damn good tight end when he's not yelling at the refs or criticizing his coach...

Shockey has stone hands. He drops easy passes. Wouldn't you rather have Gates, Cooley, Gonzalez, Crumpler? This guy is as big a crybaby as KWII!

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